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Posted on Tue Oct 4th, 2022 @ 5:04pm by Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH

Mission: Season 5: Time Warp
Location: Lalor Estate
Timeline: 28/07/2397 - 02h00
1264 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

“I wouldn’t” The voice came from the couch as Miran stared silently out towards the cabin. The wedding was well over and it was getting close to dawn. And she was antsy.

She turned and found Kyian sitting there, dressed in jeans and tee-shirt and sipping tea.

“And why?” she asked, “Should I listen to you?”

“If you go out there to Triston, all you are going to do is cause yourself heartache.”

Miran narrowed her gaze at him. “What do you mean?”

“Triston has a girlfriend Miran. And she would not appreciate you barging in.”

She stared. “A WHAT?”

“A Girlfriend. A lover if what I saw is correct.” Kyian sipped his tea. He had agreed to host the children, Miran and Tristi that night, giving the newlyweds their privacy but really, his youngest sister needed to open her eyes.

She marched over to him. “Since when?”

He looked up at her. “How should I know?”

“You seem to know a lot Brother.”

“I use my eyes. And I know that at 17 you are still underage for certain things in the Federation. And Triston is 19, male and, according to people, very good looking.” He placed his empty teacup down on the coffee table. “Go to bed Miran. Triston has given up on being at your beck and call.”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!” She began to yell but he gave her look, reminding her that the twins were asleep upstairs as was Tristi. She glowered back, What did she care, she wanted answers.

“I mean you have had him on a string for years and he has finally given up waiting for you to make up your mind if you are going to want more.” Kyian moved his hands like a puppeteer dangling a puppet.

Miran crossed her arms and glared.

“Do you even know what you want Miran? Is Triston more to you than a follower on, someone who has been asked by our sister to keep an eye on you, or is he just one of your friends? Seems to me if he was something more than a friend you should have done something about it by now.”

“I am 17! Phoenix has told me not to rush about such things…”

“By the six! I am not talking sex Miran.” He stood ignoring her cheeks turning red. “I am talking about affection, love for God’s sake.”


“Just as I thought, You don’t know what you want. Our sister has kept you safe and given you more than girls on our world has ever experienced and you stand there shocked that someone would suggest that you step out of your comfort zone and tell a guy how you feel! I highly doubt Penelope ever hesitated with whoever she slept with the first time.”

“Mattias” Miran stated. “He was her first.”

Kyian raised an eyebrow. “And how do you know that?”

“She told me. Told me that he was the best person to teach her about sex and how kind and gentle he was. She told me that, she would not have been able to rely on anyone from our home world to be so understanding.”

“And do you think Triston would be the same? Understanding?”

Miran nodded after a moment’s thought. “But…”

“Yes, too late now for you.” Kyian stated.

Miran rubbed at her eyes and glowered at him. “Oh, shut up Kyian, you can be hateful!”

“Not as hateful as you Miran. You order Triston around like he is a dog. No wonder he strayed!”

“I never ordered him around!”

He raised an eyebrow at her again. “No but you don’t respect him. You treated him like he should just be there. And now you are reaping the rewards. He found someone else, someone his age.”

Miran spun on her heel and stalked up the stairs to her temporary room. Good things doors could not slam, Kyian thought. His sister needed that.

“Wow harsh” a soft voice said from the other side of the room.

He smiled at the slender female who walked towards him. “Shanyrria.” He greeted the Valarian he had met a few months before.

He had not known she was on the Elysium when they met at a conference, where he had been exploring business opportunities. And she had not known he was her CO’s brother. They had shared drinks and after a few days of conversation about their different cultures, had fallen into bed. Both knew that there was nothing other sex to them. And now when they met when she was back on earth, it was definitely sex.

She walked up to him and glanced up after the fleeing teenager. “She barely knows her own mind let alone know about others. I kind of feel sorry for her.”

“Don’t. She needed to grow up. She has been protected by Penelope too long.” He said calmly. “She has never had to struggle like Penelope or I.”

Shan raised an eyebrow at him. “You? Struggle?”

“Being Pallas’ little brother was play acting. Was a means to survive. Pandering to that arse. No wonder Pene wants to kill him. I would like to help her.” Kyian said. “Here I am real.”

Smiling Shan nodded. “Yes, you are very real. So, you invited me over, are we just going to talk?”

He grinned and took her hand and spun her around a couple of times, before moving to her and waltzing around the living area with a grin. “Does this work?” he asked.

“Hmm maybe.” Shan teased. They were not exclusive, and she knew that. It was fun and sex and it suited the Valarian to the ground. She let out a soft squeal as Kyian dipped and slung her over his shoulder.

“Come on teaser” he said and carried her off to his room.

Shan laughed and pinched his bottom as he carried her. “Caveman” her voice teasing.

“Peasant.” He replied and his door slid shut behind them. And what happened next…. Use your imagination people!

Hours later Kyian sat up in his bed, Shanyrria was asleep draped across his bare chest. His eyes were focused on the daylight outside his windows. As he sat there, his lover asleep, he knew he had a better life than he would ever have had on Erisia. Had he not acted he knew his mother and he would both be dead. He knew Pallas underestimated him and Penelope. And it had to been to Pallas’s detriment that he did so. As he considered things, his hand idly played with the long black hair of Shan and his lips curved. She was by the far the most interesting person he had met. A scientist yet one who had no fear of doing adventurous things in life. They had gone orbital skydiving together among things.
On his world she would be considered a 4th class citizen, being female and an alien but here, they could do whatever they wanted without worry.

Her shifting had his gaze dropping down to her face. He found her eyes open. “You are thinking too much Ky” she whispered.

“Yeah, it’s a curse.” He said softly back “But now I can think of you better.”

She smiled and brushed her lips across his. “I should shower and head back to the ship. Do not want to disturb the newlyweds.”
Kyian grinned. “I’ll join you for the shower. Can I interest you in breakfast?”

“Hmmm no its good.” She slid from the bed and grinning Kyian followed her.



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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Thu Oct 13th, 2022 @ 4:08pm

Well sir,

I'll tell you this much. You know that the characters are comfortable with each other when one can pick the other up, like a sack of potatoes, and haul her to the sack. You don't often see that in prime time. :)