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Thank You Dinner

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 10:15am by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Ensign Kara Hoffman

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Hoffman Norris quarters
3797 words - 7.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Gallia had been in the kitchen for several hours at this point preparing the night's meal, having invited Commanders Taylor and Holmes to join the family for dinner to thank Cdr. Taylor for taking care of Tayalas when the ship was almost destroyed by that temporal wave. Now she stood in front of the oven, pulling out the hashbrown casserole she had made for a side dish to the roasted chicken breasts she was serving as an entree alongside a large garden salad. "Hope they dinnae drag their bums gettin' here." Gallia said to nobody, as Kara wasn't home yet and Tayalas was on the floor coloring and singing the baby duck song.

"Baby duck, quack quack quack quack quack, baby duck..." The child sang, it was her favorite song about her favorite animals.

*Gary and Lia's Quarters*

"Lia we don't want to be late to Gallia and Kara's. It was nice of Gallia to ask us. " Gary said to his better half as he sat on the couch waiting for her appearance from the bedroom. "Not to mention it will give you time to meet and interact more with Tayalas along with just relaxing and have a good time without ranks."

Coming out of the bedroom, Lia looked at Gary. "Anybody would think Tayalas was your kid, I'm beginning to equate you pair to a mother Rhino and her baby. Don't get in between, or you get trampled". She bent down to pick up her Japanese sandals, "One day I'll remember to do this before I put this Obi on". She took a breath in and bent over, Her Emerald green Kimono shimmered as she put on her sandals. The red Obi was adjusted, and she now picked up a parcel sitting on the chair. "Do I pass inspection?"

Gary smiled, rose from the couch and moved to her laughing as he did, "Okay, I fully admit it. I do love Tayalas. She is adorable and sweet. Your going to love her as well. Just you wait and see." His smile grew as he stopped in front of her, "Of course you pass inspection. You look gorgeous. That's a nice color on you." He answered as his eyes swam over her, admiring, loving her. He leaned toward her and kissed her softly on the lips. "You always pass inspection and with that being said, lets be on our way." He answered holding his hand out for her to take. Gary wasn't shy about showing his affection for Lia. Not that they would be making out on the bridge but holding hands in public, he had no problem with.

"Oh I'm so glad I always pass, maybe I won't try so hard next time", she giggled as she answered him. Putting her parcel under her arm, she took his hand as they walked down the corridor. Her mind went over just how she would handle having a little girl near her again, she wondered if anyone remembered Angel and would think just how something like this would affect her.

He shook his head, "Yes, you will because you always to look your best and make a good impression." He squeezed her hand, "Relax," Then as if reading her mind Gary continued, "Not asking or wanting you to forget Angel. I don't ever want that." He stopped and turned her head to him, "I love you Lia and I hate that you are hurting, I'd do anything to remove that."

Shaking her head she moved forwards, "Can't do much for now, the Doc is going to do an operation. Even then, I got to wait for a year or so before trying for a child". She smiled at Gary, "Thanks, now lets go see this Blueberry that has you wrapped around her finger. I want some tips from her, she's gotta be good to have you where she wants you".

"So we wait. Lia it will pass before you know it. You'll love her, she is precious." Gary said encouragingly. Then with Lia at his side they headed down the corridors until they finally reached Gallia and Kara's quarters. "Here we are." He said as he pressed the chime.

Gallia, stepping away from her stove for the first time in nearly an hour, went to open the door, "Oh, Commanders, come on in, please. Dinner's almost done, gonna be another ten minutes or so. Tayalas is over there colorin', an' we're waitin' on Kara."

"Mommy duck, quack quack quack quack quack, mommy duck..." Tayalas sang as she colored, she loved the ducky song, she loved duckies.

Gary moved to one side so Lia could enter first and then he followed her in. "Gallia, please it's Gary and Lia. We are off duty you know." He saw Tayalas coloring and singing and his eyes lit up. He walked over to her and knelt beside her. "Hi there precious. What are you coloring?"

