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Posted on Tue May 11th, 2021 @ 2:44pm by Cadet Sophomore Grade Triston Montgomery [Lalor] & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Timeline: MD3 - 10h00
1220 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Raye waited until Avalon had assured her that Gary was alone and not under surveillance by the new captain. Then she and Triston headed for his new office. Standing outside they hit the chime. And waited.

Inside the office, Gary thought on what Samantha Prescott had told him and shown him. It was a wild story but had elements of truth about it. He just wasn't sure he was ready to believe it. He had lived this long by not rushing into things and making hasty decisions. Then there was the fact Garrett Lovejoy was involved. Hw knew the crew disliked Lovejoy slightly less than they did the new captain but according to Samantha, he was working against the new captain, covertly of course. He was interrupted from his thoughts as the chime sounded. "Now who?" He muttered. However he sat up straight and called out, "Come!"

Triston led the way into the room. "Commander Taylor." he said as the door closed behind Raye and himself.

"Cadet Montgomery, Miss Crosby- Triannth, this is an unexpected pleasure. To what do I owe this visit?"

"Sir" Triston said coming to attention. "Raye and I... we are hoping, to ..." he looked at Raye who nodded and took over.

"Sir, we know that there is something going on. We want to help." Raye stated.

Gary motioned to the chairs in front of his desk, "Sit down both of you. Perhaps you should explain your statement Raye."

She sat and Triston sat beside her. "Commander, the current situation, the new...Captain and Commander Lovejoy, it is not ideal nor is it something that certain crew on this ship would take lying down. You especially, since she is such a...." here Raye waved a hand.

"We, knowing this," Triston added "Believe fully, that you and other members of the Senior Staff are working behind the scenes, to either, get rid of the new captain and her new XO or on getting Captain Lalor back."

"Granted it is not ideal but Captain Carrington and Commander Lovejoy were placed her by Starfleet Command. Are you two calling the judgment of senior officers into question?" He asked pointedly. He needed to know how committed they were to this.

The two teens exchanged looks and then looked at him. "YES" They said in unison.

"I see and what do you propose a mutiny? Which will get you both locked up until your hair is grey and your backs are bent." Gary asked them. Wanting to see how far they were willing to go.

Raye rolled her eyes. "Come on Commander, we have been on this ship long enough to know that, there are people on this ship who are not standing for what is happening and they are not letting the threat of brig time stop them."

"Don't give me attitude Raye." Gary snapped. "Mr. Montgomery, your a cadet, you should know to respect the rank even if you do not respect the person. Is that not so?" He challenged.

"Yes Sir, hence why we came here instead of just making sure her replicator spewed out yellow gunk every 5 minutes" Triston replied.

Raye muttered "Would make an improvement on the woman." She subsided as Triston looked at her.

"That said Commander, Respect is also earned. And the Captain has done little to earn it." Triston added.

"Mr. Montgomery. don't argue with me. " Gary looked at Raye, "Juvenile antics won't get rid of Carrington. It will only make her more determined to root out all the trouble makers. What is need here is stealth and subtlety."

"So, instruct us." Came her reply with a small smile. "Miran said you have an intelligence background."

"Are you two going to listen and not go off half cocked? You been in contact with Miran. Good."

"She wrote to us. Told us to find out what you guys are up to." Triston said calmly. "And yes, we will listen, just don't make us sit on the sidelines."

"Fair enough. Going to hold you both to that promise." Gary told them. "The first thing you both can do, is tone down the anger and resentment. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Be nice or rather act nice. Act as if you support the Captain especially you Tristan. Raye you can get the word to others to do the same. I have a meeting to go to and I will tell you more when I return."

Gary looked at them both, "Something else. "Be prepared for the long haul. This won't get done in a week or two. Make sure you understand that."

Triston nodded "Aye Sir."

Raye sighed. "Fine I'll be nice to Gavin as well."

"Raye." Gary spoke to her "Don't judge a book by it's cover. That goes for Gavin and Commander Lovejoy. I don't believe I need to say more."

"No commander." Raye replied.

Triston nodded. "No Sir. We will listen and do as asked,"

"Excellent. Next, a network needs to be established as to send and receive messages. Do you both agree with that?" Gary asked the pair.

The teens again exchanged looks and nodded. "Sure" Raye said with a smile.

"Am I missing something?" Gary asked as the two teens again exchanged looks.

"Just confirming what Miran said might happen" Raye said calmly.

"And just what did Miran say might happen?" Gary questioned the two teens.

"That you would have a plan and that her sister trusted you to keep everyone on the ship without getting us killed and that you would know how to communicate without issue."

"You know what? She's right. Not going to get anyone killed and we can and will communicate without raising any eyebrows." Gary told the pair.

Raye nodded. "Ok Sir, how do we do that?"

"Are you both familiar with the concept of hide in plain sight? " Gary asked the pair.

Triston nodded but Raye shook her head.

"Okay Raye, what the concept is as follows. be unnoticeable, by staying visible in a setting that masks presence. In other words act normal, don't change a routine or do anything to bring attention to yourself. You don't make a scene, you don't wear loud clothes or change your physical appearance." Gary informed the girl.

"Not that my mother would allow that." She said almost absently. "But I get the point."

"Good." Gary replied "Be friendly to everyone trust no one." He added.

She raised an eyebrow. "not even old crew members?" she asked curiously.

"Do you want to stay on this ship?" Gary asked pointedly.

"Yes" came the reply tinged, just with a teenagers sarcasm. "okay."

"Then lose the sarcasm Raye. I don't have the time or the temperament to deal with it." Gary told her.

That she knew. She nodded. "Yes Commander"

"Thank you." Gary replied not unkindly. "Now, you and Triston will be the eyes and ears of the crew's mood. While I work on getting Phoenix back to the center seat. We will have irregular regular meetings all under the pretense of work as you Raye have just become an intern here in addition to your schoolwork. Triston you can move around the crew, get messages to them."

The two teens smiled and nodded. "Aye Sir."

"Any questions?"

"No Sir" Raye said softly.

"No Sir" Triston repeated.


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