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The Nightmare Aboard the USS Elysium

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 11:52am by Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Unknown
Timeline: MD4 Late at night
1453 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

In the dark depths of space, the USS Elysium drifted through the void, a beacon of hope and exploration. Yet, within its gleaming corridors, a storm was brewing. Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson stood resolute at the helm, unaware that the very fabric of her command was about to unravel.

It began as whispers among the junior crew members—dissatisfaction simmering beneath the surface, fuelled by the pressures of deep-space life and the demands of their duties. The murmurs escalated, transforming into a rebellion against the very ideals they once upheld. As tensions rose, a plan emerged, dark and twisted.

In a haunting twist of fate, the day of reckoning arrived. Phoenix found herself in the middle of a coup led by those she had mentored. Her heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation. With the air thick with betrayal, they confronted her, their faces twisted with anger and misguided righteousness.

“Stand down, Commodore!” one of the junior officers shouted, his voice echoing through the ship’s control room. “You’ve lost the trust of the crew!”

Phoenix’s mind raced as she saw the fear in the eyes of her 16-year-old daughter, who stood frozen beside her, while her twin toddlers clung to their father, wide-eyed and confused. The man she loved, her rock in the chaos, was powerless to intervene.

“No! You don’t understand!” Phoenix pleaded, desperation lacing her voice. “We’re a family! We stand together!”

But the crew, once her comrades, now turned against her. With ruthless efficiency, they overpowered her, dragging her toward the airlock, the cold metal glinting ominously in the dim light. The cries of her children echoed in her ears, a symphony of heartbreak and despair.

“Mommy! Don’t go!” Her daughter’s voice cut through the haze of the moment, a piercing reminder of everything she was fighting for. But her pleas fell on deaf ears.

The airlock hissed open, revealing the void beyond—a vast expanse where stars twinkled like distant memories. With one final push, they cast her out into the abyss. Time seemed to freeze as she floated away, the ship becoming a blur in the background, her family's terrified faces etched in her mind.


But just as the coldness of space began to engulf her, Phoenix jolted awake, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. It was a dream—a vivid, nightmarish echo of her fears. She glanced around her quarters on the USS Elysium, the familiar warmth of home wrapping around her like a comforting embrace.

Her children were sleeping peacefully, their small forms a testament to her resolve. Her husband lay beside her, a steady presence that anchored her in reality. The dream had been a dark reflection of her insecurities, a reminder of the weight of command and the fragility of trust.

With a deep breath, Phoenix resolved to hold her crew close, to reinforce the bonds that had once united them. As the stars shone brightly outside the viewport, she knew she would do everything in her power to prevent that nightmare from ever becoming real. After all, she was not just a Commodore; she was a mother, a partner, and a leader determined to navigate the storms ahead.

As soon as Phoenix bolted upright, Mattias awoke. "Baby! What's wrong?" He asked as he sat up and tried to consol his wife and best friend in life.

Phee buried her face in his shoulder as with shuddering breaths she told him about her dream.

"My love! Shhh..." he held her close, gently moving the soaked hair from her face. "You're safe now, my love." Feeling how soaked she and their bed was, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bathroom. He stepped into the showers tall and started the water, the steam quickly filling the stall. With gentle a gentle touch, he carefully peeled Phee's soaked garments off. He then put some of her shampoo in his hands and started washing her hair.

Phoenix sagged against him in the shower, letting her emotions flow. She trusted him more than anything and knew that he would help her. "What ..if it comes true..."

"Do t think about that, my love " he replied quietly. "Besides. There are quite a few people aboard that would gladly protect you with their lives." He turned her slightly, while his fingers were still lathering her long, raven hair. "And if you think I'll go down without a fight, then you don't know me very well, my Queen." He gave her a playful smirk, but she would be able to see in his eyes the look of a trained killer, one who would unleash hell if his family was in jeopardy.

She nodded and closed her eyes as she leaned against him, taking comfort from him and the water streaming over her. "I.. need to make sure the crew,,, get what information we have, we cannot hide things... just in case they think we are hiding things."

Mattias nodded as finished washing his wife's long hair. As he started to rinse it, he said, "You could make it a weekly announcement, say, every Wednesday at 1700 hours. You could tell everyone what the current state of the ship is, and make available, a link that everyone could a cess, that describes everything in full detail."

"Hmm thats a good idea.. and I will make sure i walk around the ship more. I used to do it all the time... I need to do so again."

Mattias nodded in agreement. "I'm sure that simple act will be a world of difference to both the crew and the civilians aboard, my love." When he finished with her hair, he reached over and pressed a control, causing the shower bench to extend from the bulkhead. "Now, sit and relax, enjoy the steam, sweetheart." He then peeked his own soaked nightwear from his body, tossing it onto the pile with hers. He then washed his own hair, and started to lather his face and body up with soap while Phoenix watched him.

Phoenix closed her eyes and leaned back against the tiles. She took the occasional peek at her husband, but left him to wash. They both needed to get rest after this.

Once they were both done, Mattias turned off the water, then got out and grabbed Phoenix’s terrycloth bathrobe. After slipping it on her, he grabbed his own, saying, "While you dry your hair, I'll take care of the bed, sweetheart."

Phoenix nodded "Thanks." she said softly. The nightmare had taken it out of her. She began to towel dry her hair. She knew better that to go to bed with drenched hair. But damp would be fine.

By the time she was finished with her hair, Mattias had stripped and remade their bed, disposing of the soiled linen in the reclamation. When she stepped back into their bedroom, he was putting his pillows in fresh pillowcases, having already done hers. Looking over at her, and noticing her damp hair, he asked gently, "Do you want a towel over your pillows, sweetheart?"

Phoenix shook her head. She braided it down her back and then pinned the end to the top of her head. "No it should be fine like this."

Mattias nodded, smiling softly at his beautiful wife. He loved how long and full her hair was, and how it encircled him when she had it down while they made love. "Alright, Darlin'." He moved to get under the sheets and furs, then lifted them up, inviting Phoenix to return to their bed with him.

Phoenix slipped into the bed beside him and curled up. "I am very sorry to wake you though, " she whispered as she cuddled closer.

Once she was in, Mattias laid the covers over her, then slid hid arms around her protectively. He gently kissed the top of her head, then replied, his voice a loving whisper. "Now you hush that noise. We take care of each other. That was the deal, remember? You are my person, and I will do everything in my power to take care of you." He kissed her again, just as gently before. He wasn't trying to start anything, he was just being there for her, like they always did for each other.

Smiling faintly Phee kissed him back. "Good night love." She whispered.

"Sweet dreams, my Queen," Mattias grinned softly, his heart still so full of love for this woman, even after all the years they had known each other. He ordered the computer to dim the lights back to the levels they had programmed for sleep, then closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.



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Comments (1)

By 1st Lieutenant Torian Vale on Wed Oct 9th, 2024 @ 3:33pm

Very nice post. I’m crafting something similar. Stay tuned. ????