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Change is good.

Posted on Fri Jun 19th, 2020 @ 8:13pm by Ensign River Lokaa & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Deck 10, Civilian Promenade
Timeline: MD10
2305 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Around where River stood the hustle and bustle of people going about their normal lives was evident, people needed a distraction and if they weren't doing that in the holodeck, working or alone in the quarters they were here. It was nice for River to be away from S'hib and even nicer to be getting to know other crewmen in her department. She had stopped and was watching over the civilian promenade, it wasn't as big as one on perhaps a station but for a starship, it was big enough. According to their schedule, she should soon be joined by a one Fernando De La Rosa the department's Senior Chief Petty officer.

It wasn't long before Fernando joined her. He came out of the crowd moving swiftly and with a purpose before he slid up next to her, "Hiya Ensign Lokaa. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long." He said pleasantly a smile on his face. He looked out over the crowd, his gaze joining hers, watching the civilians and a few members of the crew scurry about, flowing like a tide from one shop to the next "You ready for a nice and hopefully quiet patrol of the promenade?'"

River looked the man up and down, well mostly down he was actually shorter than what she was which was never a good start though he wasn't hard to look at with his chocolate brown hair and skin to match. She smiled simply "Yes, I would like quiet," She said the mood she was in not shifting just yet, she hoped it wouldn't put her companion off she wasn't aways like this. "Shall we start then?" She offered a little more politely as she refixed her circlet, she'd have to go see a jeweler to get it looked at.

Fernando's smile never left his face, "Trust me, quiet is always good especially on the promenade." He replied cheerily not in the least affected or put off by River's mood. "Command thinking Ensign." Fernando teased lightly, "By all means lets get started and see what there is to see. Might be able to work up an appetite as well." He ventured.

'You're the ranking officer dummy' She told herself as they stepped off people already either avoiding them or greeting them like friends. Taking Shib's advice She smiled and greeted them back asking them about their day, really she didn't care but she had to try after all they were all under their protection. "So, Urm Ferdinand? How long have you been on board?" She asked not recalling his name but thinking she got it pretty close.

Walking in step with her, Fernando nodded and exchanged pleasantries with those they came in contact with but not stopping, he kept moving forward. For he knew if they stopped, they would get bogged down and never finish the patrol. He gave River a sidelong glance, "It's Fernando." He said easily with no trace of rancor. "And I've been aboard the Elysium for two years, why do you ask?"

"I just think I should get to know the people I am serving with" She answered smiling at a young couple as they walked past waving, "I'm not very good at small talk," She said, unsure if she should be so quickly laying out her flaws to the man she had just met and was actively doing a patrol with but though if she was going to do it might as well disappoint him now. "but I'm learning" She added.

Fernando nodded, "I think that is a good idea." He replied honestly, "Maybe not now but give yourself time and you will be especially once you learn more about your coworkers s well as other crew members and even the shop owners on the promenade. Then you can ask about their families any problems they may be having. It shows you have an interest in them, that they matter."

"What if I don't though? Isn't it the same as lying to them?" River asked the notion rolling around in her brain, her lack of emotions to things she didn't care about too much about, it had always been an issue for her so maybe if she found a happy medium and pretended, saw it as another part of the job she could live with that. She was already appreciating the chief more now in the short time they had met, his suggestion and words easing her out of the mood she was in.

Fernando heard the doubt and perhaps concern in River's voice. "Ensign, if I may be so bold. You are putting much too much pressure on yourself. You are over thinking the situation. Give yourself a chance. Meet and interact with these people without any preconceived ideas. Just talk, get to know them and go from there."

Thinking about his words it seemed everyone within the security department was a self qualified counselor, first Shib, and now Fernando. The thing was, however, she couldn't ignore them both because they were right. "Ok, So where should I start," River asked looking around.

Fernando looked around, "There!" He pointed to a restaurant called Das Alpine Haus. "Let me introduce you to Mr. Hans Mueller. he owns the restaurant, he's a good place to start."

"Ok, let's give this a go," She said clearly trying to psych herself up mentally as she homed in on the man he had called Hans, which she thought was a weird name but who was she to judge. After making the short distance she looked to Fernando and then back to Hans who hadn't noticed them yet. "Excuse me Mr Hans Mueller," River said a little to formally.

Hans turned as River spoke (think Sgt. Schultz) "Ya, I am Hans Mueller, who might you be Liebchen?" Then he saw Fernando, "Ah! Fernando! It has been awhile since I've seen you down here." A broad smile on his face.

River found his accent confusing and wondered why the translator didn't pick you the word Liebchen. "Urm, I am Ensign River I just transferred here from the academy" She smiled looking to Fernando "What is a Liebchen?" She asked curiosity getting the better of her as she saw him greet her companion clearly he was a friend though her accent somewhat butchered the word.

Before Fernando could answer River's question, Hans spoke. "A pleasure to meet you Ensign River." He smiled at her, "I apologize, Liebchen is a German term for sweetheart. I meant no offense and I apologize if I caused any."

