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Diplomacy between the Empires PART 1

Posted on Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 6:57pm by Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Tales from the other side of the Mirror
Location: Erisian Homeworld
1318 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Attendant Vanessa hated waiting rooms. But this was what she was waiting in. She was here to speak to Penelope Lalor on behalf of the new Viceroy of the Alindari Imperium's Beta Quadrant Company. Apparently, relations with the Terrans had soured over the situation with Viceroy Arrianna's Death and Captain Taylor's venture becoming an unmitigated calamity.

The Empress herself gave control of the Beta Quadrant Company over to Viceroy Aliciannna. While she was fifteen of age, the young girl had Vanessa completely in her grasp. Not that Vanessa complained. Grand Duchess Alicianna was smarter than Arrianna. But the new Viceroy made no secret that the people around her were expendable if they didn't perform to expectations.

And thus far, Alicianna's strategy was proving successful. Everyone needed weapons for whatever wars they were fighting in this quadrant, whether they be Alliance.. Terran.. Rebels... even the Erisians.

Alicianna wasn't interested in the products, but the business. As long as the cargo of weapons flowed from the imperium, and the ships full of latinum flowed back, Vanessa's value to Aliciianna would remain.

The doors opened and a tall male erisian entered. "Legate." he intoned. "I am Lord Morti, Lord Chamberlain to the Emperor and Empress of Erisia. Their Excellencies's will see you, please follow me."

Vanessa nodded. She followed Morti. This would be interesting, as Alicianna wanted her impressions of the new Emperor and Empress before the Viceroy herself made an appearance.

Before the Alindari representative was brought into their court, Mattias looked over to Penelope and asked, "Have you ever dealt with the Alindari before, my love?"

"Once" Penelope replied her tone cool. "Well twice really. One in this universe and one in the other." She ran a hand down her pale blue court gown and looked to the door as it opened and Morti led in the representative.

Turning his head back to their arriving guest, Mattias relaxed in his throne, holding onto Penelope's right hand with his left, as she sat in her throne right next to him, up on the raised dias, giving them both the superior view over the entire Court.

Vanessa spoke. "I bring greetings from Viceroy Alicianna Salannis an Khardan. The new lord of the Beta Quadrant Company." She noted.

Mattias was not impressed. "And why should either myself or the Empress care what you call yourselves? Why have you come before us?"

"I'm here to interest you in the opportunities an alliance with the Beta Quadrant Company, and the Alindari Empire would offer." She noted. "Our trade relations with the Terran Empire has grown... stale recently."

Mattias again replied first, a slight smirk on his face. "Your dealings with the Terran Empire, or lack thereof, do not interest us, Alindari. Get to the point. What do you think you possess, that we simply cannot live without?"

Penelope sat quietly watching Vanessa closely. She chose to remain silent to see what would happen.

Vanessa spoke. "Ah but when there's someone new on the throne. The first order of business after a successful coup is the shifting loyalties that must be dealt with. To win a throne is one thing, but to secure it and stamp out rebellion. Even still maintaining an empire after a coup. Takes willing allies in the right places. You still have to consider the foes on your borders. The Beta Quadrant company is offering trade goods from the many worlds the Alindari Empire has trade relations with, so you can strengthen your empire's position quickly. Including advanced weapons and ships." Vanessa noted. "The former viceroy made a mistake involving herself with Captain Taylor's schemes. Slaves and promises of glory are such volatile arrangements. Viceroy Alicianna is not that foolish."

Mattias considered her words as he thought. Then, he asked, "Should the Erisian Empire choose to ally ourselves with the Alindari, what assurances do we have that you are not simply carpet baggers, looking to rob us blind?"

