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Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2022 @ 11:26am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Myne Redal

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
1411 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Phoenix had done her homework and summoned Gary to the ready room. She also summoned, Lieutenant JG Myne Redal.

Gary had been in ready room when he received a summons that Phoenix wanted to see him in her ready room. So, he left and headed directly to her ready room, upon arriving he pressed the chime and awaited admittance.

Myne took a bit longer to arrive, one might even consider a bit late. Her project had been dragging behind all of the schedules she had made, and she had barely reached half of the milestones she initially planned for.

This didn't make it any better. She still remembered that she did not make a good impression on Captain Lalor during that whole Admiral mess. To make matters worse... Super Garrett... had left... and each time Myne thought about it... a she broke a little inside. He had been a good captain, supported and bore her crasiness. At least Commander Gary had not been sent away too, she could always rely on his ear for leniency whenever she went off the rails.

Arriving at the ready room she saw Gary waiting and she waved timidly and spoke in a equally timid tone. "Commander. It is good to see you."

"Hello Myne." Gary answered warmly as Myne waved at him. "It is good to see you as well. Come sit down, no need to stand. How have you been?" He asked genuinely interested in her well being.

Entering, Myne became aware of Captain Lalor being there as well. She bowed her head politely. "Captain, it is good to see you as well. In proper uniform no less." She offered a tired smile as she took a seat timidly.

"I have... I am... functional, commander sir." Myne replied to Gary softly. The young looking Trill did look very tired and worn out of sorts. "It has not been a easy... transition. My apologies Captain." She finished looking at Lalor with a expression containing a mixture of guilt, fear, worry and loss.

"Well" Phoenix said with a warm smile for the Lieutenant from behind the desk. "Lets see if we can improve on that." She stood up. "Lieutenant Redal," She said looking at the Trill. "Please stand." Phoenix smiled and placed a box on the desk.

Obediently, Myne rose from her chair and assumed a more rigid position as she looked at the box placed before her.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Myne Redal, it is my pleasure to promote you to full Lieutenant with all the rights and privileges therein."

Confusion danced across her features as she stared at the box and then finally up at the Captain. "Why? I am not due for a promotion for a while now ma'am, and I am fairly certain you do not like me. There is no reason to promote me, unless..." Myne trailer off as she seemed lost in thought for a moment. "Unless you want me to be a higher rank to more easily transfer me off the ship. If that is the case, I do not need a promotion, I could apply for a transfer and save you the headache ma'am." The confused Trill concluded her rather warped interpretation of this strange event.

Gary sighed softly. "Myne.... stop. You are being promoted because you deserve it. Stop overthinking. Be happy."

"Captain Lovejoy and I both believe you are worthy of the Promotion Lieutenant." Phoenix said calmly ignoring the babble.

Myne blushed and looked down. "Yes sir, sorry sir." She did perk up hearing that Captain Lovejoy wanted this for her and she looked at Phoenix timidly. "Then, if that is what Captain Lovejoy and your self want, I am grateful for it. I am sorry for my outburst." Hesitantly, she paused for a moment before continuing. "Also, erm, Captain Lovejoy named me Morale Officer. I would like to step down from that role if possible. Please ma'am, I don't think I can, erm, carry on with it."

"Myne, do you think Captain Lovejoy would want you to step down because he left?" Gary asked softly. "Or do you think he would rather you show just what a fine morale officer you are?"

"Captain Lovejoy was full of praise for you Lieutenant" Phoenix said softly. "He said he expected great things from you. And tried very hard to steal you from us."

Looking at Gary, sustaining his gaze, Myne nodded slowly. "Yes sir... I do think that. I accepted only because I wanted to make him smile. From the moment I met the good Captain Lovejoy, he seemed..." Myne took a short breath to sigh. "He seemed so very sad inside. Sad, hurt and lonely. I started making the Captain Super Garrett cartoons and songs to try and cheer him up. They didn't like me at the Academy sir, aside from my previous host who was a instructor there at the time. And they didn't like me on my previous posting, the Captain in particular had a distaste of me. You and Captain Garrett welcomed me and my strange self with open arms. I only wanted to return a bit of that kindness."

Turning to look at Phoenix, but avoiding her eyes Myne seemed genuinely taken by surprise. "He did so ma'am? Why did you not let him? When we met during the previous op, I had the impression you did not like me very much? Why keep a officer who is troublesome around?"

"Thing about impressions Lieutenant they are often wrong." Phoenix said "When you have time, Talk to Mr Taylor's wife about her impressions of me when we first met. I kept you because you are good at your job and wasted on a space station"

Gary chuckled softly at Phoenix telling Myne to talk to Lia about impressions. "Yes Myne, please do that and you will understand what the Captain is referring to."

Shaking her head, Myne smiled timidly. "That seems like it wouldn't go down well ma'am. I do not wish to poke anymore butterfly nests." Then, at Phoenix, she looked at bit surprised. "Thank you ma'am. I am sorry for being, erm, so difficult."

Then, she continued back at Gary. "I am very grateful for the promotion sir, but I will still very much like to resign as morale officer. I bring no value to the post and I cannot handle that reasonability anymore. Having me hold it is a waste and deprives others more talented from having a chance to make good use of the position."

Gary shot Phoenix a look as he spoke to Myne. "Myne, I think you greatly underestimate your contributions as morale officer as well as under value your value to this ship. Stay as morale officer for the next thirty days and if you still feel the same way you can resign, fair enough?"

Myne shook her head vehemently, her gaze turning to stare down at the floor, retreating in herself somewhat. "If you order me to do it sir, I will do so. But it must be a order, or else I refuse to do it anymore."

Phoenix shook her head. "Its fine Lieutenant. Can you suggest someone else for the role?"

Gary looked at Myne, "No I, we would never order you Myne, not on something like this. It should be done for the enjoyment you get and not viewed as a chore."

Myne shook her head, still holding her gaze low. "No, sorry ma'am. I cannot think of anyone. I have only truly interacted with a limited number of the crew officers. And I cannot say if any would wish such a responsibility."

"Perfectly understandable Lieutenant" Phoenix said. "We will do our own search. Congratulations on your promotion."

"Sure." Gary replied with a smile. "Don't worry about it Myne. Thank you for your time as morale officer and congratulations again on your promotion. It is well deserved."

Looking at both Gary and Phoenix, Myne nodded. "Thank you ma'am, sir. You are too kind. I will do my best to remain worthy of the rank you are bestowing upon me."

"I have no doubts that you will always do your best Myne." Gary replied hoping to boost the younger officer's confidence.

"Will that be all sir? Ma'am?" Myne asked finally taking box, but not placing the pip on her uniform, instead holding it with two hands and waiting to see if she was dismissed or not.

"You are dismissed Lieutenant, and Good Luck."


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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Sun Aug 14th, 2022 @ 1:33pm

Congratulations to a newly minted Lieutenant Myne Redal. Making LT is quite an accomplishment. Next stop...Admiral.
