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Away Mission: Group 2 part 2

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2022 @ 11:22am by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly

Mission: Season 5: Episode 4: Reef
Location: EVAC Shuttle
Timeline: MD 1 12h30
427 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

=/\=We have sent all the birds we have commander! And we have issues up here too!=/\= came the reply. =/\= Get as many as you can to the shuttles and sit tight =/\=

Even as they spoke and discussed, the ship around them creaked ominously and the deck plating shifted beneath their feet.

=/\="We're at the RV, but myself plus six have been unable to secure a place on a shuttle. So at this time, we're stuck on this sunken coffin."=/\=

=/\=Apologies Commander but we are trying not to end up the same as the Jefferson. Just get in there do not worry about seats!=/\=

Lia shook her head, =/\="Roger that Elysium, one sardine can about to lift off."=/\=. Looking at her six injured people, Lia simply pointed at the one remaining shuttle.

As she entered, the overcrowded shuttle seemed even smaller than normal. Looking around she noted several large boxes, "Ok people, those boxes have to go. It's a case of survivors first, property second."

Victor had finished with his diagnostics. Turning to the people, he asked politely, “Anyone need help now?”

The pilot called out. "Everyone strap in and hold on! We need to make a quick exit out of here!"

"Hey fly Jocky, just get this thing up and out of here. I for one don't want to hang about." Lia held on the the seat beside her as the shuttle lifted off, a silent prayer fell from her lips.


The pilot disengaged and the Shuttle sped off through the water, and as it shot from the ocean, it immediately did a sharp turn to the left, tossing the passengers together. "Sorry,!"

"If you can't keep this thing straight and level, get it up and away from this bloody planet." Lia wasn't happy with the flying, but then as she can't fly shuttle there's not much she can do.

Katherine moved to one of the shuttle's consoles and began operating it. "Pilot, Do we need this shuttle's warp drive for anything?"

"Not under water or in atmosphere but..."

"Then it's dead weight. I'm ejecting the shuttle's warp engines and feeding warp power into the other impulse and sublight engines." She noted.

Lia now came forwards, "Excuse me Dr. Taylor, but I really don't think that's a good idea right now. We're to close to the surface and if those engines explode, guess where we're gonna end up? I don't want to play a harp just yet, so can we wait until we make the upper stratosphere please?"

The pilot nodded. "Eta to Elysium 5 minutes."


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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Sun Aug 14th, 2022 @ 3:44pm

Thank you for your post. It was nice and tight and I do like it when real world problems present themselves. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks.