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Morning Discussion

Posted on Tue Oct 18th, 2022 @ 8:09pm by Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece]

Mission: Season 5: Time Warp
Location: USS Elysium, Lieutenant Cavendish's Quarters
Timeline: 17/08/2397 - Early morning
2307 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Cassia woke up feeling very comfortable and warm. It was a strange feeling for her after so long. Then his scent reached her nose and she smiled. Slowly she shifted in his arms and looked up at Nicholas and watched him sleep.

Nicholas was dreaming as she looked at him, though by the furrowed brows and the small noises he was starting to make, it was clear that it wasn't a happy dream.

Cassia knew what those dreams could be like. She had her fair share of nightmares so she gently stroked his face with her hands and whispered to him, soothing him.

For a few beats, it looked like he wasn't going to wake, then he did, with a start. For a few brief seconds, his eyes were wide and wild. Had Cassia not been laying against him, he probably would have shot to his feet and defended himself against an attack.

~Nico~ She sent via their link. ~Nico... talk to me~ she rested her forehead on his as she spoke to him.

At first, there was silence. Then, slowly, Nicholas's mind started to remember what she had taught him, all those years ago. ~Pain!.....Fear!.....Hurt!....~

She closed her eyes ~I know. Tell me more Nico please.~

Hearing her soft, soothing voice in his head was starting to calm Nicholas's screaming mind. Slowly, he started to relax. As his body calmed, so did his mind. ~Cassy...they...they tried to break me....break mind....I stayed...stayed strong! I...I kept your face...your face my focus on.~

~You are here, you came back. You are safe Nico.~ Cassia soothed. ~You beat them. You are safe~ She had been through intensive counseling and she could not see why they had not given him the same thing.

~Imzadi...I am so sorry! I promise, I will never be pulled from your side again!~ A few tears started to fall down his cheeks as the emotions started to overwhelm him.

Cassia snuggled into his side. ~Imzadi, I missed you. You are safe here~

He quickly pulled Cassia into a warm embrace and held onto her, using her love as a salve against his inner demons.

As she snuggled against him, Cassia sent him an image of them sparing on the Rok, one of the few spars that had ended up with them in the same bed.

Seeing the images Cassia sent him, Nicholas inhaled a sharp breath through his nostrils. He thought about that night, the first time they slept together, and it caused him to want to relive that beautiful moment.

Cassia felt his feelings and smiled and brushed her lips across his. "Do you remember how we embarrassed that poor crewmember in the gym?"

He smiled for the first time that morning. After returning her kiss, he nodded. "Crewman Dr'toppia. They didn't know which way to look to not see us!"

"They walked on eggshells for months" she giggled. "It was fun to watch."

Hearing Cassia giggle, brought a huge grin to Nicholas's face. Feelings of love and devotion poured from his mind to hers over their link.

Cassia rested her forehead to his again. ~Have you seen a counselor Imazdi?~

Pain started to fill his eyes again. He closed them in shame and carefully shook his head while hers was still touching it.

~Then that is what you need to do. There are counselors here, You will find one and talk to them. I hate going to them as well, but they work~ Cassia was soft but firm.

Feeling her concern and love for him and his well-being, Nicholas finally opened his eyes and, staring into those deep pools of obsidian, agreed. "I will, Imzadi..." then, after staring into those eyes that could disarm him in an instant, he tilted his head up and kissed her deeply.

Cassia responded to the kiss, by matching the intensity he showed with her own. She had missed him.

As they continued to kiss, Nicholas slid his arms around Cassia and rolled to the right, putting her on her back and him partly against her side. After coming up for air, he looked down into her beautiful brown eyes. "A part of me wants to rush right back in to where we were three years ago, Imzadi. But...there's another part that's saying to take things slow, there's no need to rush I hope...I hope that doesn't disappoint you."

"No it doesn't disappoint me." Cassia whispered back. "I am not ready yet..."

A relieved smiled crossed his face. "I love you so much, Cassy."

"I love you too Nico. If I didn’t you'd be gutted" she winked at him impishly.

He considered it, making a playfully thoughtful face ad he rid so. "Meh, I can think of worse ways to go." His eyes glistened with mirth and mischief as he spoke.

"Oh you are hilarious." she nuzzled his neck. "You need to contact your parents."

He nodded. "May I use you desk interface?"

Cassia nodded "of course until you get your own quarters" she smirked.

He started to climb out of the bed. When he paused and looked back at Cassia. "I mean, if you want here with you?"

Cassia sat up and leant on her right elbow watching him. "It might be an idea... we were living together on Rok"

Nicholas turned to face Cassia more. "Only if you'd be comfortable with it, Imzadi. I don't want to make you think I'm trying to rush things."

"I am fine, as long as we take our time with ... other things."

Nodding as he smiled warmly, Nicholas replied. "Of course, Imzadi. We will find our new speed in that area when the time is right for the both of us." He leaned down and kissed her gently.

A few beats later, he sat up again and sighed. "Okay..." he stood up and, with a growing apprehension, moved out to the living room. And sat down at the desk terminal. He stared a bit at the blank screen, then typed in the comm channel destination request and hit enter. Then he waited for the connection to be made.

The Connection cleared a few moments later and his mother appeared on the screen. She narrowed her eyes at the image before her "Hmmm seems this person looks familiar" she said cooly.

Nicholas swallowed the lump that was suddenly in his throat. "Mama...I'm...I'm sorry that it's been so long since I called." Tears started to fill his eyes as he had missed his mother and the rest of his family, almost as much as he had missed Cassia.

He tried to clear the emotions out of his throat, but his voice still cracked as he spoke. "While...while I'm not allowed tell you the specifics of my work, as you know...things...went bad this last time. I...I almost didn't make it back. I'm sorry, Mama!"

