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Senior Staff Dinner

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 7:36am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Kyle Reece & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Rin & Consul Andrinn Orin & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Lieutenant JG Maxine Mckull & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Large Dining Room, Deck 4
Timeline: MD4 20h00
4690 words - 9.4 OF Standard Post Measure

It was rare that Phoenix would host a senior staff diner, but with the current situation, she chose to start a tradition. So on deck 4 in one of the formal large dining rooms, she prepared a buffet, as she was well aware of the different nutritional needs of her senior staff. If this diner was a success, then she would make sure to make it a monthly event.

She had told them that there was no uniforms required so dress casual.

Naxea entered, wearing khaki colored slacks with a purple loose fitting shirt. She felt odd coming to a dinner out of uniform. "What's the occasion, Commodore?" she asked, approaching the woman.

"The occasion is so we can all just relax as senior staff." Phee said. "I want the senior staff to know each other a bit more."

Mattias looked over from the bar, as he was in the middle of making drinks from himself and Phoenix. "Evening, Colonel," he said with a polite grin. He was wearing a pair of tan slacks, with a sage green Henley, the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. "May I fix you a drink?"

"Sure, I'll have a Sumarian Sunrise," Naxea said

Rin arrived in black slacks and a blue short-sleeved, closely tailored shirt, revealing the implants that ran up her left arm. The short heels on her shoes gave the somewhat diminutive woman another inch or so in height.

"Evening, Commodore," she said as she entered.

Gary was the next to enter, he had on black slacks, black shoes a short sleeve garnet colored shirt that was unbuttoned at the neck. His eyes swept the room as he took in all who were already here. "Evening Commodore, Colonel Naxea, Commander Rin and Captain Richardson." He finished as he came farther into the room.

Once more, the doors hissed open. Max had been standing outside for a short time, driven here by the commodore's note. In some ways, she felt like she had to attend, even though being social was the last thing on her mind at the moment. Even still, she pushed herself forward, one step at a time, until she stood inside the dining room. With the doors now closed, she sealed her fate.

The directive may have been civilian clothing, but it wasn't any more specific than that. As such, Max had opted for a traditional, utilitarian, gray civilian jumpsuit. Standing near the doors, she silently looked around, trying to get a sense of those were gathered. The only person she really had any interactions with had been Captain Taylor, when she first came aboard.

Stealing herself, Max approached the buffet. She spotted Commodore Phoenix, her instinct being to salute, but she didn't. Instead, she offered a respectful nod to the woman, her eyes starting to scan the buffet. As she did, she couldn't help but wonder to herself, how did she end up here?

Phoenix waved her into the room with a warm smile. "Come in Lieutenant, meet everyone."

Alicia entered the room next wearing a tan coloured trousers and a light coloured blouse, she’d been delayed dropping off Connor and N’Vea with her mother having promised Savar he could have some bonding time with their adopted son Soral. “Apologies I was delayed dropping off the kids.” She smiled warmly at all present.

N'vok followed shortly behind Alicia, he was wearing a grey Vulcan robe, with a pin of green and grey glass in the form of a flower, perhaps, worn on the left breast. He nodded politely. "Good evening all."

The door opened again as the chief doctor stepped through a cermetic pot under each arm. " Hope I'm not late." He said with a warm smile.

“No later than me” Alicia smiled at her father. “Is mum going to manage the kids alright? I know she said she would but that’s my mother, she never says no!”

" Ssshe insssisssted she will mange just right my dear. You know your mother." The old gorn responded with a smile. He knew better than to argue with his wife.

Andrinn came in after several of the others, as he had a later evening trying to update even more of the cultural databases. After everything the Elysium had learned about their new friends, Andrinn knew that it was best to keep up to date on everything and make sure the crew had the most up-to-date information.

The computer had beeped in Andrinn's office to remind him of the dinner, so he ran down to get a quick shower and to change into something more comfortable. Andrinn saw all the wonderful food that had been placed out and his Chief of DipSec making drinks. He walked over to Mattias and asked with a smirk on his face, "Are you the bartender tonight, my dear Captain?"

Mattias grinned and shook his head. "No, Ambassador. Just for my wife, unless someone catches me in a good mood by the bar." He then lifted the three drinks he had made, walking over to Naxea first, giving her hers, then moved over to his wife, and handed hers to her.

At that moment, the doors slid open again, and Kyle entered. He was dressed comfortably in jeans, brown leather boots, and a blue flannel button up shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms. "Apologies if I'm late. My daughter had a bad day at school today and needed some hugs and support."