"Fwuffy cows from Scotwand." Tayalas answered without looking up, she was very focused on her work at that moment, which she pointed to proudly, showing off a now half colored picture of the curly haired highlands cattle, "Grannna Mawy has them at hew house."

Those are some pretty cows, I have to admit." Gary said "Next time you go to Grandma Mary's you can see them. Now that would be cool."

"We seed them wast time, so fwuffy." Tayalas smiled, turning at last to look up at her Sana, "Hi, Sana!" She pointed across the way to the woman in the fancy clothes, "Who this?"

He laughed as Tayalas finally recognized him. He took her hand. "That is someone I want you to meet okay?"

"Okay, Sana, we meets." Tayalas smiled, getting up to walk over to the woman in her bright, pretty clothes, "I Yalas, I a buberry."

Lia simply nodded at Gallia as Gary spoke, it was something she'd have to get used to once they got married. As the little girl walked towards her, Lia did a double take. Was that another child walking along side of her? She laid her box to one side as the child got to her, "Hi there sweetheart, I'm Lia and I'm Sana's friend". She had taken her sandals off when she arrived, so she now got down on the floor with Tayalas. She pulled the box closer to the pair of them, "I have a little present in here for you and one for mummy, do you want yours now?"

"Wants huggies now." Tayalas answered honestly, opening her little arms to this Lia, she seemed so sweet.

The Door opened, as Kara entered. "Hey-o I'm hame!" She called out kicking her boots off at the door. "Hey there Gary, Lia. Lovely to have you round for dinner. I know Tay'll be a happy little bunny yer both here." She gave a bright smile, moving over to Tay to kiss her forehead, then moving to Gallia to kiss her cheek. "Gonna get changed, won't be a minute." She said quickly heading into the bedroom to change out of her dirty uniform.

Gary turned as Kara entered, "Hi Kara." He barely got out before she was gone into one of the bedrooms. "Who was that hurricane?" He teased.

"Tha's no harry-came, tha's my mommy." Tayalas answered with a giggle, she was always happy when her mommies were both home with her.

Gary laughed at Tayalas's declaration. "Is that a fact?" He said laughing, "Well, excuse me. Am I forgiven for making a mistake and thinking Mommy Kara was a hurricane?"

"Sana forgibnen." Tayalas replied with a smile, still in front of Lia waiting for that hug, she'd never had to wait this long before, she wondered if Lia didn't like her.

"Thank you precious." Gary replied as he looked over to Lia, as Tay was standing in front of her waiting for her hug.

"Oo wekkum, Sana." Tayalas replied, "Lub oo."

"Thank you darling. I love you too." Then knowing what Tayalas was waiting for and to take the pressure and spotlight off Lia. He wrapped his arms around Tay and hugged her to his chest. "You ready for our next swimming lesson?" He asked to get Tay's mind on something else.

"Uh huh, uh huh." She nodded her little head rapidly, "I can't wait for swimmy swim."

"Me too sweetheart." Gary agreed. He was glad Tayalas remained excited about swimming.

"Sana, Livia come with us, peeasse?" Tayalas asked sweetly, she wanted to invite her new friend along for the fun, "She makey make good cookies, an she so nice."

"Of course sweetie, she is more than welcome." Even as he agreed, Gary was looking to Gallia for a clue.

"Oh, she means Doctor Voight." Gallia laughed, "She stopped by and convinced us te go pay a visit to Lt. S'hib, she brought cookies, an' her an' Tayalas jus' hit it off. She wanted te include her since Dr. Voight's tryin' te include her in things."

"Wight." Tayalas smiled, "I wike Livia. She nice."

"That's fine darling. You let Livia know and she can come with us, okay?" Gary told Tayalas.

