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Training with the boss

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 12:52am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Ensign River Lokaa

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Holodeck 1 Gym Program
1880 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Being asked to attend a physical training program didn't bother River however a one to one training program didn't bode well especially when it was less than 24 hours notice. River stood in Gymnasium 3 wearing shorts and a light blue tank top her usual gold headband replaced with a fabric one and her hair in a long ponytail. She had arrived ten minutes ago nice and early after having breakfast consisting of some cereal and a pomegranate. She was just doing another slow lap of the room when the doors to the gym opened.

Lia entered the Gym, she was dressed in a pair of shorts and a baggy top. "Ah River your here, right lets start with circuits then move on to weights". She began running clock wise around the Gym.

Guessing that the Commander wanted River to run with her she picked up her pace and fell in alongside the other female. Feeling that the pace was steady enough to talk she asked, "How come its just me here?" The comment wasn't meant to be as snappy as it appeared, she was genuinely considered that she had already done something wrong but the moment she said it she kicked herself mentally, 'Good job River, way to go... Now you really do sound like an Elasian brat.'

"I thought with your warrior creed, this would be a better way for us to get to know each other. You seemed a bit on edge the last time". She kept the pace gentle for now, "Plus when I reviewed my own performance, I didn't think I'd done very well. I came over as a typical by the book Officer, I follow the rules but I didn't welcome you correctly. Sorry about that". She now uped the pace, "Lets streach it out River".

"That's ok, I wasn't at my best either" Appreciating the Commander's work and effort at finding a scenario the two could bond she'd have to try particularly hard as not to come across well... Elasian. "Works for me." She said matching the Commanders pace, River didn't doubt her own fitness she was born into this type of physicality and wanted to show off her strengths to her new boss.

As they continued to run laps even River had begun to work up a sweat, she was fit but it didn't mean she wouldn't tire eventually. She was surprised how well the Commander who wasn't particularly old but still older than herself kept up the pace which meant that she either massively underestimated her new boss or she was just crazily well worked.

Lia noticed her Ensign was slowing slightly, "Right time to throw some weights around, you ready for that River?" She slowed the pace and headed over towards the weights, if she was honest River was fitter than she thought but at least they could now talk as equals.

Nodding River was glad to do something different from running, her strength was her secret weapon. Most people would assume an average built woman like herself wouldn't be able to lift weights or throw a punch but then most men would likely have found themselves on their arses. "Now we're talking, Would you like to lift or spot first?" She asked swiping her water bottle off the floor, popping the lid, and drinking some of its liquid contents.

"I'll spot, you look like this is your thing. If I'm honest weights are a mystery to me, never really got on with them" She stood behind the weights, "I'm more onto Volleyball or Basketball myself. Plus I do a little sword play in the holodecks, so I've found weights don't help me with that".

River didn't need a second invitation to go first, she moved to the squatting bar and placed two 25kgs on either end and the bar clamps to lock them into place. "Just try ten for now, and see if we want more weight ideally we want to be lifting above our own weight." She offered, dusting off her hands in the talc pot.

Position herself under the bar with it running parallel to her shoulders she placed her arm's equal distance apart. "You were right about Lieutenant S'hib. He hunted me down and spent a morning getting to know me, he's very interesting." River wasn't one for small talk but as she had thought before, she was going to make the effort and waiting for the Commander to be in the position before pushing the bar of its supports.

Lia lent forwards and placed her hands under River's arms supporting her, "You ready River?" She waited for a response, and looked around to make sure nothing would impede River lifting the weights.

55kgs wasn't Rivers whole body weight so it would make a good warm-up before they worked towards the one rep max, which for River was usually around 100kgs. "Always," She said and slowly the bar settled on the spot behind her neck her arms supporting the weight but mostly powering through the legs as she began to squat. She wasn't used to having a spotter but the extra lumber support was welcomed, though the closeness of the two women was something River always found uneasy, it was always worst when her partner was a male. None the less the ten reps had been completed just as River started to feel a creeping burning feeling in her glutes. "Your turn." She said with a smile before saying, "Is 55kgs ok, I don't mind changing between reps."