"Oh?" Naxea began, downing a sip of her drink. "What happened?"

Andrinn walked behind the bar himself and began to make a drink for himself as he looked over at Kyle and said, "Yeah, do tell. Hopefully, they're okay and nothing too crazy happened."

Gary walked over to the bar, "Matt, can I trouble you for a rum and coke please? While he waited, he turned back to the group and asked Kyle "What happened Kyle? LL is three and will start school in the not distant future and I'd like to be prepared as best I can for school and all that goes with it."

"Oh, Captain. I'll make you one since I'm over here anyways. Elevate some of the pressure off our dear bartender!" Andrinn said as he grabbed some of the rum from underneath the bar and replicated the coke needed for the drink.

Gary nodded and smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Mr. Orin. I certainly appreciate it." He replied as he sat on stool at the bar and made himself comfortable. Grabbing a handful of pretzels from a nearby bowl.

It didn't take long for Andrinn to fix up the drink. He walked over to where Gary was sitting and placed a coaster down before saying, "One rum and coke for our dear XO."

Gary chuckled in good humor. "Why, thank you Mr. Orin for both the drink and the sentiment. Both are greatly appreciated."

"I'm just glad that it was an easy enough mix. Rum and coke. Hopefully, you enjoy it though, sir," Andrinn offered up with a smile before grabbing the drink that he made for himself and headed to take a seat himself.

Once everyone finished speaking, Kyle responded. "Well, seems that my sweet Zhana has a bit of a crush on one of the boys in school, but she just found out that he is already dating a girl that she doesn't like. So, she is feeling a bit heart broken."

“That’s such a shame” Alicia gave Kyle a caring glance. “Fortunately my children have plenty of time ahead of them before I have to worry about that, besides Soral but I’m sure he’ll find an appropriate girl for a Vulcan one day. As for Zhana I’m sure she’ll find another boy she likes when she’s feeling better.”

Kyle nodded thoughtfully. "Unfortunately, as there are only ten children her age on board, it makes things a bit more difficult than if she were in a terrestrial-based school environment."

"You are doing what every parent should do when their child has a problem. You are there to comfort and support them along with talking to them. I think like Alicia alluded to, your daughter needs to realize that while this is a big deal to her, she will get over it," Gary added. "I won't have those issues for years with LL."

“I’m always available if Zhana needs any support” Alicia offered a warm smile. “That goes for any of our onboard children, and there’s also Tate she’s our paediatric specialist.”

Gary had a passing thought of why Alicia didn't mention Savar. The decided it was just on oversight and nothing more.

Naxea nodded thoughtfully at the comment. She personally dreaded the day Sle'anna got a crush on someone, though luckily that day was a bit away.

"With all the discoveries and first contact with new species that we're bound to have, I'm sure that her heartbreak will be forgotten soon enough. I'm sure that it's still tough as a father to watch your kids go through something like that though," Andrinn offered up as he took a seat near the crowd and listened in.

Kyle nodded to everyone, as he replied. "Thanks. It's bad enough that she and her brother lost their biogical parents during the crossing, I just want to give them both the best life that I can." He shrugged, as he added, "I just hope that, when we do get home, their biological family won't try to take them from me against their wills. I know that I only adopted them a couple months ago..." he shook his head briefly. "...but they are already everything to me. I love them as if I was their biological father."

"I understand perfectly how you feel Kyle," Gary answered. "And it's because you care and love as much as you do that you are a great father to Zhana and her brother."

Andrinn pat Kyle shoulder gently and replied, "If you ever need any help with finding their family when we get back home and figuring out any cultural stuff, just let me know cause I can reach out to the embassy back on Earth and their homeworld. Hopefully, that will bring down the chances of anything you just mentioned."

Kyle grinned softly and nodded to Andrinn. "Thanks, Andy. I'll take you up on that offer as soon as we get home."

Rin wandered a bit listlessly. She, of course, had no children on board, and no minor children at all, which had become the entirety of party conversation. She really wish the Commodore would stop forcing her officers into social situations without purpose. It felt more like a lab experiment than anything.

Max had been eyeing the buffet, trying to decide what she wanted to serve herself as the conversation continued on around her. She finally decided on a fairly simple salad and, as she retrieved the item and began to look around for somewhere to sit, perhaps out of the way, she spotted an equally lost looking Rin. She slowly approached, lifting one hand slightly in greeting to the other woman and offered a monotonic, "Good evening."

