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Posted on Fri Jul 24th, 2020 @ 7:24am by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor]

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Fabrication shop, Deck 20
Timeline: MD 04 1700
1138 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Miraj walked into the fabrication shop after her shift through the void with the box of River's ruined momentos in both hands. She knew the general principals for this, but she'd only ever done it with whole items, she needed to do recontructions and that was beyond her skill with transporter technology.

"Hello?" She called out, setting the box down on a work bench. "Is anyone there? I need some help with stuff?"

Scott was in the shop running off some some pieces for his model ships to give them a more authentic look when he heard a voice calling out. Coming from behind one of the machines he saw a young woman with bubble gum pink hair. "Hi, Can I help you?"

Miraj glanced at the collar, noticed the two gold pips. "Yes, sir, I've got somethings that need restoration, and I don't know how to do it." She reached into the box and pulled out one of River's ballet pointes. the shoe was ruined, eaten away by the chemicals in environmental, till it was hanging together only by a few pieces of the sole, the pink satin tarnished a sickly green. "Especially as they can't just be put back to new. She'd got them broken in in a certain way, and I don't want to change that."

Scott looked at the remains of the shoe hanging in Miraj's hand, " Whoa!, not much left of the shoe is there? Have you got the other one? Something I can compare this'' He said pointing to the ruined remains in Miraj's hand, "To what it is suppose to look like?" He looked back at Miraj, "No need to be so formal Ensign, I'm Scott Gregory." A smile on his face.

"Miraj." SHe took the other shoe out of the box. The midsole was intact, the ribbons still firms stitched. But the front end had been eaten away, the block that made the point turned to sludge by the caustic chemicals. "There's also these." She brought out the chemical eaten quilt and the antique camera, lens smashed, body dented, surface corroded.

"Oh boy." Scott replied as he inspected the items. "Looks like this is going to be a major refabricating job. You want these all restored to their original state right?" He inquired as he took the camera and looked it over. "This won't be so bad. Probably the easiest out of what I'm looking at. Replace the lens and a new body. The shoes and quilt will need more work but I think they can restored."

Miraj looked very relieved. "The shoes aren't supposed to be new. Just not..eaten. But anything you can do would be brilliant. She's devastated. My friend. River."

"I hope your friend River appreciates the effort you are making for her." Scott commented. He pointed at a piece of pink cloth. "Do you happen to know what material this is? If I'm going to fabricate it. I want it to be right or as close as possible."

"I know its silk satin. But I don't know if its earth silk, or silk from anywhere else." Miraj didn't know if River would appreciate it. But she'd ben so upset, and Miraj had to try. She wouldn't be standing on this ship if it wasn't for River.

"That's okay, as long as I have a base to start from." Scott answered. he looked at the quilt next. "Know anything about this?" He asked then added, "Sorry for all the questions. I just want to do this right for you and your friend."

"I can't help with the quilt. She never mentioned it." Miraj looked at the soft cloth, obviously handmade. "And I don't know anything about the camera, only its her most prized posession."

"It's alright. I'll figure it out, the quilt looks like some sort of yarn. The camera really isn't that bad. The lens is easily replaceable and the dent can be buffed out. I can take care of the corrasion as well." Scott told her.

Miraj looked relieved, it was more than she'd hoped for. "Will it take long?" She had no idea. It could be as simple as the computer scanning and guessing the missing part, or it could take careful iterations through multiple reconstructions.

Scott chuckled at her question, "Sorry, I'm not laughing at you or the question. I can tell you it won't take five minutes. I've got to do some scans. Let the computer see if it can identify the components especially the shoes and quilt then do so some test runs to make sure what the computer ID is right and the shoes look like they are suppose to."

"I didn't think it was going to be simple," She'd hoped anyway, and her shoulders slumped a little. "How long do you think?"

"Hey, don't get down. This isn't impossible . However to do it right for you and your friend it's going to take some time." He looked at the collection of items Miraj had brought him. "Two hours." He answered simply. Then he noticed Miraj's shoulders slump at his reply. "How important is this to you for your friend?"

"Really important." Miraj explained, "They're memories more than items. I mean. If it was just the item, we'd have just got more out of the replicator. But memories arent' stored in a pattern library, so...." Miraj shrugged. She had many things she loved, inlcuding antiques, but it was their meaning that gave them value. It wasn't her six hundred year old sextant that was important. it was the fact that her brother had flown across the quadrant to bring it back when he could have been taking a proftiable trade run was what made it special.

Scott listened and heard Miraj's conviction and passion in what she said. "I understand perfectly. I'll get this done." He took the items and gave Miraj a positive look. "Don't worry. I'll get these right for you and your friend. Let me start the scans to determine what materials were used and how to best match everything up."

"Thank you, sir, Its really appreciated." Miraj felt better. River's precious memories would at least have a shot. "Should I come back tomorrow?" It was late in the afternoon.

Scott smiled. "Yes, I think that would be best. Come early no sense in prolonging both your anxiousness and keeping you in suspense. Think positive thoughts that this all works out."

"Yes, sir, thank you again. I can definitely do positive thoughts," she beamed. It was such a relief to know it was quite possible. She hated to think of River so bereft. "I'll be back before my shift tomorrow."

"Very good Miraj, I will see you tomorrow." Scott replied, vowing silently that he would do everything possible not to disappoint the young ensign.



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