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Personal Log - Stardate 75181.5

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 1:31am by Captain Samuel Woolheater

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
790 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


"Marine captain's personal log, stardate 75181.5. All of the crew, including the detatchment, were granted shoreleave and some team building excercises. Infantry were mixed in with the regular crew compliment and we got some shoreleave as well as getting to know out crewmates. I learned that I don't know my fellow crew nearly as well as I should. I learned that we're better and stronger by investing time in getting to know the people and ship we're tasked to serve and protect."

A marine appeared at the doorway to the platoon HQ offices, "Cap?" she asked. Sam looked up from his work, "Computer, pause recording. What's up?" he asked.

"There's something wrong with room three at the training facility. Bowman, Claude and Goudel are stuck inside" she said with concern on her face.

"See if there's a maintenance technician..." Sam started and was interrupted. "The doors won't open, a conduit is really hot and they can't get out."

Sam got to his feet and knew that this was a problem. He tapped the COMM on his desk,

=A= Adelaide? Would you please call Engineering? We have a malfunction in training room three with a hot conduit and a stuck door =A=

=A= I'm on it! =A= Adelaide replied and made the call.

"Show me" Sam said as the two left the HQ and walked across the deck towards the training facility where a dozen or so Marines had gathered.

"Make a hole!" Sam said as he walked towards the room. He could feel the heat coming from the door. He tapped the COMM into the room by pressing the activate switch on the LCARS panel,

"Hey! Colonel is not going to like it that you turned her training room into a sauna" he said as he tried to make contact. A weak sounding voice of Claude came back, "Hey Cap. Sorry sir."

"What's your situation in there?" Sam asked as he tried to access the door controls.

Claude answered, "We were doing some hand-to-hand. Working on a set of moves that Sgt. Gami wants us to work on. When it started to get hot in here. We figured that maybe...I don't know...environmentals were off and that we should just tought it out. So we continued. We took a break to get some water and open the door when it was obvious that something was wrong. Found out the doors were stuck and near the bulkhead, a conduit, we think, is really hot."

Sam looked to the Marine at his left and said to him, "Call a medic, get some water and some cool sheets."

The Marine looked at him with a question but was in motion as Sam answered that look, "Bedsheets. Get them wet with cold water. Its to bring down their core temperature. Heatstroke. Move" he said. Three Marines sprang into action to get the items Sam asked for.

Returning his attention to the COMM panel, "Copy that. We got a call into Engineering. Help is on the way. Where abouts is this hot conduit?"

"At our six. Other end. Near the holo-emitters" Claude answered.

Sam was unsuccesful in getting the doors open and gave up, "How's everyone holding up?"

"Goudel is down. Trying to keep him cool. We're all....kind of roasting in here. We wouldn't mind it at all if you could cut us out. Sir."

Sam answered, "Not a problem. Starfleet can bill me. Hang in there just another minute."

At that moment, the power to this area suddenly went out. Lights and LCARS terminals went dark to the training facility. The COMM was also dead now. Sam listened, tried to listen to the other side of the door to hear if there had been an explosion and heard nothing.

Almost as soon as it went out, the power came online again. The LCARS panels retstarted and started a diagnostic when the doors to room three suddenly popped open about half a meter.

Quickly, the company of marines pulled the doors open the rest of the way as an oven like amount of hot air poured into the corridor. In a moment, the four training marines were pulled out of the room and moved away to safety. They were suffering from heatstroke. The medic arrived at the same time two Engineers did. The training room was completely dark except for the faintly glowing - and no longer powered - transfer conduit.

A small disaster; averted.

Opening up their uniforms and laying the cold sheets as fresh and cool air was blown over them helped to immediately cool their body core temperature down. Cooler water was offered. They would recover. Nobody died today.
Sam got the facts and made his report.



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