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Informing James

Posted on Sat Jun 20th, 2020 @ 2:19pm by Vice-Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: London 1664
Timeline: MD9
1749 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure

As their home was not that far from London, Josephine arrived at their London Townhouse just after lunchtime the next day. Servants would have announced her but she calmly waved that away. A quick question took her to her 'brothers' study. She rapped on the door.

James was in his study. He was reading and plotting. Plotting what "miracle" he could amaze the King and royal court with. They were so easily impressed with his parlor tricks. It was hard to believe he and Josephine or Josie as he had taken to calling her when they were alone had been stranded for two years. Stranded in the year 1664. Their shuttle would never travel among the stars again. However, it sensors worked as did
its replicator. Batteries were still in reasonable shape.

So, he sat thinking what he could to improve his position as well as that of Josephine his 'sister' when there was a rap on his door. "Come in." He announced, knowing it had to be Josephine. Only she would have the nerve and the impunity to knock on his door and disturb his studies.

The door opened and Josephine entered the room, closing the door behind her. Casually so not to draw attention of any servants lurking she paced her steps on the polished wood floor as she crossed to his desk. She calmly opened the small bag she carried and placed the sack of coins she always brought with her on the blotter and then said. "James, I have news from Home"

He scooped up the coins, and unlocked a drawer in his desk. He deposited the coins into a sack, closed in, then the drawer locking it shut. It took him a minute to register what Josephine was referring to. "Home? Josie, we are home, well our new home. Been here for two years. So, what is this nonsense of you having news from our former home?"

She sat down and looked at him straight in the eye. "I looked to the sky, saw an Odyssey playing out, It was orbiting Saturn. Straight from the Elysium itself." She said using the ship class and name as part of her tale. "It seems we are not going to remain here much longer." She looked very pleased about that.

He pushed his chair back and stood up. "What?! Are you sure?" He began pacing, "No, no, no. This is unacceptable! Perhaps they won't come here, no reason to, they don't know we're here." He said to her.

"I am sure Captain Lalor took your thoughts under consideration when they came here. And they will know we are here." Josephine calmly stood now, preparing to drop the bombshell. "You and I both swore to uphold the tenants of the Federation. I agreed when it looked like it was never going to happen to live my life. Though we both know what you do is more than that." she said in a low tone of voice as she leaned over his desk. "They are coming to take us home. Make peace with it James." Straightening. "I sent them a letter, inviting them to visit."

He looked up at her, he wanted to throttle her! She was ruining his plans but he remained calm at least outwardly. Inwardly he was thinking all wasn't lost yet. "A letter? You sent a letter inviting them to come take a look?" He repeated. He sighed, "Perhaps you are right Josie. It was fun while it lasted but not everything lasts forever or so the saying goes. How much time to we have to get out affairs in order before they arrive?"

"Oh I'd say they are most likely in the vicinity right now. I am returning to the castle this afternoon. I expect to meet them shortly after that." She sent him a cool look. "And I fully expect there to be questions. I hope you are ready to answer them."

*Damn! Damn! Damn!" He swore silently. He wasn't going to just give up his plans because Josephine and called a Federation starship to come investigate. He smiled at her, "You are quite right 'sister' We can go to castle this afternoon." He said pleasantly.

Oh please she didn't trust him. She knew after two years better than to trust him. Josephine had studied this man very carefully. "Don't you have court this afternoon? I am sure the King is missing your company." she said with a hint of sarcasm.

He ignored her sarcasm. Josephine was a dullard. She had no dreams, no aspirations. He on the other hand was full of dreams. "Yes, I do. He said as he rushed past her. He quickly found Frederick his butler and leader of the household staff. "Frederick, my sister is ill. please confine her to her room. Lock her in it and do not call a doctor. I will treat her."

