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The doctor drops in

Posted on Fri Dec 16th, 2022 @ 2:54am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Emily Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Captain Samuel Woolheater & Lieutenant JG Elijah Carmichael & Captain George Charles [Reece] & Crewman Adelaide Kirkby & Hendor Charles [Reece]

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Deck Thirty-Two - Marine Medical
Timeline: MD03 - 0400
2355 words - 4.7 OF Standard Post Measure


With the casualties having temporarily stopped coming through the doors of marine medical, Emily took a seat at her brother’s bedside. To say she was tired was an understatement. Seeing Hendor across the room, she motioned him over. “Hey, are you okay? You’ve been very brave and I’m certain your papa and mama are very proud of you, I know I am.”

Hendor got out of the chair he was curled up in and moved over to his aunt, climbing up into her lap and wrapping his little arms around her tightly. "Papa told me to be brave," he replied in a soft, trembling little voice. "But...Auntie Emm...I'm scared! What if Papa doesn't get better?! And where is Mama?! Why isn't she here?! Is she okay???" Tears started to stream down from his right eye as his traumatized young mind started to recognize that, in Emily's loving embrace, he was safe for the moments. With that realization, his emotional dam burst.

“Hey, it’s okay!” Emily held onto Hendor, helping him feel safe and loved. “It’s going to take time for Papa to heal sweetheart, and he’s going to get angry, and upset with slow progress, but we need to be there for him.” She wished she had news on Leilani for him. “I have no doubt Mama is just fine, she’s a Marine, she’s tough, and she’s trained for situations like this. Just you wait and see.”

Hendor curled in close to his Aunt, as he continued to sniffle and sob quietly.

It took a few moments of comfort from Emily for him to finally start to calm down. He stayed curled up in her lap though, not wanting to be too far from either his aunt or his father.

Having heard from the marines who had made it to deck 16 either voluntarily or because the damage in surroundings areas forced them Elijah had collected emergency supplies for the shelter and made his way through the ship towards the Marine Medical station. He knew that sickbay would be swamped with casualties but in his mind, those who could make it there didn't need the most immediate attention it was those who couldn't make it were most at risk, and being a trauma triage-qualified doctor Eli knew he was doing the right thing.

The Marine medical doors were shut, the corridor did have a handful of marines but those mostly looked healthy besides a few cuts and sorry faces. He acknowledged them as he walked past before making his way into Marine Medical. "Who's in charge, I've brought some supplies and am here to offer some assistance."

Emily wearily got to her feet, “That would be me” She offered a smile. “I’m Emily Charles, you’re Doctor Carmichael right? Sorry we haven’t met until now. We have a lot of people here who can benefit from your help.”

He greeted her with a smile, "Yes that I am, and no need to apologise no time like the present I guess!" He scanned the room briefly before affixing his eyes to her again. She was short than he was, with dark brown hair and black eyes, not dark brown but fully black, but he was more concerned about how she looked tired and his decision to come down to Marine Medical was now in his mind the right one. "I assume you have triaged, where would you like me to start?"

“My brother George...” Emily motioned towards George. “He broke his back during whatever the hell happened to us! I had to operate.”

"Good work," He said reassuringly treating her as much as a patient as well, he was concerned with her fatigue but didn't openly engage it. "Let's have a quick look and make sure everything is all neatened up and see how he's doing, is he responsive?" Eli asked walking towards her brother checking back with a glance to see if she followed.

“I haven’t disturbed George too much, I wanted him to rest as much as possible.” She smiled at Hendor who was sitting in the seat she was sitting in. “This is my nephew Hendor.” She offered Hendor a hug as she stood beside him. “My sister-in-law is on the bridge, so for now I’m taking care of Hendor as well.”

"Hi Hendor, you're doing a great job helping your Aunt" He gave the small red-haired boy a smile and reassuring nod. "Your sister-in-law will be proud" He offered before stopping just short of Georges's bed. "Would you like to see if he's willing to talk and let me check a few things over?" Eli asked softly, nobody liked a doctor poking and proding instruments at them and always found family members were far more equipped to explain the importance of co-operation.

“Sure” Emily nodded stifling a yawn. “Sorry it’s been pretty hectic in here.” She stepped up to George. “George? Can you hear me?” She held onto her twin brother’s hand. “George?”

For a moment, there was no reply. Then, slowly, George curled his fingers around his sister's hand. Through their bond, flashes of pain and worry and fear started to play through her mind.

Elijah stood back giving the two the space and time, she had done an exemplary despite the circumstances and he didn't want to make her feel as if he was double-checking her work. He took a small pause to look around at others in the medical bay, it was orderly and chaotic as with most emergency situations, Emily had managed to either treat or triage patients. Elijah made a not to speak to Sthilg about her performance. He turned his gaze inwards back towards the pair and waited patiently for his invitation to inspect George.