"Hello," Rin motioned to the seat beside her.

As the conversation continued on around her, Maxine moved to take the offered seat, setting her food down in front of her. She glanced over at Rin, studying her for a moment. As she nibbled on her salad, her implant spoke for her. "You look quite lost," she observed, her expression flickering, for the briefest of moments, towards something resembling a mix of sympathy and amusement.

"More bored than lost," Rin replied. She then offered her hand. "Lt. Cmdr. Rin, Chief of Intelligence. You're Lt. McKull, yes? Welcome to the senior staff. How's it treating you so far?"

Max clutched her fork in one hand, frozen in mid air. She glanced around, letting out a slight huff of air. For a moment, she didn't respond, the words refusing, in fact reality itself refusing to resolve into something she could grasp onto, in the present moment. She couldn't shake the feeling that she shouldn't be here.

"It is... overwhelming," she said simply. "Unsettling."

"It'll pass," Rin plainly, almost offhandedly, assured her. "They wouldn't have put you here if you couldn't do the job."

Well that was certainly... a casual response. Max gave another quick look around the room before she returned her attention to Rin, then looked down at the fork she admittedly forgot she had been holding. She continued to nibble her food, a silence settling over the pair like a blanket, or a heavy weight. She wasn't sure which. But she finally broke it by asking, "How did you come to be here?"

"Promoted to Chief of Intel on the USS Mississippi, then transferred here to fill a role that was almost habitually empty," Rin replied. "Went from big fish in small pond to more of a medium sized fish in big pond. You?"

Maxine bit down on her lip and sighed softly, a frown tugging on the corners of her mouth. "I served at the helm of the Ajax for a year or so," she starts monotonically. "An old Excelsior class. We were investigating some strange readings we were seeing from a planet near the neutral zone, when the ship was attacked by privateers. After that incident, I was transferred to DS4 and served as its head nurse due to my," she paused, lifting a hand and using it to draw air quotes, a flicker of annoyance briefly crossing her face. "Dangerous, reckless maneuvers." She lowered her hands, continuing, "I was there for four years, when I was transfered to the Elysium rather... abruptly. Except..."

Max trailed off, glancing around at the senior officers present. She didn't recognize anyone from flight control, which still gnawed at her.

"I'm not sure I've ever known a pilot who hasn't been accused of 'dangerous, reckless maneuvers,'" Rin quipped. "I'd be more suspicious of one that hasn't. But, head nurse? That's quite a jump. How did you end up there?"

S'hib had been quiet for most of the dinner, picking at the food on his plate and stirring it around, his mind elsewhere, still in his office, still going over concerning reports. But his ear flicked when Rin mentioned reckless piloting, grabbing what little attention he had and pulling his view across the table towards her, though he wasn't sure why.

"Medical was my secondary selection during my time at the academy," Max stated plainly. "After the pirate incident, Captain Sterling thought my skills would be better suited elsewhere. He does not like... unpredictable officers," she droned on with a slight shrug.

"Pirates?" S'hib muttered quietly as he glanced at Max, unintentionally directing a question towards her.

Max turned towards the man who had been quiet up to this point, nodding slowly. "Ferengi privateers," she replied. "A small group of them."

N'vok found a place to observe, he was unsure of the protocol here, and so was more comfortable watching and learning before choosing a more active course.

As everyone kept talking and enjoying the food and drink thelat Phoenix had had set out for them, Kyle looked around at his fellow senior officers. When his eyes landed on Max, he suddenly had an odd tug in his mind. While he knew her from their time on board, something felt off about her being in the position she was in. He couldn't figure it out, no matter how he thought about it. He decided to talk to bother Phoenix and Gary about it.

As he stepped over to where the Commodore was standing, he made eye contact with Gary and silently asked him to join them, with a dip of his head towards Phoenix. When he reached his commanding officer, Kyle gave her a polite smile. "Commodore, may I speak to you and Gary about something that just occurred to me?" He kept his voice low, both to keep the discussion private, and to not talk over the other conversations, taking place around them.

Seeing Kyle give him a small nod, Gary left his seat at the bar and walked over to where Kyle and Phoenix were standing together. "What's on your mind Kyle?" he asked keeping his voice as well.

Phee nodded and waited.

Kyle looked around the assembled senior staff, his eyes briefly pausing on Maxine. "I don't know about you two," he said quietly, keeping the discussion just between the three of them. "I can't seem to recall who was the Chief Pilot for Elysium, before Maxine was elevated to the position. I know we had one, yet, whenever I try to recall who it was, I keep drawing a blank!"