Josephine rolled her eyes and calmly picked up a chair and smashed the front window of his study as he spoke with the butler. She climbed out, hating the fact that the dresses of the Era hindered easy climbing but the study was on the ground floor and looked over the front garden, and walked to her carriage. "Miles, home please" she said ignoring the looks.

Miles, a footman in her pay, helped her into the carriage and climbed up. The driver whipped up the horses and they were off. Josephine knew better than to stick around.

James heard the smashing of glass. ran back into his study and saw Josephine climbing into her carriage and racing away. He knew where they were headed... the castle. He turned to Frederick. "Everyone out of the house! Now!" He shouted as he opened the drawer, grabbed the sack of coins. Dropped a few in Frederick's hand. "For you and the others. Now everyone out." Within minutes the townhouse was empty and James had locked it down. He found his carriage. "Winston, to the castle, as fast as you can."

An couple of hours later found Josephine, calmly sitting on the chaise in the sitting room, sipping tea. She had packed everything of value that she wanted to take with her the night before, and that morning had paid off the manor staff. She had paid Miles and the driver as well, given them glowing letters of recommendation, as she had the maids, the cook, butler and housekeeper. She had, taken the time to write a will, leaving the castle to the king to distribute to a lord who pleased him and had, as she had often done in the past two years, forged James' signature. She was dressed in the proper era clothing, but beside her, aside from the dogs at her feet, she had a phaser. She was not stupid. James may consider her such, but she was definitely not stupid.

*Twenty minutes later*

James's carriage pulled up to the main gate of the castle. he jumped out, gave Winston a stack of coins and rushed into the castle. He didn't even stop to engage Josephine in some mindless conversation. He headed for the basement and the shuttle. What he wanted was in the shuttle.

Watching him run, Josephine calmly followed, dogs at her heals. She knew the shuttle was key. It always was, to their survival and his so called power. She watched him as she entered the shuttle. "Problems?" she said sweetly. "Oh and do not try to turn that distress call off." she added.

He didn't answer her. He was busy grabbing the spare phasers and power packs, stuffing them into a sack though he palmed one phaser just in case. He also took the tricorder and the first aid kit. Only then did he answer her. "Why? You were well treated. I never tried to take advantage of you. You were in the Royal Court."

"Because WE NEED TO GO HOME." She stressed the words. "We both know the history. You are going to stop certain things from happening James! things that need to happen! London must suffer the plague, it must burn. You want to stop that and have the king on your side! What next? Help the queen carry a child to term? She isn't meant to!"

He scowled at her, "I'm trying to make better world!" He argued. "I'm not committing mass murder like Kodos or enslaving millions like Khan. How can you say that when I'm just trying to nudge certain events a little here and there."

"Earth needs to progress as it is meant to. You speed things up, who knows what can happen. The Temporal Prime Directive is there for a reason. Hence why I wanted to find some out of the way place and just live."

He shook his head, "The Temporal Prime Directive? It's been trampled on, bent and ignored and every time it has those who have done have their reasons, their special circumstances. Well so do I and your upset because I want to prevent a plague or let one baby live."

"No I am upset that you do not see that one false step will get you burned at a stake! And most likely me along with it. I am going home. The Elysium is in orbit. And when they come down here, I am going to go home, and the shuttle will go too. And then they will come for you." she calmly stepped out of the shuttle, her dogs at her feet. "I have family I want to see James. I have people I care about and I am going to see them again. And not die here for your stupid cause."

Her words stung but he wouldn't be turned from his path. "I have no family. No one cares if I live or die." He pushed past. "I wish you a good life, a happy one Josie. If you should ever think of me, don't think too badly."

"Damn it James!" She snapped at his back. "Don't be stupid. Do not walk out of here. Come home with me, lets go back to the federation."

He walked a few past her, stopped and did a half turn so he could look at her. "Good bye Josephine. Give home my regards."

She watched him go and sighed. "We shall see if you remain here or not" she muttered.

He went into the stables, saddled a horse and rode quickly away from the castle, never looking back.



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