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Three Heads are Better Than One, Right?

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 12:01am by Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: XO's Ready Room
Timeline: After NEXT!
2477 words - 5 OF Standard Post Measure

Gary sat behind his desk. He had called Lia and Major Azhul to his office for a meeting, The three of them were charged
with keeping everything under control. He was still having difficulty accepting they were orbiting above 1664 Earth but
facts were facts. Arri had double and triple checked her facts and figures done comparison photos and they bore out what
she said. They were some 700 years in the past. Not only in the past but damaged in the past. The ship was still licking it's
wounds and repairs were ongoing.

He, Lia and the Major needed to keep crew morale up and not allow for any descension to form among the crew.

Naxea entered the office. "Reporting as ordered, Sir," she stated.

"Have a seat Major." Gary replied pleasantly, "While we wait for Commander Holmes."

As she entered, Lia glanced at the other two. "Well this is a fine howdya do". She sat down and placed a PaDD on the table, "1664, anybody got any idea what the bloody hell happened in 1664?"

Gary looked at his fiancée, "Hi Lia, glad you could join us. As for what happened in 1644, I'm surprised at you. The battle of Marston Moor took place. It was the first major defeat of the Royalist army under Charles the first." He finished with a grin.

"Sorry but I only know family history from 1664, it seems a relation of mine. A certain Sir Robert Holmes, spanked the Dutch in some place called Guinea". She looked at Gary, "But lets forget the history lesson, we've got a wounded ship under us and no way of calling for help. Any idea's for getting this bird fixed?" She looked over at Azhul, "I think our two departments need to work together on this, I'm not sure just who's about around this time. I don't suppose you know?"

"Right you are Lia." Gary replied easily and grew serious. "This is serious. As Lia pointed out, the ship is wounded not mortally but seriously. Repairs are ongoing but will take time. We're it. There is no cavalry coming over the hill. This is all on us." He looked at Lia, Naxea, "I want your two departments to work hand in hand in keeping order and maintaining discipline. We're a Starfleet vessel and we will remain one. No slacking off in duties. This all hands on deck for as long as it takes us to get home."

Lia now put her Security hat on, "I think we need to get CDID involved in this, Security can keep the ship safe but the Marines and CDID can work together and help keep everything else like away teams safe. And I think there will have to be away teams, because we don't have everything we need on board".

Gary didn't rush an answer in regards to Lia's suggestion of including CDID. However he wanted to hear from Naxea and get her thoughts and input. He meant what he said, this involved all of them and the last thing he wanted was the Marine CO to feel she was being left out of discussions and planning.

"I know that Bajorans at this time have sublight sailing vessels but nothing that would help us," Naxea spoke up after having listened to the two go back and forth. "No idea about any of the other powers. If anyone does go down to Earth, it should be humans only. If I remember my Earth History at the Academy, humans at this time would likely regard someone from another species as some stupid demonic creature and kill them on sight." It always fascinated Naxea how Humans became leading members of the Federation.

"Good points Major and I agree only humans need to be in the away teams that go to Earth. Don't want anyone getting used as a pin cushion or burned at the stake as a witch." Gary replied. "We know first contact with the Vulcans is hundreds of years away. I don't know about the Klingons or the Romulans but more to the point, going to guess their where Earth is in it's development. More importantly we don't want to draw anyone's attention to Earth and run the risk of altering the time line."

Lia nodded as Azhul made her reasonable points, "That could put even the Human away team at risk, just how do you make sure you don't interact with some historical relation?" She stood up and went to the replicator, "Coffee, white, hot, two sugars". She turned to the other two, "Anyone want a drink while I'm here?"

"No thank you," Naxea replied before she continued. "Best we can do is limit contact as much as possible. No killing or falling for anyone."

"Nothing for me Lia, thank you." Gary replied and then addressed Naxea's point. "Contact should be avoided at all costs." Gary stated, "However on the off chance there is contact it should be at a bare minimum."

Returning to the table, Lia looked at the pair. "Contact will occur at some stage, we need certain materials. Some of those materials only exist in populated areas, and as our sensors and transporters are down shuttles and blind damn luck is gonna be the order of the day". She sat down and sipped her coffee, "So with that in mind, I propose that's where the Marines and CDID will come in. Both of those departments have trained personnel for insertion into areas like that, Security can secure the ship and receive any incoming shuttles."

"Sounds like a solid plan to me," Naxea commented.

"We use the shuttle's sensors to find the materials that we need and avoid/minimize contact with the local populations. Not to mention whoever the members of the away teams are they need to be fully briefed in the customs of the time. We can't allow any suspicion to fall our way." Gary chimed in.

Looking up, Lia took a deep breath. "Then only those with an interest in Earth history will be able to go, and those that match that precondition will limit our away teams even more". She now faced Azhul, "Major, without insulting anyone. Just how many Marines do you know with an interest in any sort of history, let alone Earth history of this period?" She looked at Gary, "And I bet CDID will have zero people who match, as they have so few in the department".

"I think Warrant Officer Man'darr holds a curiosity," Naxea began, "but he *is* Capellan, although he is indistinguishable from a human save for his large size which may draw attention to the team. But I'm not aware of all one-hundred twenty seven of my Marines' personal interests. I'll have to ask them."

"His large size won't or shouldn't be a problem other than people looking." Gary answered. "The away team members don't have to be experts in Earth's history, they can be given information to assist them." Gary pointed out, "Right now we need bodies. Also what about away team size? I'm thinking four no more than five max." He looked to Lia and Naxea, what are your thoughts?"

