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A shock surprise

Posted on Tue Sep 29th, 2020 @ 9:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]
Edited on on Tue Sep 29th, 2020 @ 9:22pm

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: Medical bay
Timeline: MD2 Following 'Lost and Alone'
2208 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Alicia was sitting watching comings and goings, waiting for get turn to be called in to the doctor it seemed the people on the stationwere slowly being inspected and catalogued like cattle. It made her wonder just what the mirror versions of the crew had planned. She tried not to notice as a guard came in her direction.

“On your feet!” He motioned to her to stand up. Having seen what happened to those who resisted she did as she was told and stood up, and moved to wherever they were taking her.

~ Medical Bay ~

Walking into the medical bay Alicia saw what looked like Doctor Sthilg but she knew this wasn’t the Gorn she knew. This Gorn looked a whole lot bigger and meaner than the Gorn she knew and she dreaded to think why she was here.

" Give me a minute." The twisted mirror of the ship's doctor said as he held a heavy stapler to the open neck wound of one of the mirror personal and snapped it shut. The female human screamed as the gorn pushed her of the bio bed and gave her a kick in the ass. " Oh quit complaining next time don't jump a gorn. Now what have you got for me?" It said turning to the terran officer.

Alicia wanted to turn and run but she knew that wasn’t an option. Instead she was pushed forward towards the Gorn.

“Another female for inspection Doctor. A part Betazoid, she has displayed empathic ability.

The gorn looked up and down at the terrified Alicia. He looked rather disappointed before he pointed to the bed. " Can't believe this is the quality they expect us to sell. Sit on the table. It will be easier for you if you cooperate.”

Alicia did as she was instructed, there was little point putting up a fight whilst well and truly outnumbered. Instead she took in what detail she could, it might all come in useful at a later date. “So females are sold in this universe?”

" Everyone is sold. The Terrans are bigger slave buyers in the universe." The mirror gorn said without Sthilg's clear sss. It paused as it found a photo of it's mirror self one of the Elysiums kind-hearted doctor with one of the new lifeforms he had welcomed into this world. " Gee's i'm a doctor in this universe? ha what a loser." It grinned as it dropped the photo onto the floor causing the glass to shatter.

Alicia could only watch as Sthilg’s photo was dropped on the floor, then trampled all over. She didn’t like this version of the Gorn doctor at all. “Why am I here? To see if I’m up to scratch to make money for your Captain?”

"Got it in one sweetheart though he's not my captain i just work for him. Now let's take a look at you." he said as he fired up the scanner.

All Alicia could do was lie there as the scanner ran its cycle. “I think you’ll find I’m in peak condition” she hoped the scans proved her right, it was one of the things keeping her alive at present. Without value she wouldn’t be worth anything to these mirror universe doppelgängers.

" Very good condition pity about the damaged womb breeders always...." The gorn said as it looked at the data before it paused as it licked it lips. " Now what have we here."

Alicia looked at the Gorn wondering what it was he’d found. “What is it?” She looked at him uncertain whether he’d even tell her what he’d found.

" Your pregnant three weeks at least." the mirror hissed out.

“What!” Alicia forced herself not to grin, she’d have time to celebrate later but right now she was more worried what that would mean for her in the hands of the doppelgängers. "I didn’t know that ... until now.”

" Well, that complicates things. How did that copy of me not notice that." hissed the copy.

“No doubt because he wasn’t looking for it” Alicia responded more rudely than she had intended. “So what does that mean for me?”

" It complicates matters. Some owners are looking for pregnant slaves as it gives them leverage over them. I know the area in Rome likes it's gladiatrix's to have children. Others may want you aborted before purchase." The gorn replied his tone not changing in the slightest.

“Aborted!!” Alicia shook her head. “Never! I’ll die before I’ll let anyone harm my baby!!” She sat up not bothering to wait for the Gorn to finish. He was loyal to these doppelgängers and she had no trust in him whatsoever. “May I go now?”

"Oh no, you don't sweetheart. Terrans don't like empaths feeling their emotions so we'll need to to make sure you can't do that." It said reaching for a bag and withdrawing a different large metal collar with some pulsing machinery running around it. D

“Another collar? I take it Terrans here have never heard of neural inhibitors!” She gave the collar a distasteful look. “I guess I don’t get much say in this though do I?”

The slave master scowled. This one was starting to annoy him. " No, you don't. Now turn around before i get the terrans to hold you down"

Alicia did as she was instructed she had a baby to protect now, she wasn’t willing to risk her child’s life. She gave thought to saying something witty but decided against it.

The gorn coldly grabbed her shoulder as it removed the old collar and placed the new collar around her fleshy neck. The magnetic lock snapped shut and seemed to twist as it tightened around Alicia's neck.

Alicia winced the collar was tight on her neck. Raising her hand and touching it she soon regretted it as it tightened even more to her touch only loosening back to its original setting as she moved her hand away.

" Don't try and pull it off it will crush your windpipe until you pass out. It will also freeze you in place if you try and attack anyone." the gorn hissed with an evil grin on it's face. " The tholians do think of everything don't they."

