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Psych Evaluation.

Posted on Fri Dec 20th, 2019 @ 10:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Casperia Prime - A lesson in relaxation
Location: Savar’s office
Timeline: MD2 1100 hrs
1471 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Regardless of the fact that she’d had a short evaluation before being allowed to return to duty, Alicia still had to undergo a full psychological evaluation as part of boarding the ship. Chief Counsellor or not she had to abide by the rules, so she made her way to Savar’s office having added herself to his appointment schedule. Pausing outside the door she pressed the chime and politely waited to be invited inside.

Hearing his chime ring, Savar knew who it would be. he had seen the addition to his schedule. "Enter." He said in his carefully modulated voice as he awaited his visitor.

“Commander” Alicia offered a smile as she walked in and greeted Savar. “I’m here for my psych evaluation. Thought I’d get it over and done.”

Savar stood and nodded, "Lieutenant." He said politely. "Before we begin with your evaluation, would you like something to drink? Perhaps some fruit juice?"

"That would be lovely, thank you" Alicia smiled politely. She hated psych evaluations, hence why she made them painless and easy for her patients.

Savar nodded and moved to the replicator to get Alicia a glass of fruit juice. Turning back to her, he handed her the glass. "You are most welcome." He intone politely. "When you are ready, you can sit on the couch if you wish and be comfortable."

Alicia nodded as she took a seat on the couch before sipping her fruit juice. Once she was done she placed the glass down on the table. "I'm not afraid to say, I absolutely hate being the one having the evaluation!" She grinned before her smile faded. "I've been the patient too many times before.

A ghost of a smile graced Savar's features as Alicia made her comment. He made a note on his PaDD as she did. "I will make this as painless as possible. However as you have been a patient before, you know what to expect. Is that not so Alicia? May I call you Alicia?" He asked.

"You may" Alicia nodded. "Do you mind if I call you Savar? It saves the titles, which can get pretty monotonous after a while." She grinned.

"I have no objections and yes calling each other Lieutenant and Commander is so formal. I wish you to be relaxed and at ease." Savar replied, then continued "Besides it is after all my name." Another ghost of a smile crossed his face. he sat in a chair across from her as he made another notation on his PaDD.

Alicia nodded. "I guess you'll be wanting me to start with how I feel?" She offered a brief smile. "I guess if I was to say I was alright, I would be lying. I've spent the last two years recouperating from the loss of the man I expected to spend my life with, plus the loss of our baby." She paused for a moment. "The doctors put my miscarriage down to the trauma of Kal's loss. I didn't cope and I tried to kill myself." She looked at the scars on both her wrists as she held her arms out for Savar to see. "I kept these scars because I wanted them to be a reminder, not just of how close I came to ending my life but as a reminder of just how precious life really is." She covered her wrists back up again.

"A most admirable decision and outlook." He answered. " I thank you for your openness however I am more interested in how you feel. that is are you participating in life or are as the Humans say standing on the sidelines watching it pass you by? It is one thing to appreciate life. It is yet another to participate and make the most out of it."

Alicia nodded. "I was as you say, watching life go by but I've decided it's time to get on with my life. Hence why I'm here now. I'm trying to reintegrate myself with my life, get used to being amongst people again and being a part of a bigger family. I guess I...just need a reason to be outside my quarters instead of just going home and spending time by myself." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'll get there."

"Every journey no matter how long or short easy or difficult begins with the first. In addition it also begins with a willingness to immerse yourself in the endeavor." He placed his PaDD to one side. "If you need a reason to get out of your quarters, I would be happy to show you about the ship and what it has to offer."

Alicia looked at Savar curiously. "You are not an average Vulcan are you Savar?" She smiled. "That would be nice thank you, I appreciate your offer it's very kind of you. There is one thing I would ask of you, could you teach me Vulcan meditation? My control over my abilities is easily affected by my emotions, I would like to learn how to control both my abilities better."

He nodded, "Most perceptive Alicia. Indeed I am not. I am classified by other Vulcans as vrekasht. An outcast to use the Human term. I am honored to help you learn control over your abilities. It is a matter discipline and control. To organize your thoughts. I am also pleased you wish to have me show you around the ship."

Alicia nodded. "I would like to become part of the universe again, I think my previous counsellor thought I was trying too much too soon. I don't harbour any wish to harm myself again, quite the opposite. I want to live my life and help others, it's what I do and what I want to be doing. Helping others, will in the long term, help me."

"Your previous counselor was … mistaken. You are the best judge of what you can achieve and when. I would only say, do not over exert yourself. The universe will be a much richer place with you back as part of it again."

"Thank you Savar" Alicia couldn't help but blush, she always did when she received compliments. "I will do my upmost to be a part of the universe, who knows what might await in the future. I would still like to have children, the doctors tell me there's no reason why I can't."

"You are welcome Alicia. I know you will and the universe is better off having you back among it. If you wish to have children, then work on making it happen. Your future is yours to write Alicia, make your dreams a reality."

Alicia nodded. "I just need to learn to let go of Kal." She sighed. "He maybe just a memory but it wouldn't be fair to anyone else if I can't let go of him."

"No." Savar said. "Not let go but rather to put in it's proper place. It is obvious you loved him very much and that cannot be erased with words or a thought. Treasure your memories of Kal and the time you had together but leave room for another to love you and build memories and a life with."

Alicia nodded. "I know he would want me to move on." She smiled a warmer, happier smile. "I can't help but feel I'd be betraying him somehow, when I know I wouldn't be." She shrugged her shoulders before taking a deep breath. "So, when would you like to take me on that tour of the station Savar?"

"The most difficult step is moving on and allowing yourself to live again Alicia. You need to take comfort that is what Kal would want you to do." He made a final note on his PaDD. "Whenever you wish. I have just signed off on your evaluation. You are cleared to assume the duties of Chief Counselor."

Alicia nodded and smiled. "Thank you Savar. Perhaps we could go now? It is lunchtime and even a busy Counsellor deserves some time off for lunch. I'll make it an order if I have to." She grinned.

"As you wish Alicia though I would be remiss in pointing out you are a Lieutenant and I a Lt. Commander. It is only because of your position as Chief Counselor that you can make such an order." He said evenly but one could hear the jesting undertones.

"Then I'll make it a request" She smiled warmly.

"One I am happy to comply with." Savar answered. "Let us go."

Alicia smiled and stood ready to leave, she was glad to have met Savar. He was someone she felt comfortable with and happy to be around.

Savar allowed Alicia to leave first, then he followed. He marveled at her strength of character. He had been most fortunate to meet her.


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