"Yay!!!" Tayalas said excitedly, she love Livia and wanted to spend as much time with her as she could, "Lia, come too?" Tayalas invited, still not sure what to make of Sana's friend, who might actually not like her, but figuring if she kept trying to be nice she could win her over.

Lia now bent over and picked Tayalas up and hugged her, "Sorry sweetheart I was thinking about something". She held on tight and thought of what might have been, then she placed Tayalas back down. She picked up her package and handed it to Gallia, "There's some Scottish shortbread in there with a bottle of Whisky. 12 year old malt to be precise. and a Kimono for Tayalas. I chose a dusty pink colour for her with a nice cobalt blue obi, the Juban goes over her underwear then you put on the Kimono it's self. I hope you don't mind, but I have another reason for giving it to her". Lia stopped and waited for some kind of reaction.

Kara exited from the bedroom. Her long brown hair, normally tied into a ponytail had been let loose, and it sat upon her shoulders like a lion's mane. She rocked a chic bright blue and white shirt, and slightly worn mid 21st century denim jeans. "Well then Hun, shall I gi' ye' a hun' in the kitchen? ye' got it?" She asked, leaning against the door frame. She felt great, if anyone from the 21st century could see her, she'd look like a rockstar, no doubt.

"Aye, love." Gallia replied, "Lia's been kind enough te provide us wit' some highlands dew, might ye get us some cups? An' that's a very pretty outfit ye bought her, Lia. My baby's gonna be all mixed up, Andorian, talkin' Scottish, dressed Japanese."

"Tank oo, Lia." Tayalas said, she wasn't sure how this dress worked but it was so pretty, like the one Lia was wearing. She turned and held it up to Kara, "Mommyy, look!"

Lia smiled and went to show Tayalas how to wear the Kimono, "Now you watch me", She undid her Obi and opened her Kimono, she pointed at her own Juban. "You put this bit on first, and then mummy ties these little ribbons around your middle". She now closed her Kimono, "Then both you and mummy hold this bit and make sure it fits you and you can't trip over it". Lia showed her Tabi covered feet sticking out the bottom of the Kimono, "Then this pretty ribbon is tied around your middle and holds everything in place, and you look beautiful". She had picked up the Obi and retied and turned it around to face the back of the Kimono. "Does that help you? Because I can show you again if you like"

"Your mommy help with yous?" Tayalas asked, Lia had mentioned that help from Mommy was needed, she figured Lia's mommy had been there to help her, too.

"Nay, darlin', when ye get older, yer mommy isnae there te help ye with them kinda things." Gallia answered sadly, her mommy wasn't there anymore to help her with anything, "One day ye'll be able te dae everything and willnae need mommy no more."

Tayalas shuffled over to her mother and grabbed her around the legs, "No, need mommyy." She said sadly, near tears as her voice cracked.

"Aye, ye do now, but nobody does forever, love." Gallia explained, "Is all part a grown up is what."

"Then I doan wanna." Tayalas protested, she wanted her mommy there for all the best things in her life.

Gary saw how upset Tayalas was and he decided to try something. "Tayalas, come over please, I want to tell you something."

Tayalas, holding onto mommy's hand, walked towards Sana, mommyy was coming with her, she was not about to let her go yet, "Hi, Sana." She replied, "I bring mommyy, okay?"

"Of course sweetheart. That is fine. Wanted to tell you something special. All mommys and little girls know. Even as you grow and one day become a mommy yourself. Mommy and Mommy Kara will always be with you. You will never be without them. They live here and here." Gary said touching Tayalas's head and heart "and they always will darling. Nothing can make them go away. The love they have for you and your love for them will last forever." As he finished he kissed Tayalas's forehead.

"Okay." Tayalas replied, smiling again, she knew it was true because he was Sana and Sana never lied, she didn't even have to ask him for a promise, because everything Sana said was as good as a promise.

Gallia, for her part, leaned over to whisper into Lia's ear, "Ye dinnae give that man a daughter a 'is own, then ye're both missin' oot."

