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Lost and found.

Posted on Mon Apr 6th, 2020 @ 7:06am by Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail

Mission: INTERMISSION: Rebuild, Reuse, Recycle
Location: Elysium corridors
Timeline: Current
1456 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Hooved softly clicked along the quiet hallways of the Elysium, S'hib was back doing what he knew, patrolling the corridors and hoping not to find a certain Lieutenant McKay loitering somewhere she shouldn't.

So far however nothing had caught fire, and he hadn't been abducted by pirates, an odd method to measure how well his day was going he knew, but it was, unfortunately, all that made sense.

"Duty shift report..." S'hib snorted, tapping his comm badge as he stopped at a corridor junction. "Deck twenty nine, section B six, all clear... nothing of note to report, moving on." He finished before moving his hand to a small crystalline rock that was hanging around his neck, lifting the orange coloured mineral lick to his lips as he trotted off towards a nearby turbolift.

The Large Vulpine Ears Of Reo'thanra Sandtail flicked and twitched as a sound that was extremely foreign to him Reached him. The diminutive Vulpine was currently Crouched over A maintenance panel, a set of tools at his side, his bushy tail curled beneath him and out of harm's way should any crew pass him by. He was Running A Diagnostic cycle on of the Elysiums Many EPS Conduits, though he was cursing in a barely translated string of Words as he struggled to Read With the Foreign Symbols of the Federations Tech. His Uniform was Heavily modified, with thin Plasma and Kinetic Impact plates Giving his lithe frame a Squared off look. Across his back, a Wicked looking Carbine sat snugly against magnetic holsters, though to a full sized Humanoid the weapon could easily pass as a Pistol.

S'hib continued on his way, licking the mineral rock as he observed the junctions he passed. "Wait..." He questioned, stopping and walking back to look down a corridor he had just passed. "Is that someone's pet?" He mumbled to himself, letting go of his necklace and moving down the corridor towards the small shape at the other end.

"Security I might have a lost pet on Deck twenty nine... I'll report back once I know more." S'hib said as he slowly moved his way down the corridor, his large hooves echoing every step.

The Reo'thanra shifted his posture as the thumping steps grew louder, his large ears twitching with annoyance as he heard the approaching officer Report him as a Pet. "Oi, Fucai I'm not a Pet," he growled quietly as he worked his fangs barred over his lips, though he tried to ignore the comment and focus on his task.

S'hib stopped moving as the small creature snarled at him and spoke? and today was going so well he thought as he tapped his comm badge. "Engineering do we have and maintenance crews scheduled to be on deck twenty nine?" S'hib snorted, his hand on his holster as he moved forward. "Specifically, any crew that are about two foot high, covered in fur..." He added, continuing to thump closer to the small being.

Reo Sighed and paused his work, his large ears flattening to his skull as he slowly stood. "Affirmative, we've got a new Warrant officer that is Supposed to be conducting a Diagnostic test on EPS Conduit twenty nine D....though...I'm not sure what his Description is, just his Name," A young female voice responded over the Com line.

"that would be Me," Reo muttered as he slowly turned to glare at the Impudent officer, though he did nothing to try and Provoke a response, He was, after all, a guest aboard this ship at the moment.

"Thank you, I can confirm he is hard at work." S'hib smiled, tapping his badge and ending the comms. "Though I fail to see how that..." S'hib snorted, pointing a stubby hoofed digit at Reo's rifle. "Will help you run your tests."

Reo smirked and softened his gaze. "it doesn't, but its part of my uniform," he chuckled. "And the Captain has authorized me to carry it during my tour aboard the ship," he added slowly as he stood up to his full, though unimpressive, height.

"I don't get told anything do I..." S'hib sighed, talking to himself with a growling snort before crouching down onto a squat in front of the Arten, his necklace dangling around his neck. "What's your name." He asked, extending his large equine hand out towards the small warrant officer.

"Warrant officer Reo'thanra Sandtail of the Arten Confederacy," The Vulpine smiles wide, his ears perking up. "And you?" he asked quickly his dour mood vanished, his bushy tail swaying rapidly.

"Lieutenant Junior grade S'hib, but please just call me S'hib." He replied, closing his hand awkwardly and putting it back on his knee, the strange human gesture obviously not part of Arten culture either.

"I've not heard of your kind before." He continued, flicking his head to the side and reorientating his mane.

"We mostly keep to ourselves..., aside from trading," he nodded slowly. "We're..not part of the federation right now, our first contact was..." he snickered softly. "Too Violent for the humanoids," He smirked. "I'm here as part of a Cukoan Effort by our fleet to see if integration is even possible now that the Confederacy council has voted to try and Join the federation next year."

"Don't say all that to a Klingon, you'll send him to Sto-vo-kor in a fit of hysterics." S'hib replied, amused by the Artens proclamation at being too violent despite his energetic tail flailing about behind him.

"Bah, those Wrinkly bastards are Warriors, Not soldiers," he said with a huff. "Sure, they could Probably out strength me, but I'll outfight them any day," he said with beaming pride in his eyes. "So what are you?" he asked as he sniffed at the Equinoid S'hib.

"I'm a Sequus, my people joined the federation when I was still a young colt... However, I'm one of the first to actually wear a Starfleet uniform." He replied, his own pride showing as he lifted his head up.

"I see, So, We're both in a way outsiders to the Furless federationers," He giggled. "You smell nice by the way," he added quickly his tail wagging excitedly.

"In a way, yes." He replied, slightly taken off guard by the Artens forwardness. "And that would be apples that you're smelling." S'hib added, suddenly paranoid that he had used too much shampoo.

Reo blinked and tilted his head, his large ears flopping adorably to the side. "Whats an apples?" he asked with confusion.

"Whats an apple? It's uh... it's a fruit they grow on earth, I'm quite fond of them actually." S'hib replied, glancing over to the EPS Conduit. "How're you finding things so far?" He added curiously.

"Our systems are Very similar to Federation's, probably because our Ketuhna vellaninda," Reo said the last string of sounds skipping the translator. "though...these ships are far more..." he glanced around. "Grandiose then our battle fleets." he hummed. "I'll have to see if I can eat an apples," he hummed. "they smell very nice,"

"Well we do have civilians onboard," S'hib smiled, wondering just how small the Arten vessels were. "I think you'd find a Defiant class more to your liking, they're one of the only ships in the line designed specifically for combat... no room for the Grandiose or onboard swimming pools."

The Vulpine blinked in utter shock. "this ship has a swimming pool!" he yips excitedly. "not even my clan Home had a Pool!"

“Haven't looked around much have you...” S’hib frowned, glancing at the PADDs and tools all around Reo. “Please tell me you haven't been crawling around the inside of ship doing jobs engineering don't want to do since you got here?” He added, somewhat concerned that crew were taking advantage of someone who wasn't familiar with Starfleet regulations.

"Not really...this is the first job I've had since I came aboard," Reo smiles and shakes his head. "I've only been on for about a day."

"I see..." S'hib replied before falling silent, the gears in his mind suddenly locking up as he tried to figure out how long he had been a prisoner to the Orions.

Reo tilted his head to the side and stepped closer to the Equine. "You Alright Lieutenant?"

"Hmm?" S'hib blinked, looking back at the Arten he had just met. "Oh, yes... I'm fine." He replied, standing back up and straightening his uniform. "As you where Warrant officer, you look like you have a lot to do so I won't take up any more of your time." S'hib nodded before turning and moving back towards the turbolift, wondering if he was lying to sandtail or himself just then.


Lieutenant JG S'hib
Security Officer

Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail
Engineering Officer


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