Lia looked at the weights, "Ok River, but you'll have to talk me through it. I'm not up to speed with lifting, something you seem to know plenty about". She swapped places with her Ensign, to be honest it felt a little weird to have someone that close behind her. *I wonder if she felt the same?* She thought.

Having already completed her set Rivers mind was now fully devoted to the training, though she originally had thought about the proximity to the commander it wasn't so much of an issue now. Setting her stance behind the commander she hooked her arms under the commanders but careful not to actually be touching. Most of the time having a spotter was more a mental guide to lifting that last fraction sometimes however it was safe when people got a bit too big for their boots. Now in position in a weird touchless hug River said "set when you are, Commander. "

Dipping to get under the bar, Lia felt the weight on her shoulders. "Christ, I don't think I'll be doing as many as you". She started her squats and after about six felt a burn in her lower back, she continued for another two then stopped. "That's my lot, if I do any more a certain Gorn Doctor will have more than just one operation to do". Getting out from under the bar, Lia could tell she might have over done it. "Look River, your younger and fitter than me. So if you don't mind, I'll just watch and spot". She placed a hand on the other woman's shoulder, "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable when we first met, but in my department lives depend on other people and their actions". She smiled and moved so River could continue, "Welcome to Security, I hope you'll enjoy your deployment".

River wanted to suggest lowering the weight but instead, she opted for a silent nod, she wasn't by any means trying to best her new boss but she was the one who had invited her to train. None the less River smiled "I do to Commander." At the aid of Commander Holmes, River began to up the weight and after about thirty more minutes River was at her one rep max of 110, her Personal best.

"I didn't think I'd manage that last one, but at least I beat my PB." She said through panting breaths as she used the cleaning solution to wipe down the surfaces they had touched before placing the weights back. "Thank you for being my spotter, next time we can do something that you prefer." She offered genuinely wanting to spend more time with the Commander. They did have things in common and finding them out would be a good way of building that bond of trust.

Watching River finish off, Lia wondered if she would make it. "You didn't think you'd make it, I was sure I was going to have to call a medic. Are you ok?" She knew her new Ensign was more than capable of handling herself, "Next time River, I'm going swimming. A few lengths of the pool should clear my head, going head to head with a young'un. What the hell was I thinking, but hey good for you River glad your one of us". Things could only go up from here, thought Lia. With luck she and River might even become friends.

"I think it was coming close to medical being informed too."River smiled at the commander before adding, "Well swimming is something I like to do, we have some beautiful lakes on Elas. So if you ever want a swim partner I'd be delighted and though I like swimming I'm not very good at it." It was true, most Lakes on Elas were relatively flat and could be wadded into without needing to tread water. River hoped to make a friend out of the Commander and worst-case scenario a reliable officer whom she could trust.

Picking up a towel, Lia wiped her face and arms. "I'm thinking about a sauna after this, clear out all this salt off my skin". She began a slow trot around the Gym once again, every so often she would side skip and move rapidly first to one side then the other. As she moved her arms would cartwheel about forwards and then rearwards. She stopped and walked to a spot in the middle of the floor, and began to touch her toes. She looked up at River, "No I haven't gone nuts, just making sure I don't strain myself and damage ligaments".

Trying not to giggle, "Oh that's good I was about to call for a medical emergency." River simply crossed the path that Aurelia had hopped, skipped and jumped. "I think I'm just going to go get a sonic shower since I have one of those to myself now and then get some post-workout food. If that's ok with you?" River didn't know if she was excused or if that she and the commander had just become friends.

"Hey, don't panic. The crazy old bird isn't gonna put you on report, this is off the record and just for fun". Lia then giggled, "Fun! I'm dying here, and I'm calling it fun". She looked at River, "Yeah its ok, you go grab that shower. I'll get my sauna, see you on duty tomorrow. And River, I'm really not an ogre".

"No you're really not,"River said flashing Lia a smile and waving as she left the Gym. She was glad they did this, it was certainly a good start to the day.

Commander Lia Holmes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium

Ensign River Lokaa
Security Officer
USS Elysium


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