Turning to face Gallia, Lia smiled. "I did it once, only she didn't make it. So next time, I'm gonna try extra hard".

Gary smiled, "That's my girl." to Tayalas and gave her a wink

Kara watched Gary, she had always known he was kind and caring but this was almost fatherly. "Commander..." She trailed off, her hand on her heart. "You will make an amazing dad someday." The lump in her throat was difficult to hold back, so she cleared her throat and approached Tay, kneeling down at her daughter's side. "You're so very loved Tayalas, we'll all protect you forever. Ok my dear?" Kara kissed Tayalas' cheek softly. "Now, shall i give you a hand with dinner love? I bet you're all just as famished as I am." She looked to Gallia.

"Ye can make us a salad if ye wanna help, love." Gallia offered, it was the only thing she didn't have in some stage of prep at that point.

"That I can do, my love." Kara hopped up and headed into the kitchen. "I'll whip us all up my famous Rainbow orzo Salad. Mango, onion, pepper, cucumber, lettuce with some herbs for seasoning and a wonderful classic french vinaigrette. literally a rainbow in a bowl." She giggled to herself, beginning to replicate the food's she would require

"Sounds delicious, darlin'." Gallia smiled, it did sound good, even if she did most of the cooking because her mom and Great Aunt Mary insisted she and Dolana both learn some domestic things.

"If you need a hand, I can always help you know. I may be a Commander, but I promise I can take orders in a kitchen from the head Chef". Lia smiled as she spoke, looking directly at Gallia. "And Gary's great at peeling potato's, we can all get involved", she giggled at her last remark.

"I sure am. A number one potato peeler." Gary answered with a smile. "And I've got Tayalas my number one helper to assist me." He looked over at Tayalas, "Right?"

"Wight, Sana!" Tayalas chimed in happily, she loved being included, especially by Sana, "We make mashed tadies!"

Gary smiled at his junior helper. "We make the best mashed tadies sweetie. In fact I'm going to rename them after you. From now on their going to be called Tayalas's Terrific Mashed Tadies!"

"Yay!" Tayalas squealed, having something named after her was going to be great.

Lia watched as Gary and Tayalas talked and enjoyed themselves, she wondered if he would have been the same with Angel if she had survived? "Well if you two are going to make mashed tadies, guess I'm just going to help you both". She giggled as she moved forwards, for once her cares where firmly placed behind her.

"Okay, Lia, you hep." Tayalas welcomed, reaching for Lia's hand from her place on the floor, "We make tewwific mashed tadies."

As Gary waited for the potatoes, he noticed a mirror on the living room wall. "Tayalas, come over here for just a second sweetie."

"I come, Sana." Tayalas replied, releasing Lia's hand and walking over as fast as her little feet would allow.

As Tayalas joined in front of the mirror, Gary spoke to the child, "Have something I want you to remember. here look in the mirror, while I say it." As he knelt beside her and began to talk. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Does not matter if I'm short or tall. If I have skinny legs or my hips are wide. It only matters who I am inside. Blue eyes, brown eyes, black or green. What makes me most beautiful can't be seen. When you look at me, don't judge me by my parts.... the most beautiful thing about me is my heart." As he finished he kissed her cheek, "You are beautiful Tay. Never forget that my darling."

"Tank oo, Sana." Tayalas said with a smile, leaning her head on his shoulder, "Lub oo."

"I love you too. Forever and ever amen." Gary told the toddler.

"My Sana." Tayalas said softly, wrapping her arms around his neck, claiming him as her own.

Gary hugged her back, "Your darn tootin."

"The way he takes care o' Tay, reminds me o' me own Dad." Gallia smiled, "An' teachin' my girl beautiful life lessons besides. Ye cannae find no finer man than that one."

Gary looked at Tay, "Now how can we make Tayalas's Terrific Mashed Tadies without tadies? We need some tadies."

