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Firing range

Posted on Mon Jan 25th, 2021 @ 10:41pm by Captain David Tonelly [Reece] & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Private Christian Laknema & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea] & Gunnery Sergeant Luxa Gami [Naxea] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Elysium, Marine Country, firing range
Timeline: Tbd
2006 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

The range was busy today, as the detachment was working at fulfilling its mandatory quarterly weapons qualifications. The range had been sectioned off into three parts. The first was for pistols, the second for rifles, and the third, the smaller of the three, for sniper rifles. David had already given his safety briefing and the range was being used by the entire detachment.

Deciding that things were going smoothly, David pulled out the weapon that had just arrived from Headquarters, the improved TR-116A. It is a ballistic weapon system that employs a micro transported on the end of the barrel that, instantly following the firing of the .50 caliber round, beams the spent round to a location three centimeters from its target, then the round rematerializes and continues its flight path, still containing the same velocity and stopping power as if it had been fired traditionally, with the added benefit of not having any downforce caused by gravity. This system has granted the weapon operator, usually a sniper, to achieve far longer ranged shots. As this system is still in the prototype stages, only a handful are deployed out to the fleet.

Opening the case containing the large rifle, David carefully extracted the weapon and placed it down on the sandbags of his firing position. Then, after lowering himself down into the prone position, he loaded the weapon, pulled it into his shoulder, and looked through the scope. Seeing the target, which was at a simulated 2000 meter distance, he adjusted the scope slightly, then after taking a breath and slowly releasing it. He depressed the trigger. The deafening report of the large round being fired filled the large room, causing some Marines to stop and watch the demonstration.




Heather was just visiting Marine Country whilst she still held her Marine rank. She was going to miss it once she qualified and transferred to fleet personnel, the sound of the weapon going off made her jump at first making her pat her bump reassuringly as though reassuring her unborn it was alright. She stood watching out of curiosity.

Christian LOVED range day. He was all giddy inside although he didn't let it show on the exterior of him. He had listened to the standard Range Briefing and then proceeded over to rifle range with the standard Federation Rifle. He started off with a standing shooting then went prone.

Naxea stood, cradling her rifle as she watched the line of Marines fire their weapons when the massive form of her temporary XO came into her peripheral view. She turned to look at Warrant Officer Man'darr, glancing at his Heavy Automatic Pulse Weapon. "So, I'm taking it you're qualifying with your favorite?" she grinned.

"You know it, Major," he smiled, patting the weapon that sent over a dozen MU Terrans to their deaths. "Most seem to be doing well," he commented as he turned his attention to the firing line.

"That they are. Just make sure Third Platoon is keeping sharp. Heavy Weapons should be accurate as well," she commented of her Heavy Weapons Platoon.

"Aye, Major," he said with a slight nod as he moved off towards where Third Platoon was gathered.

On the firing line, Staff Sergeant Gami fired at targets on the mobile range. Her most tenth and most recent shot hit the target drone dead center.

Walking over to Private Laknema, Naxea was impressed so far with his shooting as she stood behind him, watching him fire his weapon, not wanting to disrupt his firing.

Heather moved up to the firing line, she wasn’t going to be allowed on this firing range for much longer so she decided to give herself one more chance at practice. Lining up her shots she took her time, posture wasn’t easy sporting a six month bump. Waiting for the results she was pretty pleased with the overall outcome.

David could hear all the conversations taking place around him. It was one of the gifts of his people. He was glad that the range day was going so well. As he finished the last shot of the small magazine, he looked over to his spotter to check his results. He smiled when he was told that all rounds found their mark within the bullseye.

Reaching up to the end of his rifle, he removed the mini transporter unit and carefully set it to the side in its hard case. He then opened up the box of new ammo that was being field tested for the various sniper units through the fleet. It was an incendiary round that, as the reports from SFMC R&D stated, acted like a mini torpedo. So far, it had only been miniaturized enough to be fired from sniper rifles, with their larger barrels. Though, David was certain, given enough time, these rounds could be made small enough to be used in any projectile weapon.

One of the interesting things about the round, David learned, was that the explosive yield could be adjusted. Seeing that it was at its lowest setting, he loaded three rounds into a magazine and the loaded the magazine into his rifle. After he had the first round loaded, he signaled for his spotter to give the appropriate warning to the range.

“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” She then reached over and tapped David’s helmet.

Taking a deep breath, then slowly releasing it, David saw his target, put the tip of his finger on the trigger, and slowly squeezed.


The recoil was a bit more than the rifles dampeners could handle, and it felt like David had been kicked in the shoulder. To his credit, he kept control of the weapon, put it on safe, then stood up, flexing his right arm and rubbing the area in the crook of where his shoulder met his arm, that he was sure would have a bruise before the end of the day.

