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An overdue talk

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 6:14am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Savar & Alicia’s Quarters
1203 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Alicia was sitting on the sofa resting up against Savar with his arm draped around her as best as it would go given how they were sat. “So what’s on your mind Imzadi? I can feel there’s something bothering you.”

"What? Nothing is bothering me Alicia. Why would you say that?"

“Because I can feel it” Alicia moved so she could sit looking at Savar. “I can also feel it, both through my senses and our bond. Please tell me.”

"I see and what are your senses and our bond telling you Alicia?" Savar was being evasive with his wife. This was a sensitive subject and he had no desire to upset her, especially with her being pregnant.

Alicia studied Savar. “That you’re holding back on giving me an answer. Have I upset you in some way? Have I done something wrong?”

"No, of course not Alicia. You are a loving and caring spouse. A caring and nurturing mother for Connor and will continue to be with our next child." He paused for a moment considering on how to approach the topic and decided directly was the best way. "It is I who is the problem Alicia."

Alicia looked at her husband concerned at his statement. “What do you mean?”

He dropped his head before raising it to face her. "I am afraid I have let my pride get the best of me Alicia. in regards to your 'father'"

Alicia’s heart sank. “Because I made Sthilg part of our family? Or because I’ve been spending more time with him of late?”

He had broached the subject, so he had to continue. "I feel I have been displaced as head of the family Alicia. You seek the Doctor's advice/opinion before mine."

Alicia listened taking in what her husband said, at first she was hurt by his words but she nodded in agreement. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to feel like I was replacing you.” She sat back quietly obviously troubled.

"It is I who am sorry Alicia. The fault is mine not yours. As I said, I let my pride get in the way. I saw you replacing me where in actuality you were merely being nice to the doctor."

“No I ...” She paused. “I let my excitement at having a father again get the better of me. I lost my father the same year I lost Kal and my baby. I never even imagined I’d have a father again.” She sighed. “I’m sorry I should have explained.”

"You have done nothing wrong Alicia. I am sorry I have not proved myself worthy of your love and affection. My pride was my undoing for I love you and Connor so much I always want to be there for you and I imagined I was being both replaced and displaced in my role as head of the home. I hope one day you can find me worthy to love again."

“What are you saying!” Alicia looked at Savar in dismay. “I DO love you! I love you with all my heart and soul. Sthilg is my father not my husband, I go to him for fatherly advice that’s all.” She slowly stood up and walked over to the window before turning to look at Savar. “Have I proved myself unworthy to be your wife?”

Savar stood and walked over to her. He wrapped his arm around Alicia and brought her close. "Of course not Alicia. you have been an ideal wife. It is I who have let you down and for that I am genuinely sorry. I have no desire to upset you or have you question what you mean to me."

“Yet you feel as though I don’t love you anymore” She was feeling very confused. “You are not replaced by my father Savar, Sthilg is family now but he will never replace you!”

"No. I said I feel as if I have been replaced. I apologize for not being clearer on that topic. I also that I have erred in my perception of this situation. Again I offer my apologies."

Alicia nodded. "Stop apologising, please. This is my fault not yours." She sighed.

"It. Is. Not your fault Alicia." Savar replied firmly. "It is a case of misperception as well as misunderstanding. One I do not wish us to repeat."

“Neither do I” Alicia gave Savar a teary eyed look.

He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek then lips. "I love you Alicia. Now and forever. Let us put this behind us and go forward together as equals."

Alicia nodded and returned Savar’s kiss. “Yes, please. I don’t like feeling as though I’ve hurt you.”

"You did not hurt me Alicia. I now that it was all a terrible misunderstanding. One that should have never occurred if I had taken the time to talk to you in the first place." Savar answered. "Rest assured I will not make the same error again."

Alicia nodded. “Meld with me” She looked into Savar’s eyes. “I know we’re bonded but I want you to feel how much you mean to me. How lost I’d be without you.”

Savar didn't reply, instead he led Alicia over to the couch so they could sit facing each other. Once they were seated he gently and with great care place his fingers on her cheek and temple. "My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts." He intoned as the meld was made. He saw with utter clarity the depths of Alicia's love for him. How strong it was, how she loved him totally and completely. How there was no one else (with the exception of Connor) that she loved as much as she did him. In return, he opened his mind to her, allowing her to explore and see the depth of his love for her and how he would brave any danger to keep her safe and from harm. Alicia made him complete, she truly was his better half.

Alicia saw and felt the depths of feeling Savar had for her, she could feel it through their bond but to feel the true depth of feeling that Savar kept locked away due to his nature as a Vulcan, meant everything to her. << I look forward to the day I become truly part of you Savar, for when that time comes I shall be here to help you and we will become part of one another forever. >>

Alicia simply nodded and smiled feeling much better now they’d cleared the air between them. “How’s about we cuddle up and put a movie on? You know how much I enjoy that?”

"A most excellent idea." Savar agreed, pleased that he and Aurora had overcome this bump in their relationship. Choose a movie that we can watch and enjoy together."

Nodding Alicia smiled, this was one talk she was very glad was over.



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