"Sweetheart," She said rolling the word around her mouth for a moment before nodding with approval. "It is acceptable, I am trying to get to know the people on the ship." River said looking around at the tables and people eating, they seemed to be enjoying what they were eating so noted it for later maybe she could come back here but not on patrol. "You own this restaurant?"

Hans beamed at River's question, "I certainly do! best restaurant on the promenade. I also own Cosmic Confections, best pastries, pies and sweet you'll find anywhere!"

"They sound lovely and you do it all by yourself or is there a mistress Mueller around?" River asked feeling like she was getting the hang of the conversation, she just needed to think of it as a training experience, which in a way it was. "Or do you have..." She struggled for the word "Servants that do it for you?"

Hans shook his head, "Alas there is no Mrs. Mueller." Then he laughed, "Not servants Ensign River, employees. Please do not call them servants. However I do most of the specialty work at Cosmic Confections and I oversee the cooking in Das Alpine Haus.""

"Employees," She said again trying the word in her mouth and her mouth twitched as if accepting it into her vocabulary. "I will have to book a reservation sometime. I'm an awful cook, maybe you could teach me?" River surprised even herself with the last few words that left her mouth. "Well, I mean if you know..." She trailed off nervously.

Hans clapped his hands together, "Ensign River, nothing would please me more than to teach you how to cook. You have made my day, my Liebchen Thank you for that."

Fernando listened to River and Hans talk and he had to admit she was doing a fine job carrying a conversation. He was sure she would do great with the other owners as well.

River's smile was toothy and genuine this time but it was short-lived as over their shoulder a commotion had begun and then finally a scream followed by a shout. She turned to Fernando and gave him a nod to act before quickly turning to Hans "I'm sorry duty calls" She went jogging off but stopped and over her shoulder said "Have a good day!" before continuing tot he commotion.

Before her, a small crowd had gathered as several forms were fighting outside the one drinking establishment they had on board and she groaned, there was one thing she hated more than other talking and that was drunks. "I will take those two," She said to her companion moving in and saying "Disengage your combat immediately!" She ordered.

Fernando nodded and waded into the group, quickly separating two of the combatants and more to the point. "Knock it off now! Or to you want to spend a night in the brig?"

River was within arms reach of the two men she had picked out to handle, which she found out just as a rogue punch had hit her across the cheek. She didn't need to give a warning to what had happened next and although outnumbered four to two she had no doubt Fernando would be able to handle two drunks. She grabbed the fist as it continued to trail towards its intended target and yanked it back, the man yelling in alarm unaware of her presence until then.

Fernando had his two drunks up against a wall, "Move and I'll break both your arms." He threatened as he looked over his shoulder at River to see how she was doing. He was pleased as he heard a yelp of pain from one of the men she was dealing with. *Very good Ensign, show them you mean business.* Aloud he yelled to her, "You alright Ensign?"

Having now detained both of her drunks with one grasped in her right hand a little worst for wear and the other under her knee she nodded. The punch hadn't done much to rattle her brain but the slight bruising and the blood from her lip told a different story. "And people say I struggle making friends, I've made two here." She joked before helping them unceremoniously up of the ground both human and both smelling of booze. "Let's get them to the brig so they can cool down and burn off some of this drink." She shook her head leading them towards the brig.

Fernando turned to his two drunks, "Lets go, you heard the lady." He said forcefully as he gave each a nudge to get them moving. "We have a nice cell for you to spend the rest of the night." He moved to River's side, "You alright Ensign? You want to go by Sickbay after we book these clowns in?"
He inquired as he looked at her bruised cheek and the small amount of blood on her lip.

'Encouraging' her detainees to keep moving she started to taste the metallic flavour which was her blood." Probably a good idea" It was somewhat frowned upon having officers walk around with bruises and dried blood on their uniform.

The walk to the brig was thankfully short and the low hum of the security forcefield engaging sounded the end of that chapter. "Next time any of you want a fight book me into the hand to hand fighting area and well see whos boss" She winked before turning to Fernando "Now that's my kind of fun" She smiled flashing her cut lip.

"You did good, real good and you handled yourself and the situation well." Fernando said approvingly. As all the combatants were now locked behind a forcefield. "Can I buy you a drink when we're through?"

River appreciated the compliment and returned it "You performed with merit as well, you also come away without a scratch so maybe you handled it better." She then was slightly confused by his request "Why would you buy me a drink when we can just replicate one, are you thirsty?" she asked innocently as they left the brig officer in charge and now towards medical.

Fernando grinned at her, not holding her innocence against her, "It's not the same thing to replicate a drink River er Ensign. Buying a drink for someone shows your respect for them as well as friendship. Not to mention as a sign for a job well done. We're partners and I want to show my respect and admiration for how well you handled yourself on the promenade."

Feeling herself blush she looked straight forward hopefully hiding it. She wasn't sure if it was from her mistake or the fact Fernando was flattering her with so many compliments, she was just doing her job. "You may buy me a drink then Chief and I might by you one too" She smiled, before also adding "And you may call me River if you like."

"Excellent!" Fernando replied happily. "I would like that very much River and please call me Fernando and I won't try to stop you if you wish to buy me a drink." He said with a smile.

Ensign River Lokaa
Security Officer

Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa
Security Officer
pNPC Taylor


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