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Different Captain, Same Vira

Posted on Tue Jun 22nd, 2021 @ 10:21am by Captain Yasmine Carrington & Lieutenant Vira Vemre [Whavi]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3 11h30
694 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The most nerve wreaking part of accepting a new post to was presenting yourself to the command team, or at least that's how Vira saw it. After the tension between her and lieutenant Whavi she was dreading meeting the captain. Tossing her long pony tail over her left shoulder the risian sighed and tapped the chime.

"Come!" came the call from within.

Vira's face brightened minimally as she entered the ready room and moved to stand before the desk. Rather then thrust her assignment paperwork at the captain she waited until she was asked for them. "Ensign Vira Vemre reporting for duty. I apologize for not meeting with you first."

Yasmine nodded and gave a small smile. "Welcome Ensign, please have a seat. Its ok, you contacted your Chief first?"

"Thank you Captain." Vira sat keeping her back straight. "I actually met with Commander Lovejoy first, then Ba- I mean Lieutenant Whavi."

"May i have your orders please?" Yasmine asked with a smile.

Vira handed the PaDD to Yasmine, rather then watch the captain review her orders and previous post Vira looked around the room, she was surprised to see it wasn't more decorated but caught herself from stating so.

"All in order I see. I am sure Lieutenant Whavi will have a lot for you to do as she has stepped up into the second officer role and will be depending on her department."

"I do look forward to it. I'm quite eager to prove my worth among the already established crew. I hear this assignment is new for you as well?" Vira asked, praying she wasn't being to bold in her questioning.

"Yes, But I have been waiting for the position for a while." Yasmine said.

"And well deserved I'm sure." Vira gave the captain a genuine smile. "Is it everything you hoped it would be?"

"Yes, There are a few officers who are not happy about it but I am willing to work with them to a point."

"Leadership changes can be hard, I'm sure they will eventually see that adapting to change can have a positive effect on ones personal growth. Once that resistance phase is passed."

"we really do not have time for that time to happen. With the current mission we need to be hitting the ground running."

Vira nodded, "I understand, Captain." Vira never had to personally deal with the changes the current crew was undergoing. The biggest shift was Whavi leaving the Rosenbloom but even then crew had been promoted from within.

"Lieutenant Whavi will be able to bring you fully up to speed on the mission at hand, I am sure you will get the chance to go down to the planet as well"

Excitement shown in her eyes, "I hope so! I'll be sure to seek a mission briefing soon so that I'm fully prepared to go planet side. Aside from what Lieutenant Whavi will inform me of, is there anything else I should know or look into learning?"

Yasmine smiled. "I would suggest that you speak with Lieutenant Whavi about getting cross trained in Helm and other bridge departments. One never knows when you may need to take a different console."

The ensigns eyes widened at the thought. She had never worked a bridge shift, the opportunity had never been offered to her so to hear the captain speak of it gave Vira enthusiasm she had never felt before.

"Aye Captain, I'll look into seeing I learn all that I can to better assist the crew no matter the circumstance!" Vira smiled brightly a new gleam in her hazel eyes.

"I have no doubt of that" Yasmine said warmly.

Vira was beaming now, aside from Whavi both the captain and first officer had already made quite the impression on her risian soul. Both making her feel more then welcome aboard a ship triple the size of her last. "Thank you Captain."

"You are welcome. Dismissed Ensign"

The risian stood, back straight and hands clasped behind her back as she dipped her chin in a departing gesture. "Good Day Captain."

Turning quickly to hide the smile she couldn't hold back, Vira excited the room.


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