"Comin' right up." Gallia laughed, pulling some potatoes from her storage and handing them to Taylor, "That'll help, the primary ingredient in them terrific mashed tadies."

"Thank you." Gary answered with a grin as he in turn handed the potatoes to Tayalas. "Okay sweetie, your in charge of the potatoes. You hand them to me, so I can peel them and I'll hand them to Lia, so she can put them in a bowl. Deal?"

"Okay, Sana!" Tayalas replied excitedly, being included was the best.

"Alright darling, here we go, may I have a potato please?" Gary asked holding out his hand.

"Here go, Sana." Tayalas said, handing him a potato, "Is good tadie?"

"Thank you princess." He said as he took the potato and then made a show of examining it. He held it up, turned it over and round and finally thumped it. "Oh! This is a terrific tadie Tayalas! These mashed tadies will be terrific!" He said with a smile.

Tayalas clapped softly and grinned widely, she was happy that Sana was pleased with her.

Gary winked at her, peeled the potato and handed it to Lia, "Okay Tay, next potato please. Wait, you check it and thump it. see what you think."

"Okies, Sana." Tayalas smiled, picking up the next potato, turning it over and preparing to thump it when she thought of something, "Sana, how I tell?"

"Thant is an excellent question Tayalas. I knew I picked the right person to be in charge of the potatoes. When you thump it, if it is soft, mushy, it's no good but if it is hard, it is good.''

"Tank oo, Sana." Tayalas smiled back to him, she knew he'd know and could tell her what to do. She thumped the tadie and found it firm, but not hard enough that the thump hurt, so it was still good, "Is a good tadie." She said assuredly as she passed it to Sana for peeling.

"Thank you Tayalas. Your doing great." Gary said as he took the potato and began to peel it.

"Whet we do with soft tadies, Sana?" Tayalas asked, she hadn't found one yet, but she wanted to know what to do if she did. She wasn't afraid to ask questions, mommyy already told her that that was how we learn.

"Well, them tadies whet are goin' soft, we set aside an' tomorrow mommy'll shred them inta hashbrowns for breakfast." Gallia replied, wanting Tay to know nothing was just getting thrown out, "Unless ye thump 'em an' water comes from their skin, then we give 'em to Enn-a, her people love the tadie juice."

"Yum. I like hash browns. Do you like hash browns Tayalas?" Gary asked his helper.

"Uh huh." Tayalas replied with a grin, "Mommyy makes the bestest hash bwowns."

'An' I'm sure glad ye like 'em, Gary." Gallia interjected, pointing to the hashbrown casserole, "Because there's plenty of 'em, plenty cheese, too."

"Yummmy, mommyy make hashbwown cassewole, Sana." Tayalas grinned, explaining, "It's weally good."

"Yum, yum." Gary rocked back and forth. "I can't wait." He leaned over and whispered to Tay, but loud enough so Lia could hear, "Watch Lia though, she LOVES hash browns. She's a hash brownolic." He teased.

"Weally?" Tays' eyes went wide, she turned to Lia and smiled, "Lia, my mommyy makes the bestest hashbwowns, you'll lub dem."

Lia smiled and nodded, "I love them to bits, and if I get a chance. I'll scoff that lot". She then leant over to Tayalas, "But I'll share them with you and Sana, ok?" She gave both Gary and Gallia and sly grin, and watched her prospective husband simply melt to another female.

Gary smiled and gave Lia a wink. He was glad to see her relaxing and enjoying herself with Tayalas. It seemed the little blueberry had worked her magic and brought another adult under her spell.

Gallia just watched the whole thing unfold with a smile, the Elysium had given Tay the extended family cruel fate had robbed her of, and herself as well. She thought back to Charles at Tay's birthday, "A bonnie bunch a friends, indeed."

Gary looked at Tay and Lia, then turning to take in Gallia and Kara and knew he was truly blessed to have such wonderful friends, then he stopped and corrected himself. *No, not friends, family.*


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