Alicia didn’t grace the Gorn’s comment with a response, her senses were now totally blank and she hated not being able to sense anything. Most of all she wouldn’t be able to connect with Savar wherever he was, she hadn’t seen him since before the take over of the Elysium. “

" Next. " Yelled the gorn as he saved the data. He was getting paid by the hour for processing these people.

Alicia’s eyes widened as the doors opened and revealed Savar being practically dragged inside by two guards. “Savar!” She wriggled her way free of the guard accompanying her out and rushed to her husband’s side. “Savar!!”

Savar looked up as Alicia shouted his name and came rushing to his side. "Alicia. I am relieved and pleased to see you." He said guardedly as he looked for a way to cause a disturbance and get Alicia and himself out of there.

“Savar ... there’s something you have to know!” She tried shaking off the guards as they tried pulling her back away from her husband. ”I’m pregnant!” She struggled as she was roughy yanked away from him.

" Come on you pathetic creatures can't you even keep them apart." The gorn said walking over stopping only to pimp slap the lead Terran guard who was standing up who fell back down looking totally humiliated. Grabbing the woman he pulled her away before flicking a switch on his belt. The collar buzzed into a blue light as Alicia found herself immobilized from the neck down.

Seeing Alicia treated so badly enraged Savar. He grabbed the one Terran guard still standing and slammed him into a wall. Next he punched the Gorn in his face, while grabbing the belt and yanking it off the Gorn's waist and stepping on it, smashing it. Still moving he grabbed Alicia by the hand as he pulling/ carrying her to escape through the Sickbay entrance.

" Oh, you'll pay for that." The gorn said leaping back to his feet as he wiped the blood from his face. " Code 375." He yelled. At once the collar around Alicia neck began to tighten as well as the collar around every other crewman in the medbays collar began to tighten filling the room with the sound of the chocking crew. " On your knee's Vulcan or you get to see everyone one of them chock to death. " It said with a malicious glee on it's face.

Alicia collapsed onto her knees gasping for breath as the collar tightened around her neck stopping her from breathing.

"I think not." Savar replied grimly as he grabbed Alicia and slipped his fingers under the collar and using his Vulcan strength pulled on the collar. He couldn't get it off but he had bent and warped it so badly it no longer was crushing Alicia's throat. He couldn't save the others but he doubted their captors would want them dead. Taking Alicia around the waist he hustled them out of Sickbay and into the corridor. "Hurry. we must put distance between us and our would be captors."

The gorn scowled as he grabbed a phaser from one of the Terrans as he headed after them. " Why are terrans so bloody useless." He yelled. " Sthilg to security we have two escaped slaves and a security team that needs a trip to the agaoniser." He said bringing up the signal from Alicia's collar.

Now she could breath Alicia hurried along the corridor with her husband. “Thank you for saving me Savar, but what about the others? They’ll pay the price for our escape!” The collar was still working to block her senses so she couldn’t tell whether or not they were being followed. “I’m sorry I had to tell you my news in such a way! I wanted you to know.”

They hurried down the corridors. "It is alright Alicia though your timing could have been better. I am glad you told me. Now I have a wife and child to protect. As for the others. It was unavoidable. We will come back and try to save them once I can get your collar off. We must put more distance between us and our pursuers."

Alicia nodded as they weaved their way through the corridors of the ship. “I didn’t know about the baby until the doctor told me, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you again and I wanted you to know.” She offered a smile before they both had to dive for cover as a Terran security team appeared in their path.

"This way!" Savar said as he pulled her down a side corridor and around a corner before the Terran security team got to them. Having a few seconds he looked at her collar. "Let me see." He said as he examined it. He saw a small blinking light. taking it between his fingers he squeezed and crushed the light and the trace unit underneath it. "Your senses? Are they back Alicia?"

Alicia tried to use her empathic senses but at first her senses didn't respond. "We need to get this collar off Savar!"

" No, I don't think you will. " The gorn said as he and a team of six terrans rounded the corner. "Now back off before I vaporize your woman and child in front of you."

Alicia looked at her husband knowing he'd rather put up a fight than be taken. She looked towards a doorway behind her giving him a clue that she was ready to fight if he was.

" Fine have it your way." The gorn said as he aimed his phaser. With a flash, he let out a roar of pain as another one of the free crew ran past blasting a phaser into his back. " You'll pay for that you £$£$%." He screamed as he turned and fired at the crew who had disappeared around another corner. The terrans had done so as well leaving no one with their phasers on the pair.

Seeing their chance, Savar nodded to Alicia and together they ducked through the open doorway and away from the Gorn. Now they had to hopefully find some of the free crew and join them.

Now they were free Alicia grabbed her husband's attention. "The collar, it's stopped working. I can use my senses again." She smiled. "But I'm not sure getting it off is going to be as easy. We need to find someone who knows something about how these things work, wait ... there's an engineering level, we'd find tools there."

Savar nodded, "Engineering would have a variety of tools. Some would surely come in handy to remove your collar Alicia."

Alicia nodded as she held her husband’s hand. “Let’s go!”

Taking her hand in his the pair started for Engineering, constantly checking to make sure they were going to run into any roving Terran patrols.



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