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Gift... Recieved?

Posted on Mon Nov 23rd, 2020 @ 6:23am by Lieutenant JG Ryan Kade III & Lieutenant JG T'Kek [Naxea]
Edited on on Mon Nov 23rd, 2020 @ 6:24am

Mission: Season 4: Episode 2: Rest And Relaxation
Location: USS Elysium - Deck 8
Timeline: Day 1 - 17:00
1268 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

There were so many medical facilities on the eighth deck. Ryan knew this, of course. As a security officer, he needed to know the ship inside out and he technically did- at least from a spec-sheet perspective- but that was on paper. Seeing it all in person was much more informative.

Round the bend he walked, checking for medical personnel quarters until he found a string of them.

"Thirty-seven, E-I." He said quietly to himself as he looked at each title. "Thirty-seven, E-I." He repeated.

And then he found it. The door didn't look any different from the others, but he still felt a bit intimidated by it. It wasn't a fear of socialization, per se, moreover a gut feeling that his strange-looking gift would be taken the wrong way or misunderstood.

Ryan looked down at the thing in his hands, then back up at the door. He cleared his throat, checking the cuffs of his uniform- only he wasn't in uniform. The fingers of his right hand brushed against the bare skin of his left wrist as they grasped nothing. He didn't even have a long sleeve shirt, which made him feel even more silly than before.

Just do it before you have an aneurysm, you dolt. His thoughts commanded, and Ryan complied by pressing the call button.

Inside, T'Kek had been completely engrossed by a novel he had recently purchased titled Clash of the Fire Plains--a Vulcan Drama Novel. He hadn't expected to enjoy it but it had come well recommended. Not as colorful or suspenseful as Terran Novels but still a surprisingly enjoyable read thus far when his attention was broken by the sound of the door chime. He set the PaDD down on a table near the chair he sat in and stood, making his way to the door. "Enter."

The door opened to reveal Ryan Kade, doing his best to appear casual. "H-hey, there!" He said, beginning to regret not just leaving the thing on the ground, note and all, and running away.

Instead, he looked down, continuing, "I brought something for you." He lifted his left hand forward, showing the small wood-carved piece in his hands. The little souvenir-like thing had the shape of nunchucks, but the ends were made of hyposprays. "I mean, I made it. I thought you might like it."

T'Kek looked at the man and then to the object he held in his hand. He could tell that there were minute differences in what looked like two hyposprays on a chain but only a Vulcan would require such precision. Lucky for his visitor, he was also part human. "It appears well made," he commented before taking the gift into his hand, studying it some more. "Why are there two hyposprays on a chain?"

Ryan smiled nervously, his right hand beginning to scratch at the back of his neck. It wouldn't take a mind reader to know he was embarrassed by the wooden art piece. "I... well... I asked around and heard you were interested in martial arts, maybe even practiced it in your downtime." He paused, looking down at the little wooden thing now in T'Kek's hands. With a gesture, he pointed at the ends, finishing, "But you're also a medic, hence the hyposprays!"

Ryan's arm fell back to his side as a more serious expression came over him, "I was worried about everyone, about those of you I'd met during the Mirror Universe... thing." He shook his head as if his mind needed a good cleaning just from the thought of that incident. "This gave me something to do. I understand if you think its weird- I know I do. But I thought maybe it might cheer you up a bit?" The words trailed off into a higher pitch towards the end, an apologetic look on his face.

T'Kek allowed a small grin to form as he recognized the item derived from an ancient Terran weapon associated with their martial arts called the nunchuk he believed. "Thank you for the gift. It is most appreciated and I do not think that it is weird. Would you like a drink?" he offered.

Ryan took a pensive glance toward the container strapped to his side. It was filled with all the other gifts, which he'd yet to deliver. Shouldn't he keep going? It didn't take long for him to decide, realizing that he literally had all day- heck, all week- to get them to their new homes.

He returned his attention to T'Kek, a smile forming, "Sure!"

T'Kek shrugged slightly and stepped away from the door, turning to place the gift on a nearby table. "What do you prefer to drink?" T'Kek asked, turning back to Ryan.

"Black tea, ice," Ryan said, glancing about as he tentatively followed. This was the first time he'd gone into someone else's quarters on the Elysium. It almost felt like a forbidden activity as he stepped across the threshold.

T'Kek made his way over to the replicator. "Black tea, ice," he repeated into the replicator. A moment later a cup of the liquid materialized. T'Kek took the beverage and turned, handing the tea to Ryan. "So what have I done to deserve your gift?"

He'd taken the cup with both hands, bringing it into his chest and holding it there, his hands beginning to slowly swirl the liquid with a small motion. There was a smell that entered the air, one Ryan associated with good times and relaxation. He loved tea, despite the bitterness.

His eyes returned to T'Kek, having almost forgotten where he was. The small smile that had formed flattened with slight embarrassment. "Ahem." He cleared his throat, "right, of course, the... gift." He looked towards the table where it had been placed, thinking back through the time he'd spent working on it.

The off duty brig officer shrugged, "I'm actually not sure." He admitted, "I just wanted to do something nice for you guys. For the people I..."

He wanted to say 'failed to protect', but Ryan stopped himself. "For the ones I came across during the Mirror Universe incident."

"I see," T'Kek replied, raising his right eyebrow slightly. "There are those more deserving of gifts than myself but I thank you nonetheless. Did you make any gifts for any others?"

"Yes, actually," Ryan said, his left hand reaching for the small container attached to his hip. His hand pressed a release on the side, resulting in a soft click as the top half popped open. Inside were four other creations made out of the same oak tree material.

Walking to the same table where the first was placed, Ryan lined up the others. There was a ship, a bow, a pot, and a globe-shaped piece with concentric circles carved into it.

"I did some research on each person and tried to make something related to their interests. This is what I came up with. I'll be delivering these to them next once I'm done here."

T'Kek walked over and looked at the other items. All were seemingly well crafted. "That is very thoughtful of you. I am sure the others will appreciate them."

"Thanks," Ryan said as he began putting them back in the container. The lid clicked shut as he closed it over them, gently. "Speaking of which," He said just before downing the entire cup, "I should get going so I can deliver the rest of them. Thanks for the conversation, and the tea. Good stuff!"

"You are welcome," T'Kek said, watching Ryan turn to leave his quarters.

"See you around!"


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