Vanessa responded. "Robbing from you would be another risky scheme we would be embroiled in. One that Viceroy Alicianna is not interested in. The Terran Emperor promised us that the Alliance would be dealt with after Captain Taylor's plan proved successful. We had an interest in the Alternate Elysium's QSD." Vanessa noted. "Viceroy Arrianna believed that would be enough to justify the investment we made by giving a substantial loan to the Terran Empire. The Emperor desired it to use to build up his military to deal with the Alliance, but now the Emperor has no way to pay his debts. We were supposed to be delivered one Quantum Slipstream Drive as a payment in good faith... We got nothing but a slave rebellion and a Type four subspace rift near the place we were to obtain the drive from." Vanessa noted. "This situation stated an investor panic. So the Empress has named Arrianna's Cousin; Duchess Alicianna as Viceroy of the Company, and I assure you; Alicianna is interested in long term trade relationships rather than risky ventures that may antagonize our stockholders. No more foolish endeavors with the Terrans. Countess Arrianna allowed her own vices to rule her, Grand Duchess Alicianna does not." Vanessa noted. "If anything. We would preferably like to pick the carpace of the Terrans. They're the ones who owe us a debt, and an Alindari always pays their debts, and collects them too."

Mattias was quiet for several beats. Then, in a clear voice, he replied. "While you have stated some fine points, we must discuss this in private. Leave us for now. You will be shown to one of the visiting dignitary suites to relax and enjoy your time on our world. When reach a decision, we will have you brought back before us."

Penelope chose to speak then. "Lord Morti will make sure you have everything you require"

The Aide nodded and bowed low.

Vanessa gave a curtsy and turned to walk with Lord Morti.

Once she was gone, Mattias stood and offered his hand to Penelope. "Shall we retire to our chambers? There is much we need to discuss, my Queen."

Pene allowed him to help her to her feet. "yes." she said softly. "A lot."

A few minutes later, they entered their private quarters, and both moved to look in on their daughter, who was sleeping peacefully in her basinet. Standing behind Penelope, Mattias slid his arms around her waist as they looked down upon their little angel. "Everything we do, is for her," he said softly, happily.

Pene nodded. "What do you think of her proposal Mattias?"

"It has merits," He admitted. "Though, at first, I was worried she might ask for our QSD tech. We can never allow another government to gain that from us. It is one of the few aces that we still hold to keep Erisia safe."

Pene nodded "Maybe we should invite her to dinner." she said softly. "See how she handles that."

Mattias nodded. "Sounds like a good idea, my love."

Pene straightened, "I will get Morti onto it."

Mattias nodded again. He then leaned closer and kissed his beautiful wife on the side of her neck. Not trying to start anything, just to give her a loving little zing.


Morti led Vanessa to an opulently appointed suite of rooms. "Your aides are housed next to you, My Lady." He said

Vanessa nodded. "Indeed. And one more thing mi'lord. Viceroy Alicianna will arrive here soon. My lady is still dealing with the last elements of Arrianna's influence over the Beta Quadrant Company. Once she has brought these detractors in line, she'll be here to meet with the Queen in person."

"I am sure the Emperor and Empress will be pleased to meet with the Viceroy" the man replied. He paused as his ear comm pinged. "And they would like to invite you to dinner this evening. Is that acceptable?"

Vanessa nodded. "I look forward to it."



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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Fri Jun 10th, 2022 @ 2:24pm

Very creative and stylistic. I like it. But, if I were Vanessa, I sure wouldn't be accepting a dinner invitation from these folks. I can only imagine what would be on the menu. Steak tar-tar, brussel sprouts, icky whole wheat rolls, Imperial margarine and then something really weird. Like....a quiche. And I imagine they'd watch every bite. Lemonade to drink but its from a powder. And sugar-free. So no hiding anything in a napkin either. And I bet they'd be insulted if one didn't clean their plate. I think the desert would be off too. Like...Candied Yams with burnt marshamallow tops. Or...neopolitan iced cream but skimpy scoops with hardly any chocolate. Definitely the kind of dinner that you need to stop by the drive thru on the way back to Erisia or The BCC. "Thank you for your dinner invitation - pass."