Gary looked between Phoenix and Kyle and his brow furrowed as he thought on Kyle's statement. After a moment he replied in an equally low voice. "I hate to admit this but I can't recall who was chief before Maxine. Can you Phoenix?"

Phee frowned and her mouth opened but then she clamped it closed and shook her head. "No.." she muttered.

Kyle frowned slightly. "Forgive me if I sound like an alarmist here," he kept his voice low. "I've been through some stressful situations in my career, having gone up against both the Borg and the Q, among others. Not once have I ever lost full control of my faculties or full recall of my memories. The fact that neither of you can remember either....I'd say that Elysium and her crew is in danger from some new assault."

Gary frowned at what Kyle said but he had to admit it made sense given the fact that none of them could remember the chief flight control officer before Maxine. "I don't want to be an alarmist, but you may be on to something Kyle, given that something has affect our memories in a very specific matter."

Kyle nodded grisly, his mouth a tight line. Looking over at Phoenix, he said, "With your permission, Ma'am, I'll leave and head back to the bridge, once there, I'll start running scans and ensure that Elysium is ready for any possible threat.

Phoenix raised an eyebrow. "This better not be an excuse to get out of socialising,Commander." she warned. "You can get Malakai up there to do it."

Kyle shook his head and answered honestly. "No, Ma'am, it isn't. If you'll forgive me, while I know Ely is your ship, I'm her only plank owner currently aboard. I've fought to protect her when she was still gaining her legs. Of all the ship's I've served on, I feel the most protective of her." He paused a few beats, then continued, "If you order me to remain here, then I shall, of course, obey. If I may offer a compromise? Allow me to go up to the bridge, set things in motion, then I will hand the reigns off to Mal. He is a good officer, no doubt there. I just know this old girl better than he does."

Phoenix nodded. "Do it."

Kyle nodded once as he replied. "Aye, Ma'am. I'll return shortly." He nodded to Gary, then made his way discretely out of the dining room, an impressive feat, given his size.

Gary returned Kyle's nod watching him make his way from the dinner with impressive stealth. After Kyle had exited, he turned his attention back to Phoenix. "This bothers me. Not remembering." He stated looking at her for her reaction and reply.

"I agree." Phoenix said. "And it has to be recent. I have no idea what is going on."

While everyone was enjoying their meals and drinks, talking between each other, Andrinn had taken a seat at the bar and was observing people around the large banquet hall. He noticed that people were starting to form little groups and saw that N'vok was doing something similar. People from Earth called it people watching sometimes, which was basically just observing for Andrinn. But, Andrinn decided to head over to talk to N'vok for a moment.

Walking over to the buffet, Andrinn got a few things to eat. Nothing major yet, but he picked up a few Vulcan delicacies and walked over to N'vok and offered up a few to eat. When he offered them up to N'vok, Andrinn said, "I saw that you were over here observing and thought you might enjoy some Vulcan delights. Would you like some?"

"Very kind," N'vok said, accepting the offered food. "I find such social gatherings . . . unpredictable, Consul. A staff meeting, I understand the protocol of. A party for a promotion, that, I also understand the etiquette involved. But this, which has not resolved into one or the other, leaves me flummoxed."

"Is that due to something from a past experience or do Vulcans experience something similar with multiple social occasions? If that makes sense and isn't too personal," Andrinn asked, curious as to why it left Mr. N'vok flummoxed.

Alicia was taking in the atmosphere, and couldn’t help but overhear N’vok’s comments. “Pardon me for interrupting” She smiled warmly. “I couldn’t help but overhear what you said. I’m bonded and married to Commander Savar so I’m in a unique position when it comes to understanding the Vulcan point of view.”

"I would not use myself as an example of Vulcan culture as a whole," said N'vok blandly. "I simply prefer clear social delineations, work, entertainment, socializing. Each requires a distinct mode of interaction, in a fluid situation like this, I am unsure of which to follow."

“That sounds logical to me” Alicia offered a polite smile, displaying a little of the Vulcan side she’d picked up from her bonding with Savar. “This is a senior staff dinner, but it’s not a meeting as such. It’s more socialising if that helps.”

"Indeed," said N'vok. "How are you finding the evening so far, Lieutenant Commander?"

“So far, perfectly pleasant” Alicia smiled warmly. “This is the first senior staff dinner we’ve had.”

