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Counselling Review

Posted on Sun Aug 18th, 2019 @ 3:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Ensign Kara Hoffman

Mission: Mission 2: Heaven On Earth
Location: Counsellor's Office
Timeline: During R&R (Again TBC)
1272 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Kara exited the turbolift, and headed down the corridor. It was eerily quiet. She was so used to being busy recently, that the relaxing break, was sort of strange in a way. She approached the counsellor's office, and pressed the chime. Shifting a little, she looked down and frowned, her uniform was creased.

With a quick flick of her wrists, pulling onto the white and gold jacket she wore, the creases were gone. She took a deep breath and pulled her ponytail down tighter, a counselling review. Her first one onboard of the Elysium. Was she nervous? Yes.

Savar glanced at his PaDD. It appeared Lt. Hoffman was here for her counseling review. "Enter." He spoke in a well modulated voice and stood behind his desk awaiting Kara's entrance.

Kara entered the office of the counsellor. It was very immaculate. The shelves stocked with varius books and small statuettes. "Hello, I'm Kara Hoffman, Lieutenant. I believe we have a counselling appointment together. My first one since coming on-board the Elysium." She said, reaching out with her right hand, open palm, thank god she wasn't sweaty.

Savar looked at the outstretched hand. By way of reply he offered the Vulcan salute. "Peace and long life Lieutenant. Please take a seat and we will begin the review."

Kara smiled, and nodded politely. "Yes, of course." Kara moved to sit down, facing opposite the counsellor. "So, Um how do these things go on starships then? Is it any different from the review I had when I was still posted back on earth space dock?" She queried, genuinely interested.

"It is exactly like that Lieutenant." Savar replied. "Please just relax. This won't take long. Just a few questions."

Kara nodded. "Very well. You're the one who decides if i'm psychologically fit for duty. I'm an open book Lieutenant. Ask whatever you wish." She smiled wide, Kara had always enjoyed the logic in a conversation with a Vulcan. She surmised a long time ago, it is because she is so illogical, that the two opposites work quite well together. Either that, or she's just overthinking again.

"Quite right." Savar replied stoically. "Now have there been any major changes in your life in the last year?"

"Quite a few changes, counsellor. I joined the Elysium. I fell in love with Gallia and Tayalas. Our Chief Engineer transferred to the academy and I volunteered to become the chief. I found out that I'm half Klingon. I Proposed to Gallia and met her brother, a scottish Vulcan I might add. You should meet him. Most definatly. I have been demoted and promoted. Goodness.... what else. Ah, i created a brand new type of technology in the form of our new Shield Generator, which is still under rigorous testing by the Starfleet Engineering Corps. That's...about it i think..." She stared into The Vulcans eyes expectantly. "Is that what you hoped for, a list? I could have made it more interesting but i thought you'd appreciate a concise answer." She said.

"Hope? I do not hope Lieutenant. I merely expect answers, honest answers. Now you have given me a number of changes in your life as well as your career as well as your routine. Have you noticed any ill effects from these changes? Difficulty sleeping? Loss of appetite? Mood swings?" Savar asked as he
made a note on his PaDD.

"As an Engineer, sleep and eating aren't always my number one priority, lieutenant. I'm sure you ca' understand, 'specially after the mess o' the ship after our run in with those romulans." Kara couldn't lie, she hadn't been eating much and sleep was a luxury. "I do the best that I can. What else can I do? I have lost a little weight a' think but that's nothin' tae be concerned o'er. Gallia feeds me good and proper w'enever we spend time the'gether. Although, she's a department chief noo' too, in her own right, time together has been somewhat difficult." Kara pursed her lips, and frowned, as the counsellor noted her responses on the padd he held.

"Has your relationship with Lieutenant Norris suffered now that she too is a department chief?" Savar asked. "If so how? And have you taken steps to correct the problem?"

Kara shook her head. "Our schedules have always been a little different, we've found ways to work around it. we always find time together, and we make those moments count the most. That's what family is about. I'm preparing a nice meal, to celebrate the completion of the wedding ring that I made her, tomorrow night." Kara replied. "I just can't believe it's been over a year since I came on-board to be honest. Time moves so fast and so much has happened." She mentioned.

"It seems that you are adjusting and adapting well to both your new position as Chief Engineer as well as your new relationship. I can also see by your body language that you at ease and comfortable. Your skin color is good and you aren't anorexic. So I would continue what you are doing in all facets of your life. I have just one more question for you? Are you happy?"

"I am happy, However one source of discomfort for me, is that I wish I could do more for this ship and it's crew. Although my expertise are limited to Engineering mostly, If I could I'd have a dab hand in all area's of the ship's operational duties. From bartending, to diplomacy,medical and research and heck even command. I have high aspirations, and often put alot of pressure on myself. Although, there's always the worry of overstretching oneself, or overcommiting. Does that make sense, counsellor?"

"Ir does Lieutenant however I am reminded of an old Terran saying. "Better to be the master of one talent than the joker to none. Be happy with your expertise. Yes learning new skills is important but don't put undo pressure on yourself."

Kara nodded. "It's something i've learned to live with I suppose. However, I feel that sometimes my desire to jump into a challenging situation is often how we learn our limitations, don't you think so?" Kara smiled wide and cocked her head to the side. "You needn't worry, lieutenant. I understand that I am only human, i do have a tendency to think I can fix the universe and it's problems. When really I Should focus only on keeping the Elysium in one bloody piece. She doesnae make that easy, let me tell ya'..."

Kara laughed and shook her head, thinking about her most recent interaction, repairing a faulty microcircuit in the main computer system. She swore down, that the ship's computer began to complain about Kara talking to it too much., just in a very perfectly formed syntaxed way as per usual. The voice still was clear as a crystal. Kara quickly regaled the tale to the counsellor.

"So, after three hours of tracking the microcircuit failure, i've told the computer, almost my entire life story. At which point, I ask it's opinion on submicronuclear fusion.... the bloody thing refused to answer me stating "The system was unavailable for comment", then turned itself off for half an hour. Everytime I go near the main computer, the door's stop working properly and the lights don't work. I swear this ship hates me." She laughed hard, giggling.

Savar arched an eyebrow at her story. "I do not believe the ship hates you Lieutenant. Your story is amusing. Your statement is illogical." He wrote on his PaDD. "You are free to return to duty Lieutenant. I find you quite well adjusted."


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