Heather had noticed the way David was rubbing his arm. Walking over she smiled warmly. “Are you alright? Do you need me to take a look at that arm for you?”

David recognized the attractive nurse from the personnel files that he had studied the first night he was on the ship. "Thanks, Sarge," he grunted softly. "I don't think anything's broken, just feels like I was kicked by a damn mule."

“Can’t say I’m surprised” Heather smiled warmly and gently moved his arm through a series of moves, lowering, raising, and rotating his arm making sure David had full motion. “I don’t see any signs of damage but you’re going to be plenty sore in the morning. If you need anything for the discomfort just drop by Sickbay and I’ll organise it.”

David nodded. “Thank you, I will.” Then, after Heather released him, he moved back to his weapon, picked it up and ejected the magazine. After he cleared the weapon, he noticed the amount of carbon scoring that just the one round had caused. Shaking his head, he put the rifle back in its case, knowing that he was going to spending several hours both doing repairs and modifications to it before he would be able to use it safely.

Man'darr had stopped in his tracks at hearing the noise from the new weapon, looking at where Corporal Tonelly had fired his weapon. "Damn, that gave me a hard on. I think I just jizzed myself."

"TMI, Sir, T...M...fucking I," Gami said as she stepped off of the firing line with a large smile on her face and a shake of her head.

Naxea watched Sergeant La Rosa check on Corporal Tonelly. She would be missed when her transfer was complete to go to the Fleet. A nearby whine caught her attention--one that sent her senses on alert. Her head snapped in the direction of the noise to see a Marine trying to fire his weapon in frustration. "Shit!" she cursed, rushing over to the Marine as she tossed her rifle across her back as she did so. "Marine standby!" she yelled just before colliding and pushing the Marine aside. She slid the energy cell compartment open and saw the issue as the cell was placed in backwards. Grasping the energy cell, it caused her to flinch at first as it was hot to the touch but she only had a few seconds to get the thing out. She bit down, grasping the hot cell, ripping it out and tossing it to the deck as the whine from the phaser subsided. Adrenaline was pulsing through her as she grabbed the PFC. "What the hell PFC! Pay attention and put the cell in correctly! You could have killed yourself and half the Marines in this line! She picked up the now cool energy cell and shoved it in his face. "Look at the dummy directions! The arrow points to the barrel of the weapon! Get off the firing line!"

"Aye ma'am," the PFC replied getting up and walking off the line with his head hung.

“Let me see your fingers Major” Heather moved across to take a look wanting to make sure Naxea hadn’t caused any serious burns. She was starting to wish she’d brought her medical kit along with her, but lugging the big bag about was a pain in her condition.

Moving over, David, as range NCO, checked the situation. Seeing who the PFC was, he made a mental note of ensuring he received remedial training. A lot of it. Moving over to his CO, David snapped to attention. “Major, my apologies, Ma’am. As your range NCO, I am responsible for ensuring that everyone is informed on how to properly execute their training. While you were injured by PFC Langone’s blunder, I am the one ultimately responsible, and I put myself forward for whatever disciplinary actions you deem necessary, Ma’am!”

Christian saw George Langone scurry away from the Major and the situation, he shook his head thinking that George was better than that. He made a mental note not to be around him while they were on duty or off for the next little bit as George would be getting a lot of extra duties for the next bit.

Naxea let Heather examine her fingers while she listened to Tonelly. "Thank you, Corporal but you're not to blame. Besides, I've had worse injuries than a few singed fingers," she flinched as Heather kept looking her fingers over. Just make sure PFC Langone learns from this incident." She understood the PFC was new to the Fleet and that sometimes adrenaline could case a person to overlook something as simple as placing the placing the energy cell in backwards but he need to learn the difference by just the feel of it which would come by repetition and experience.

David nodded as he replied. "Aye, Ma'am. I will personally ensure that PFC Langone not only learns from his mistake, but, becomes one of your best shooters, Ma'am!"

Heather finished looking at Naxea’s fingers, having procured a nearby emergency medkit she’d run the dermal regenerator over just to give the skin some help with healing. “Your fingers aren’t too bad Major, I’ve regenerated the area for you to avoid blistering, it’ll be a bit sore for a few hours though. If the remaining redness or pain doesn’t go away overnight drop by sickbay in the morning to have it checked.”

"Thank you, Sergeant, " she grinned at the woman. "Glad we could keep you busy."

“It’s my pleasure” Heather smiled. “I’m going to miss being here in marine country when I transfer to fleet. I hope you won’t mind if I drop in from time to time?”

"Of course not, Sergeant. Once a Marine, always a Marine," she replied with a grin.

“Thank you Major” Heather smiled warmly.

After a few more moments, the range returned to its usual activity level and noise.



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