As Andrinn listened to both Alicia and N'vok talk for a moment, he waited for a moment to interject and reply back to N'vok. Andrinn replied, "Well, there's plenty of space for all of us. I think that's why the Commodore did this and brought together the Senior Staff for a bit of fun. It's informal and gets us to talk to one another."

"For most people I interact with, I suspect their concern is more to limit my talking rather than to encourage it," said N'vok.

“Some people simply aren’t comfortable around Vulcans” Alicia smiled. “Being married to one I’m used to seeing what’s underneath the typical Vulcan mannerisms.”

"I am not certain there is a typical Vulcan any more than there is a typical human," said N'vok. "But we do have unexpected depths that our uniform training tends to conceal."

"Honestly, N'vok, I'd rather hear you talk a million times than not to. Like a friend of mine said before he passed away many years ago, I'd rather hear your story over everything else," Andrinn said with a soft smile, remembering his friend aboard another ship from a lifetime ago.

Alicia smiled warmly. “In that case I’ll go mingle and let the two of you talk” she nodded politely to both of them.

"As you wish," nodded N'vok to Alicia. Looking back to the Consul, "On what subject should I expound?"

Andrinn looked to N'vok and replied, "Anything you'd like to talk about? Since you're the Chief Science Officer, how about something interesting that you've found recently? Unless, our dear Alicia has something else she'd like to hear from our dear science officer."

N'vok, paused and tilted his head just a fraction. "I can talk of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax— Of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— And whether pigs have wings."

Alicia paused and turned to look at N’vok. “That’s a err...very wide, and unusual choice of subjects.” She looked at Andrinn. “I’ll let you choose and discuss.” With that she left the two of them to chat.

"No appreciation for the classics," said N'vok with, perhaps, a note of sadness. "What of late has interested you, Consul?"

"I would love to hear about how those pigs are flying and how those chunky little fellas managed to achieve take off! But, the A'jaine have definitely been an interesting little group of people. Have we told you about these new species that we met Alicia? Religious, kinda like the Bajorans, but in their own way. Don't know much about them, but Mr. N'vok and I went over tehre with S'hib," Andrinn replied as he thought about the new species that they've met in this part of the galaxy.

"The local cultures are fascinating," agreed N'vok. "I am hoping that the A'jaine will be willing to share some of their observation about how the sector has developed. It strikes me that the Slavers have caused serious deformation of many local cultures and I want to understand how that came about and possibly work out some strategies for undoing some of the damage."

"Or how the Slavers and the A'jaine both have interacted and changed the course of the people from our side of the galaxy as well. All of those species from the Alpha and Beta Quadrant," Andrinn offered up.

"I am not sure how much they have changed things," said N'vok. "The course of development is unpredictable at best. The interference of the Slavers is too random and fragmentary to impose a deep cost on the Federation. They are more like a . . . natural disaster or accident. But the Slavers do cause an immense amount of waste and hardship among their neighbors. I wish there was an easy way to stop them."

"Well, I'm sure that we will figure out a way to stop them soon enough, N'vok," Andrinn offered up with a wane smile.

"I have talked with Mister Teevs about providing tools to help those opposed to the Slavers to help organized themselves with," said N'vok. "Way for them to work on creating a Federation of their own. Afterall, it was the Romulan threat that help cemented the formation of our Federation. They have every reason to work together."

"I just wonder what a Federation out here would look like? Especially since most of the species taken from the Milky Way Galaxy probably don't remember much of their origins. So, it'd be an interesting thing, looking at it through a cultural lens," Andrinn replied, thinking about what N'vok had said.

"It would have to be more of a defensive alliance to begin with, working together to defeat the various groups of slavers and raiders," said N'vok. "The pressure would be immense but only by working together can they defeat the Slavers. We can help them with advice but little more."

"Well, if you need any help with anything, just let me know and I'll see what I can't do from my side of things for you, Lieutenant. I'd love to maybe help open the negations with your help, depending on how all this turns out," Andrinn replied.

"Perhaps you could draw up some model treaties based on the early Federation? And some advice for how to negotiate with groups with similar problems? If they can see it has been done before, it might be inspiring to them," said N'vok.

"I would like that. Maybe in the next day or two, we can work on that. Maybe, my office on Deck Two, if you're ever free sometime N'vok," Andrinn offered up with a warm smile.

"I can usually be found in the Science Office, or near by," said N'vok. "And, as you can no doubt tell, I am always happy to talk."

"Okay, I'll make my way by over the next few days and we can definitely talk about it," Andrinn said with a smile.


As the night wound down the senior staff began to take their leave.



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