Emma knew the facts, this son was an intelligence officer. "I know" she said seeing his face. "Where are you now?"

"I was just transfered to the Elysium yesterday evening. I saw Kyle briefly and then...I ran into someone you should remember." ~Imzadi?~

Emma however ran straight over that "Oh good between them Liam and Kyle will be able to keep you out of trouble! You do know that Liam got married correct? A lovely girl with a beautiful niece, I am looking forward to spoiling at Christmas! If only Kyle could convince Vanessa..."

Cassia meanwhile was smirking and shaking her head at Nicholas. ~Nope. All on you!~ she replied.

Nicholas blinked. "Wait...what? here and...his married with a daughter already?? And who is Vanessa?" His brain was too distracted by his mother to mother to reply to Cassia.

"You said you saw Kyle! Didn't he tell you!?" Emma asked briskly.

Shaking his head, Nicholas replied. "Actually, Kyle and I didn't get to say much...because he was interviewing one of his new instructors, who you know....Cassia Cavendish!" He smiled as he added, "And she's right here." Looking over at Cassia, he grinned at her. ~We're a team, remember?~

~and she is your mother~ Came her reply but she stood and walked over to the comm. "Mrs Reece" She said politely.

"Lieutenant" Emma replied an eyebrow arching. She had not gotten to know the woman when Nicholas and Cassia had last been together.

"Mama," Nicholas spoke up when he heard his mother's tone. "Cassia and I were seeing each other before this last mission. I was going to make introductions because she had become, and still is, extremely important to me." He took a breath and continued. "Mama, I want you to meet Cassia Cavendish, the woman I love with all my heart. Cassy, this is my mother, Emma Rose Reece."

The two nodded. Emma let a small smile grace her lips as she noticed how nervous Cassia was. "Well, maybe she will keep you out of trouble as well."

Nicholas grinned softly. "We both will watch after each other, Mama." He then smiled at Cassia, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

She blushed and nodded. She was glad they were both dressed.

"Good." Emma said. "Nico, I expect you to actually talk with your brothers do you hear me? And just because Liam eloped does not mean Kyle or anyone else is allowed to. Keep that in mind."

His mouth dropped open at that news. "He did what?? Ya know, Mama, you always were nicer to him, just because he was your baby boy." Nicholas grinned and chuckled at the old family joke. Liam and Ally had always gotten away with more than he and Kyle had. He then nodded. "I promise, I will talk to them both later today, after I finish reporting in to my superiors of them being Kyle, in fact."

"Oh that will be a fun conversation" Emma said. "Good, and call back tonight to speak with your father." She said her tone warning. "I am sure he has a few things to say." As did she but not over subspace.

Nicholas nodded, "Yes, Ma'am. I will, I promise."

Emma nodded. "Good. then go do your job and we shall talk this evening."

"I love you, Mama," he said with a soft smile.

"I love you too Nichy, now go" she smiled and closed the transmission.

"Nichy?" the laughter in Cassia's voice was unmistakable.

Looking over at Cassia, Nicholas gave her a look like she better be careful. "Ally gave me that name when she first started to speak and found it difficult to sat my full name. It just stuck after that." He continued to smirk playfully at her. "If you keep it up, I will have to punish you."

Cassia smirked and headed for the kitchenette "You best get cleaned up Nichy before you head out to your meetings."

"Hey!" He shouted playfully as he leapt up after Cassia and scooped her up in his strong arms. When he had her right where he wanted her, he started to tickle her mercilessly. "I warned you, Cassy!" He exclaimed as he laughed heartily

Laughing and wriggling, trying to get away from him, she squirmed and tried to get him back. "ok i give!" she yelped.

Over their link, Nicholas sent Cassia feelings of love and companionship. Slowly, he put her feet down on the deck, but kept her up against him. Aa he gazed deep into her eyes, he smiled and said softly, "I'm glad we found each other again, Imzadi."

"Same" she said softly "Though for appearances sake you will have to suffer a little bit. Captain Reece will expect it."

He guffawed. "Kyle's not an idiot. He knew about us back then. Hell, he knew I was interested in you even before I opened my mouth to tell him." He tapped his head. "The doc's always said that identical twins always seem to have this weird sixth sense about each other. I've certainly had my moments when I knew something was up with him."

"Well as long as he is not mentally linked to you" she smiled ~Like you and I are, it should be fine~

He placed his forehead gently against hers as he replied. ~No one is closer to me than you, Imzadi.~

She merely smiled. ~Go get cleaned up, I will make breakfast~

Nodding, Nicholas released his hold on Cassia and made his way to the restroom, removing his uniform as he did so. Before he left her eyesight, he pulled off his undershirt, revealing several nasty scars on his back, that looked lit a combination of burn and whipping scars. He then entered the bathroom and activated the sonic shower.

Cassia's scars were mental and physical, the fact that she was never able to gain weight, and now he had physical and mental scars of his own. She watched him with sad eyes before turning back to the kitchenette to make their meal.

About twenty minutes later, Nicholas reemerged, clean and in a newly replicated uniform. As he entered the living area, he inhaled deeply and smiled. "You made my favorite breakfast!"

"Figured you might want it for your first day" Cassia replied.

He gave her a look of loving appreciation, then leaned in to kiss her cheek. ~Thank you, Imzadi. This is all wonderful!~

He then moved to the table and pulled out her chair for her. "My love?"

Cassia took the chair. "Thank you kind sir"

He continued to smile happily as he pushed her chair in slightly, then move to sit next to her. They then had a nice breakfast, as they talked about how they wanted to move forward in their relationship.



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