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Meeting the boss

Posted on Mon Jan 27th, 2020 @ 2:41pm by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor]

Mission: Casperia Prime - A lesson in relaxation
Location: Operations Centre - Deck 30
Timeline: MD3
704 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Lieutenant S Morgan walked into the Operations Center on Deck 30 and looked around. Then she moved across the office area to the far office which had the plaque 'Chief of Operations' on its door.

She hit the chime and awaited a reply.

"Bloody hell, whot wa thot?" Gallia, lost in her padds, exclaimed as she was startled back to the real world. Taking a second to take a breath and compose herself she called out, "Come in!"

Sapphire entered the office and stood at attention before the desk. "Commander Norris? I am Lieutenant Morgan. Recent transfer to your department." She held out a PADD with her orders.

"Oh, aye, been 'specting ye." Gallia smiled as she took the PADD and extended her hand to the new woman, "Been ina bitta a boind since mah last assistant got transferred. Glad ta ave ye abard."

The dialect was hard to interpret but Sapphire, who preferred to be known as Jade followed it. Just. She shook the hand offered. "Ah yes I had heard that this department has been understaffed for a while."

"Well, i's loike mah predecessor said, ops isnae onea them sexy departments, like command nar flight control." Gallia began, "We dinnae pock em in, an' when we get someone whot's good, every other ship's jus' as shart as we are an' they get promoted away from us."

"Most competent Operations officers go on to command their own vessels." Came Sapphire's reply. "Its considered a fast track for some. I do not see it that way."

"An' how do ye see it, Leh-tenant Morgan?" Gallia asked, her voice full of genuine curiosity.

"As a job to do well. And one that brings its own rewards." Sapphire replied. "I have a plan and commanding a starship is not apart of it."

"Well, knowin' what ye dinnae want is e'ry bit as important as knowin' what ye do want." Gallia nodded, "Nice te see ye got ye priorities set already."

Sapphire nodded. "The Elysium is my 5th posting since the academy. Can you tell me what you, as chief of Operations require from your team? Every ChOPS is different in their requirements"

"Be efficient an' reliable an' I can no ask ye for more." Gallia replied, "An' be patient with me, plase, I'm still kinda new."

"oh?" Sapphire asked curiously. "You are not Operations trained?"

"I'm sub trained in it." Gallia replied, "Though Ah'm an engineer by trade. A Scot as an engineer, imagine that!"

"Kinda cliche" Sapphire said with a small smile. "I am sure though you will be fine with Operations, They are much alike."

"Aye, so I've come to realize." Gallia nodded and laughed, "Ye'd be amazed how much a' Anje's work I was doin' in engineerin' thinkin' it was mine."

Sapphire smiled. "That happens. It is always good to have a good rapport between the two departments. I have worked closely with Engineers and Flight control over the years."

"I've a good friend in flight control." Gallia smiled, she and Railli were back on good terms now and the kids had another play date coming soon, "Hopin' te get her inte a fighter squadron soon."

"Ah yes I had heard that this vessel carried those. Interesting configuration."

"Ah can fly a shutle, tha's aboot it." Gallia laughed, "Well, a shuttle an'a Supermarine Spitfire."

"I shall keep that in mind if we need someone to take the helm." Sapphire smiled.

"Ah dinnae think tha's gonna happen." Gallia laughed, "Though I cannae deny that I'm enjoyin' mah spot on the bridge these days."

Sapphire smiled. "I have seen the bridge. Its a big one."

"Isnae it?" Gallia sighed, "Never thought I would be a bridge rat, but here we are."

"Well there are worse things Commander. I am sure you will get used to it."

"Right, an' I hope ye can get useta me, Sapphire." Gallia quipped, "Oi'll try no te be too much ufa pain in ye arse."

Having had pains in the arse before Sapphire highly doubted this chief of operations would be such a thing. "I Highly doubt it Commander. I look forward to working with you."

"Aye, me too." Gallia smiled, this woman was going to work out just fine.


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