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Meeting the New Officer

Posted on Fri Feb 14th, 2025 @ 7:49pm by Captain Kett V'Laass & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Counseling Offices
Timeline: Current
1158 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Savar sat on the couch opposite of Alicia in her office. He had been reading a PaDD about new counseling techniques. "I must commend you Alicia, this is a most logical decision on your part to have me sit in when you meet with Captain V'Laass though I am quite confident in your abilities as I have seen your success. Which is quite impressive and a testament to your skill and talent as a counselor." He stated with a smile gracing his features. Alone, with Alicia, he relaxed his emotional control and why not? Alicia was his wife and best friend and knew him far better than anyone did.

“Well with Kett’s issues with his Vulcan side I thought you would be the ideal Counsellor to work with him Imzadi.” Alicia smiled warmly. “I appreciate your compliments, it’s thanks to you that I’m as good as I am around Vulcan crew members, you’ve taught me much since we married.”

Savar nodded his head at Alicia's words. "Most kind Alicia. I am pleased I can provide you wish some assistance. As for teaching you, I think not. I merely showed you the path to follow and you have most successfully."

“Being your wife has opened doors for me that I wouldn’t have so easily opened” Alicia smiled. “For that I’m grateful. I just wish to make you proud, and it seems I’m succeeding.” She grinned. “So, what do you think?” She motioned to the PADD.

"Alicia. You always make me proud. Not a day goes by that I am not proud to be your husband. As for succeeding you did that all on your own." He leaned forward to look at the topics Alicia had listed to discuss. "A wide variety of topics which is good. It will cause Kett to put some thought into his replies and not just give automatic answers." Savar pointed out.

Alicia nodded. “Good, he should be here anytime now.”

"Indeed Alicia. Indeed." Savar answered.

Their was a gentle chime from the door and then the familiar swoosh noise of starship doors sliding open. Kett entered the now familiar setting of the chief counsellors office. Kett crossed the threshold, and stepped into the warm ambience. "Greetings" said Kett without feeling nodding politely to the chief counsellor and then giving the familiar Vulcan 'V' sign hand gesture.

Savar returned the gesture and replied in a perfectly modulated monotone. "Live long and prosper."

Alicia smiled warmly as she greeted Kett. “Thank you for coming Captain, please feel free to make yourself comfortable.”

Ket took a seat on one of the comfortable looking lounge like chairs.

“Savar and I are in agreement that it would benefit you to attend sessions with Savar, he can help you find your way back to your Vulcan roots again.”

Savar spoke, "I believe it would be most beneficial to you Captain K'VLaass."

"That would indeed be logical" said Ket without feeling

"Quite so." Savar replied.

Alicia couldn't help but smile at the Vulcan to Vulcan exchange, short and sweet. “In that case I’ll let the two of you talk.”

"No Alicia, I wish you to stay so you can monitor the meeting and as well as add your own insights and observations." Savar spoke up.

Alicia nodded. “Very well, if I can offer insights then that is what I’ll do.” She smiled warmly.

"Your insights as well as your perspectives will be most useful in this conversation Alicia." Savar replied sagely.

"So counsellors" said Kett looking back and forth between Savar and Alicia "where do you wish to begin?"

“Why don’t you start by telling us about the difficulties you’ve been experiencing” Alicia offered a warm smile.

"Indeed, we are most interest in helping you move past and difficulties you have encountered." Savar added his Vulcan cool tone the direct opposite of Alicia's warm one.

"No difficulties per se" responded the Vulcan Pilot "I would better describe it as past trauma hindering current logical developments."

Alicia nodded. “Tell us more about what happened in your past”

"The trauma you experienced in the past hinders your ability to move on in the present as well as expand and improve on said logical development." Savar stated.

"Indeed" agreed Kett with an affirmitive nod. His features remained impassive and emotionless as he said. He leant foward in his chair a little. With elbows on his legs and his fingers meshed together he said "It is simple to summarise. A little harder to explain. During the Cardassian Federation Border War I was shot down taken prisoner, and then spent two decades as a prisoner of war as i was believed dead by Starfleet."

"It was a most unfortunate incident to be sure but not an insurmountable one." Savar interjected. "What is needed to overcome this is particular issue is time, patience and understanding. With the help of Alicia and myself we offer that help to you. It not only makes sense to accept help from others who may see issues you do not but is also logical." Savar commented.

"Indeed it is logical." responded Kett thoughtfully. "what specific support do you suggest to an individual who spent half a life time in a cardassian prison?"

"The logical starting point is what you have already been doing, seeking help from myself and Savar." Alicia offered a smile. "Our first priority is to help you settle into your new life here onboard the Elysium, to help you cope with any problems, and to help you face your time in that prison and move on."

"Extremely well stated and laid out Alicia. Most logical. My compliments." Savar said before directing his next comment to Kett. "We are to assist you. We can advise, point out and suggest. However, it is up to you in how we proceed. The logical step is to move forward. Maintaining the status quo does not better you situation in the slightest." He observed.

"Fair points." Kett staired a little into the middle distance as he logically considered and balanced the information presented to him. "Apologies it is not my intention to be awkward or challenging. but what if one did not know were to start. Maybe this is the problem"

"No apology is needed or necessary." Savar replied. "As to where to start, where does usually start a journey? At the beginning." He said answering his own question and continuing on. " With the first step. That is where you should start as well, at the beginning."

Kett nodded "That is indeed logical." Kett's features remaind a visage of impassive detachment.

“Wonderful” Alicia smiled warmly.

"Quite correct Alicia and more to the point... it is logical." Savar replied looking at Alicia and Kett.

"Indeed" Responded Kett, thoughtfully. "you have given me a lot to think about and reflect on. I will meditate on your suggestions and bring my responses to our next session."


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