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I am sorry

Posted on Mon Oct 26th, 2020 @ 9:18am by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor]

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: DS16
Timeline: MD8
904 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

It had taken Nerinath days to get up the courage. Physically she was back to normal. On the shelf near her bed, was the jeweled headpiece she had worn as Vedaassh, she kept it as a reminder. She had spent hours at her potter's wheel, and now she carried the finished products of those hours in a box and she hit the chime outside Miraj's cabin.

She had to apologize to Miraj, she needed to.

The door opened, and Neri was bombarded with unnecessarily loud hornpipe music. Miraj herself was looking every inch the buccaneer, wearing a tricorn hat, together with a red pirate coat. Underneath was the classic frilly shirt, in an eyegougingly bright shade of yellow, and orange britches.

"Neri!" Miraj hadn't really seen her since their visit to the Mirror Universe, "They fixed you!" She threw her arms around the andorian and hugged hard. "I knew he could. Are you feeling okay again?!"

Neri was startled but she returned the hug as best she could "Yes, the Doctor was very..proficient in returning me to my normal state. Miraj, I.. " She held out the box. "I am so sorry."

Miraj took the box on reflex, but looked confused. "What for?" She couldn't think of anything that required an apology. Even if the mugs were right up her street, featuring three masted frigates in full sail, flying a jolly roger from the main mast.

"Your foot, tying you up, hurting you, getting you captured and placed in... that.... booth." Neri said "I really am sorry."

Oh. Ah. "That was... look... Come in. Computer! Belay the music!" Miraj turned back to her room. "We can christen these, splice the mainbrace." She walked in and set the mugs down. "Computer, jug of water." She started opening the cupboards around the small meal prep area, "I have it here somewhere. What did i do with it?...Aha!" She came out of one cabinet with a bottle of dark liquid. "Grog?"

"Grog sounds good" Neri said with a smile. Maybe this would not be as hard as she thought.

Miraj pulled out two of the steins and added a healthy measure to each, then topped it up with water. "Thats the real stuff, not synthehol." she warned, then held up her mug. She paused for a moment, trying to figure out the day. "Our ships at sea. In the stars." She banged her stein to Neri's, and took a hearty swig.

Neri matched her and swallowed the stuff bravely then placing the mug down coughed. "Oh by ICE what was in that?" she got out half laughing.

"Kingston reserve navy rum." Miraj offered the andorian woman the bottle. "Its made a plantation just outside Spanish Town, all by hand, like they did six hundred years ago. though its all volunteers and food historians now,
not slaves. Picked some up after graduation. For special occasions. If surving that hell hole isn't an occasion, nothing is."

"You sure you didn't pick any up in 1664?" Neri said as she took another drink. She had not been expecting the taste.

Miraj stared at her for a moment. "I'm so dumb." She exclaimed. "I never thought to look. That would have been the best thing ever. How did I miss that?" Miraj face palmed,

Neri laughed softly. "So you were not part of those who were planning to sneak down and steal stuff?"

Miraj shook her head. "Wrong part of the world for me. Not a lot of fun in If we'd landed in the Spanish Main...then they probably would have had to lock me in the brig." she swallowed down more grog. "There are some opportunities you do not miss."

Neri nodded. "Ah well, good thing then." She paused. "So... you are ok with me still being on the Elysium?"

"What?" Miraj wondered if she'd over done the rum. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" She decided she hadn't had enough rum for this, and poured another two fingers straight into her mug. "What happened... that wasn't you. And what happened to you was worse. Lots worse."

"What happened to others was worse." Neri said. "At least he did not touch me in a...sexual manner"

"I'll drink to that." Miraj raised her stein, and kept her opinion to herself that the only thing that had saved Neri had been timely rescue. "And the doctor cut his arm off. So he got a little of what he deserved too."

"A little." Neri nodded. "He and those who escaped deserve a lot more."

Miraj just shrugged. "They're gone now, They're in another universe, and one that doesn't seem very forgiving of failure. If they wanted the QSD and they didn't get it. I don't think we need to worry bout them anymore. They're not worth the energy remembering."

Neri nodded, though she highly doubted she would ever forget what happened, and she knew there were others suffering just the same. "Yes well I am sure had they stolen any tech from us, they were so over confident that it would have blown up in their faces."

"As my flying instructors would say to me, right before I made them look like arthritic geriatrics at the helm, 'Pride goes before a fall.'"

"Their pride and fall" Neri saluted with her mug. "I can pray for that."

Miraj knocked her stein into Neri's, and swigged heartily, in full agreement.


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