Lia shook her head, "The Capellan wouldn't be able to go, his size would tell against him. Humans were smaller in these times, so a large person will attract too much attention. As for the numbers, yeah I agree five max". She looked at her two companions, "I also think each team should have a clear objective, which once completed means a return to the ship stat. What do you think Major?"

"Sounds good. I think Sergeant Heather De La Rosa should go--I recall her mentioning enjoying old terran music or such. She's human enough in appearance and her betazoid empathic abilities should aid in the search and it never hurts to have a medic around should someone get hurt. Each team should have at least two or three Marines with them--the rest should be specialists such as scientists and or engineers."

Gary looked over to Lia, "Better assign Chief De La Rosa to an away team. I don't imagine he'd be too happy being up here and his new bride down on the planet. Plus he's a good security officer."

"Are you sure that's wise, Sir?" Naxea cut in. "Chief De La Rosa isn't the most reliable person when it comes to following directions and maintaining a low profile."

"Major." Gary said patiently, "I know Chief De La Rosa marches to a different drum. Hell, he's his own band but he is a good officer and a hell of a shot. I suggest if you have reservations about him, you talk to him and clear the air."

Lia shook her head, "Hey, De La Rosa is in my department. And I tend to agree with the Major, yes he's a good Officer but he can disobey orders in certain circumstances. Add in his wife, and I think that is a recipe for trouble". She now looked at Gary, "If you do send him on away team, I would recommend putting him on a different team".

Gary looked at them, "Disobeys orders? Yet he gets promoted? Perhaps what you see as disobeying orders, he sees as adapting and improvising." Gary suggested. He sighed, "Not here to argue with you both and your recommendations are noted. I think he should be assigned to an away team. A different one than his wife."

"He got promoted for his actions, not his disciplinary record. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy he's a hard worker. And he's only just got married, that's why I think we need to separate him from his wife". She looked straight at Gary, "We're a couple, so we know what it feels like when you see your partner in trouble. Fernando is no different, plus with his Latin temperament they can't be in the same location". Lia glanced at Azhul, "I think any away team should be a fifty, fifty mix. Marines for protection, everyone else to gain and remove what we require">

Gary nodded. "Fair enough. Points taken. Yes, we know what it is like. Which is why I suggested assigning him to an away team. At least he's down there with Heather even if not in the same location rather than being stuck up here waiting and not knowing what was going on. Put him on point to watch for trouble, to keep him occupied and busy."

Looking at Azhul, Lia pointed at her. You've now got a partner, how do you think you would react?" She nodded at Gary's response, "Agreed, oh one more thing Commander. Don't think your going down on an away team, I find out your down there and I'll commit murder when you return". She smiled and blew him a kiss, but the tone of her voice showed she meant what she said.

Gary sighed inwardly, he knew this topic was going to come up sooner or later. "Now Lia, you know it's part of my duty to lead away teams." He replied, taking the it's my job approach. Not he expected that to work not with Lia.

"Lead them, I agree with. But from the Bridge or a Command centre, not on the ground. You can't see or Command all the teams, if your skulking around the back streets of some 15th century city or town". Lia knew she was pushing her luck here, Gary could order her to stand down. But there were somethings she wasn't about just let slip, it was time Gary knew just how she felt and how she may react>

Gary say Lia's conviction displayed on her face, heard it in her words. He knew she was steadfast in this position and he loved her for it, for her love for him. He knew he would do the same with her, use the same arguments. "Lia, if I'm on the ground, I have hands on contact. If I'm in the Command center or bridge. I don't have a feel for the situation." He reasoned.

"You don't need hands on contact, you need overall control. But I'm not going to push this, you go on an away team. And you might not like my reaction, if fact I can guarantee you won't like it one damn bit".

He had to admit Lia had a point and he didn't want a mad girlfriend, soon to be wife. "Okay." He answered not in a blowing her off way but in accepting her opinion. "A compromise." He offered. "I'll stay here in the Command center or on the bridge and only go to the surface if it's an emergency and my appearance warrants it and you can come as well. Fair?"

She looked at the pair of them, "I won't be beaming down, and I can't think of a reason for why you should either. But that's for you to decide, Major, any other thoughts? I think we should wrap this up and get the away teams deployed, before we end up dead in space". She had said her piece, it was up to Gary now. But she knew this wouldn't be the last time this would happen, such was the life they lead.

*Damn, damn, damn!* Gary thought to himself, this was exactly what he didn't want to happen. Have a disagreement with Lia especially in front of another officer. "Alright, you've made your point Lia. I'll stay on the bridge and lead from here." There was no bitterness or anger in his voice just a quiet acceptance of fighting a losing battle.

Naxea grinned inwardly at the two going back and forth. May whatever spirit S'hib believes in should he try anything like that with her. "I think we're set. I will go and inform Sergeant De La Rosa so she can get ready to go as well as pick several other Marines."

Gary was thankful for Naxea's intervention, "Very good Major. Sounds like a plan." He looked over at Lia, "What about you Lia? You set? Ready to get this show rolling?"

Lia nodded, "With luck Turak will get the away team members sorted out, if not let me know and I'll do it. Lets get this show on the road".

"Remember, we're just getting everything in order in regards to the away teams. So think on who you want on them. So when we reach Earth, we can have them go down without delay." Gary told Lia and Naxea.

Naxea nodded as she got up and left the room.

Lia watch as Naxea left, "So Gary, I suppose I'd better help with the clean up. See you back at the ranch?" She headed for the door.

Commander Gary Taylor
Executive Officer
USS Elysium

Commander Lia Holmes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium

Major Azhul Naxea
Marine Detachment CO
USS Elysium


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