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Officers and Gentlemen

Posted on Thu Oct 22nd, 2020 @ 10:10am by Ensign Andrew Carey & Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Lieutenant JG Louis Bordeaux ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant Tonya King ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: starbase 16
Timeline: current
1151 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Andy walked into the bar, he and Lizette had been up all night, catching up on the past, and trying to help with her future. Learning about her kids. Although she hadnt seen them in months, she got to talk to them every day.

The atmosphere was as it should, there was arguing, fighting, and couples hooking up. Walking up to the bartender, he looked around once more before turning to the tender, "One romulan ale please."

Ensign Louis Bordeaux an Engineer who was waiting for the USS Elysium to arrive at Starbase 16 walked into the bar. He walks up as well as well to the tender. "One Cognac." He sees a couple of females sitting at a table, one of them crying. He turns to Andy saying, "Good day to you. I am Ensign Louis Bordeaux. It seems we should do our gentlemen duty and see how we can help the damsel. Awkward if just one of us goes up to them. Two will mean we are showing concern."

It took a while before Andy realized the starfleet officer was actually talking to him. Taking the ale in one gulp. He thought about the different scenarios that may occur, glanced around for any potential jealous boyfriend around. Not that he couldnt handle himself, three years staying with his vulcan family taught him several classes of martial arts. He did not like making a scene.

"Ensign Andy Carey, just waiting on the Elysium." He replied as he took the second ale he had nodded for previously, and set the glass down. "I think you are correct in your assumption ensign." He stood, and the two walked over, the table wasnt far, and it was clear something was wrong. "May we be of assistance?"

"Such gentlemen," the one who was not crying spoke. "I am Ensign Jessica North of JAG and this my best friend Lt. Tonya King. Her fiancé Captain Charles Daniels was killed in the line of duty."

"Why does this always happen you me," Tonya said crying. "I am giving up every finding a guy. This is my fourth fiancé who has been killed. There is a curse on me put on me by a Jamaican Officer."

Louis's extinct went right into friend mode. He knew in grief counseling, one should not solve someone's grief. "My condolences. Maybe we can find this Officer and have him take this curse off."

"No need," Tonya says breathing in a bit. "My third fiancé tried but it only got them both killed."

"Third Fiance?" Andy replied with an eyebrow raise, really hoping it was unnoticed, "If this... death was caused by another officer, an investigation into the matter should be brought to security." He himself was in security, "how about we just go and talk to this jamaican officer. I can handle myself and." He paused. "Excuse us, we are Ensigns Andy Carey Security officer onboard the USS Elysium. This is Ensign Louis Bordeaux, an engineer of the Elysium." He looked the ensign over... "I believe the ensign here can at least survive an encounter, with my help."

Tonya thought for a moment if the fourth was foul play. "You may be on to something. One, two and four were met with ending that could not be explained while the third might have been on to something but if that is the case, how did Ensign Anzu Bolt the Jamaican survived?"

"Several ways," Louis said, "He could have teleported himself or he could have been a hologram. Heard one time someone created an android or last but not least, he had someone to look like him."

Jessica showed her JAG Badge as it was Starfleet regulations. "The game is afoot. Let's get to the bottom of this. We cannot think the fourth by chance was an accident."

Andy raised an eyebrow, looked to the bar, "If you will excuse me ladies." He walked back to the bar, quickly ordered another ale, downing it all in one shout.

"That was quick work Ensign." The Bartender replied with a smirk.

Andy gave him a glance, before head back to the group. He turned to Louise. "I don't really know you. But what the hell did we just get ourselves into?" He replied quietly. Its not that he wasn't wanting to help these ladies, but he wasn't officially onboard his very first posting yet.

Jessica told her friend Tonya, "I will investigate this with my team. Tonya, you can stay here with these men but do not leave with them. Trust no one. I will have a friend who is at another table keeping a watch on you."

"Agreed," Tonya understood completely. After she left, Tonya sighed.

"Do not worry," Louis said comforting Tonya.

Tonya gets a message from her sister Mira. "Sorry, I have to go as well."

Louis stood up as she left. "Till we meet again."

Raising an eyebrow, "Care for some company?" Andy replied as he stood as well. "My understanding, when distraught news is brought upon someone, its best to be around people, rather than alone. Ones own thoughts can make it ten times worst."

"Maybe another time," Tonya sighed. "My sister is calling me and she wants to speak in private, do it must be urgent. Ta ta for now." She left like wind.

After she left, Louis says to Andy, "How about a couple of shots on me? What's you poison?"

Andy watched her leave, very shortly after another man dressed in plain clothes walked out after her. He turned. "Needless to say this has started off unexpected." Turning to his fellow officer, "Vulcan Ale." He replied as he paused. "Did we help those ladies? Seems like we just split them up?"

"I think we did," Louis says then turns to the bartender as the bartender gave them both Vulcan Ale. "Now we wait."

"For?" Andy replied as he downed the shot. "So, how long you been out of the academy?" He thought changing the subject would cure his confusion.

"One year," Louis answers, "I served on one other ship. There were several openings on this ship, so I was transferred like several others to the Elysium. Their last mission and I found not know what it was about had a lot of deaths. So here I am. What about you?"

"A lot of deaths? I dont like the sound of that." Andy replied ordering a few more shots. "This will be my first assignment, armoury officer, i get the weapons all to myself." He took another shot of the ale once they arrived. "My parents were both security officers, ones a private advisor, and my mothers a teacher at the academy."

"Well maybe if you were there in whatever battle they had, there would have been fewer losses," Louis sips his Ale at the end. "My parents were Solar, Wind and Water Power Engineers in Flagstaff, Arizona."


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