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Future discussions

Posted on Tue Jun 7th, 2022 @ 6:25am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sthilg family quarters
1112 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Deanna stood in Sthilg’s quarters looking around hoping that Sthilg would appreciate the changes she’d made now she’d moved in with him. She wanted to make their quarters more homely, she just didn’t want him to feel she had taken over his quarters.

Sthilg had just come back from his shift his heavy feet hitting his wooden floor. A smile spread over his face as he saw Deanna who he moved to hug.

Deanna smiled as she returned the hug, giving Sthilg a loving kiss. “I hope you don’t mind, I’ve made a few changes to make your quarters more homely.”

Sthilg was a little worried. He liked his library and hoped it hadn't been changed that much, but he felt a great sense of relief when he saw.......

Deanna motioned to the living area, “I know you probably had your books arranged in order so I haven’t moved those.” She waved her hand around. “I moved over a few of my things, I’ve added some cushions and blankets, and a cosy rug.” She smiled. The only other change was a minor rearrangement of the furniture.

" It's wonderful my dear." Sthilg replied honestly before his mind started panicking over something. " You didn't find a sssmall object wrapped in leavesss?" He asked

Deanna shook her head. “I didn’t see one Imzadi, if I had I wouldn’t have moved it without your permission.”

" That'sss good i'd hate you to find your engagmn......" Sthilg said before stopping upon realising he'd said the quiet part out loud.

Deanna stood looking at Sthilg in surprise. “Were you about to say engagement?” Her gaze was one of utter shock.

Sthilg had a look of utter embarrassment on his face. " I'm sssorry i had thisss all planned out and i've gone and ruined it with my big mouth. "

Deanna smiled as she moved closer giving Sthilg a hug. “You haven’t ruined anything Sthilg, I can wait until your planned time or place unless you want to ask me ahead of schedule?”

" Clossse your eyesss." Sthilg replied as he quietly walked off and returned with a package made from many tightly tight tropical tree leaves. " I'm not sssure how it'sss said in betazoid, but Deanna will you make me the happiessst gorn in the galaxy by becoming my wife? "

Deanna stood for a moment a huge smile on her face. “Ohh Imzadi, of course I will ... yes!!”

Sthilg beamed as he untied the leaves revealing a wooden ring carved from the jungle wood of his people's homeworld. " May i? " he asked

Deanna nodded as she held out her hand for Sthilg to put the ring on. “You carved it yourself?” She looked surprised at it’s unique nature, and care that had gone into it.

" I did. From the sarrha tree'sss of the homeworld all gorn coloniesss plant as a reminder of home. " he explained.

Deanna held out her hand with the ring on. “It’s beautiful! You even made it a perfect fit!” She grinned. “I am truly honoured.” She leant closer giving him a loving kiss.

Sthilg happily smiling face said more than words could as he wrapped his arms around her. " I am the one who is honoured Imzadi. You've given me a happinesss i thought i'd never have again."

“I will always be there for you Imzadi” Deanna held Sthilg feeling happy and safe in his embrace. “I never thought I’d find another man who made me feel so special, until now.”

" Neither did i." Sthilg replied as he wrapped her in his warm embrace. " Letting out a chukle he looked in her deep black eyes. " What do you think are daughter will think of thisss?"

“I think Alicia will be thrilled!” Deanna smiled. “You’d be surprised how many times she’s told me to find myself someone.”

" I'm sssure ssshe will. " The gorn said holding her tightly to him letting his brain record every moment of this time.

“I still can’t believe any of this!” Deanna grinned as she looked at the ring on her finger. “It’s all so wonderful. I’m guessing as a physician you know of The Phase? A woman of my age is considered to be in her prime, especially where bearing children is concerned.”

" Yesss i'm aware of it. " the gorn replied with a grin. " I wonder what a child of our two facesss would look like." he said softly.

“Is it even possible for me to carry a Gorn child?” Deanna looked at Sthilg curiously.

Sthilg scratched his head at that one. " It'sss possssible, but i’d need to do plenty of resssearch and tesstsss firssst."

Deanna nodded. “There’s no rush. We have plenty of time. I don’t suppose there’s a computer program that would show us what a possible child of ours would look like?”

" There isss. Would you like to get sssome refresssmentsss while i ssset it up?" Sthilg suggested

“Of course!” Deanna smiled and headed over to the replicator, choosing two glasses of champagne, plus a bottle on ice so they could celebrate their engagement properly. Returning to Sthilg she settled down on the sofa to wait.

The gorn brought up a program and began typing away. After a few minutes, he finished and pressed the play buttons as a hologram burst into life. " Computer sssaysss your DNA would be the dominant one my dear. " He said as a hologram of a young girl poped into life. She looked betazoid with the exception of pale grey eye rentals instead of the usual black ones.

“Really?” Deanna looked at the image with a surprised smile. “Are the eyes the only trait our child would have of yours? It doesn’t seem entirely fair.”

" Most of the gorn bits would be on the inside." The gorn said picking up a data padd and showing it her. " Gorn honey combed bonesss, an extra liver and third lung."

“Wow, that’s quite a difference.” She paused. “I take it there wouldn’t be any health problems or inherent other problems?”

" Nothing i couldn't sssort out." the gorn replied confidently. " Any ideasss of namesss?"

Deanna shook her head. “Not the slightest idea right now, what would you choose for a future child of ours?”

" None that i can think off right now but we'll have time to think of one." Sthilg said putting his arm around her.

“Indeed we will” Deanna smiled as she cuddled up. “I could shout how happy I am from the rooftops!”

" To usss." Sthilg said holding up his glass.

Deanna held up her glass. “To us.”



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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Tue Jun 7th, 2022 @ 2:03pm

It's like the "Love Boat" 'round here ay? Are we quite sure that Highlaw's team didn't sabotage the ship with some 'marry me' virus? Has anybody checked?

Good. Two wedding parties! Never seen a Gorn wedding before. Congratulations and all that. I hope at least there will be fire.