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Looking up at home from home

Posted on Fri Sep 20th, 2019 @ 4:11pm by Lieutenant Commander S'hib

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Earth, Southern England
Timeline: During R&R
542 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

S'hibs two dusty hooves stood motionless on dry cracked dirt, a gentle breeze, teasing the tips of his mane to flicker about his back as he looked up into the sky.

Even though clouds obscured most of the blue he could still see the Earth Space Dock, It's impressive bulk trying to persuade him it was no further away than the clouds were.

As the wind picked up for a brief moment as S'hib slowly lowered his gaze to the farmland in front of him, the decrepit wooden gate in his hands creaking from the motion his weight caused.

As it slowly opened, the unoiled metal groaned against one another, protesting even as he shut it behind him.

"I can't believe he's still not had that replaced." S'hib thought aloud as he continued down the dirt path in between two large fields.

Either side of him large machines hovered above the soil, the sleek designs of their chassis contrasted by the vast industrial revolving reels at the front, the large blades seemingly devouring the wheat with the voracious appetite of nine billion people.

Up ahead was the farmhouse S'hib grew up in, it's old cobbled and wooden exterior at odds with the sleek modern equipment, Large forboding warehouses consuming the horizon behind the ageing thatched roof.

S'hibs ears twitched as he looked up at his home, a familiar voice calling out to him. "Ohh, S'hib! you're back?."

Car'tar was a small brown-furred Caitian who started working on the farm many years ago, A shy man who wore his heart on his sleeve. If he had any of course... The farm was a Sequellian colony and as such, the Caitian was stood there in small work boots and gloves only.

"I see you've finally come around to our ways." S'hib said walking up to Car'tar, the vastly smaller Caitian shrinking in embarrassment.

"Well, when you're the only one wearing anything it gets awkward." Car'tar huffed, his tail curling around a leg as he looked up at S'hib, the Sequellians head almost two foot taller than his own.

"I like the boots though." S'hib snorted, looking down.

"Ah, eyes up here!" Car'tar hissed, swatting at S'hib with a gloved paw.

"What?" S'hib snorted feigning innocence.

"You know precisely what..." Growled the unamused Cait, ears folded back as he stared up at him defiantly.

"I honestly have no idea..." S'hib said leaning his head down, rubbing the side of his face against Car'tars.

"I didn't think you'd be back for quite some time..." Car'tar said with a slight purr, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around S'hibs chest.

"Neither did I," S'hib replied with a happy growl like snort, leaning his head on top of Car'tars. "How has the farm been?." He added, running his four long equine digits over Car'tars neck and up to his ears. "You look happier." S'hib added, looking around slightly.

"Everyones doing really well, the yield this month was bigger than expected..." Car'tar said, burying his head into S'hibs chest. "And I am..." He added softly.

"Good." S'hib said proudly, enjoying the close company. "Now take those gloves off and come have some lunch." He said with a heavy sigh, deep with joy.


Ensign S'hib
Security Officer.


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