Emily gently held George’s hand trying to reassure him. “It’s okay George, you’ll get through this. It’s going to take time, but we’ll get you there. That I promise you!” She gently leant ccloser and kissed him on the cheek. “Doctor Carmichael is here, I need him to take a look at you.” She looked towards Elijah.

Still not fully awake yet, George did his best to reply via their bond. Images of being checked over and treated flashed through Emily's mind.

Emily responded telepathically letting George know she was seeing his visions clearly. She looked towards Elijah. “George says it’s okay.”

The doctor nodded and smiled, "Ok George. I'm going start by performing a visual inspection, without moving you." Elijah studied George from different angles, avoiding his back for now and making sure nothing was missed. Often it was easy to treat the most obvious injury. "Good, it seems that all your limbs are intact." He joked giving Emily another reassuring smile.

George softly grunted in pain.

Emily offered an understanding supportive, yet pensive smile as she watched.

"Ok for this next part I'll be using both Emily's help and the ship's. Your body will remain unmoved but I need to check your back, so I'll be placing you in a temporary stasis field and tilt you carefully. Dont worry, Emily will support your neck and the ship will make sure that you move as a single entity." The last thing Eli wanted to do was make things worse, but by having George contained within his own status field Eli was free to roll him over without actually moving the body physically.

"Ok Emily, The computer will roll George and you just need to make sure his neck and head remain straight." Though it was a back injury, Eli was concerned about any lasting trauma to the top of his spine and head.

Emily nodded. Supporting George’s head and spine to keep it from moving. “I’m ready when you are Doctor.”

After the stasis field was activated, George grunted at the different sensation of something holding his whole body immobile. He sent several more flashes of discomfort and worry to his sister.

Emily sent back calming images and feelings of love to her twin, he needed her now more than ever and she wasn’t going to let him down.

"Starting rolling in Roll at .1 speed." Eli watched from the back as the ship's medical systems rolled George, tilting his body away from Eli. "And stopping in Good, we moved all in one peace." Eli undid the back of the tunic to inspect, "This is good work Emily." he complimented. There was no major trauma that the naked eye could see so he reached up and pulled down the X-ray arm.

Flicking it on, George's back and subsequent surgery could be seen, freshly operated tissue always had an opaque whiteness and he was a little affronted by the damage that had been caused. He was lucky. "Good, I don't see any major issues, they'll be some rehabilitation and physio ahead but you should be grateful to have someone so talented care for you."

Emily practically stumbled into a nearby seat hearing she’d done such a good job. She’d never operated alone before, only assisted. The shock of what she’d had to do was finally setting in.

Over their bond, George sent images of love to his sister.

Emily wiped away a few emotional tears, she was so relieved she’d done such a good job. She let her relief and happiness flow freely through her bond with George.

Crewman Apprentice Adelaide Kirkby had been assisting in marine medical, then she helped with food distribution, then she helped with inventory, child care, back to first aid, back to medical, pulled into getting names ad families together and finally back into marine medical. She had been, for lack of a better word, 'busy'! She noticed that Emily and George had a new person nearby and he looked like he knew what he was doing. When the lights came on and the medical biobeds and computers came online it was *such* a relief! Adele took a moment and stopped by the replicator. She ordered two hot chocolates with extra foamy cream on top. And yes, she thought to herself, this is a medical emergency.

She took the small six-ounce mugs and came over to Emily and Hendor and offered them to the family, "I thought you might like something hot while you wait? And it looks like George is getting the help he needs?"

Hendor, who had been sitting quietly, watching every move that was done around his father, looked up at the nice lady with the hot chocolate. As he didn't know her name, he looked to his Aunt, to see if it was okay to take the mug.

Emily nodded. “It’s okay Hendor, you deserve it for being so brave.” She smiled warmly at Adelaide. “Thank you.” She took her mug, blew it and gently sipped the delicious contents. “Mmmm just what I needed.”

Adele smiled back. Glad to see that things were starting to go right. "I never thought I'd be so happy to see power back on. Just something as simple as power!" she mildly chuckled. She asked Emily, "Who is the doctor?"

Hendor reached out and took the offered mug, holding it carefully in both hands. It smelled very yummy, though he had never had any before. He followed his aunt's example and blew on the surface, then sipped the hot beverage. He pulled in a little too much and burned his tongue a little, causing him to whimper in pain as he looked for a place to put the warm mug down on

“Ohh hey!” Emily quickly took the mug, before getting up to get a cold drink of water for Hendor to sip. “Here sip this, It’ll help cool off your mouth and stop the sting. I’m sorry I should have warned you to be more careful.”

Hendor took the colder drink and sipped it as instructed. After a few beats, he finally calmed down. Sniffling a little, he looked up at both Emily and Adele. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I never had that before." He hoped they didn't think he was strange for not drinking hot chocolate before in his life.

"Awww!! He's so adorable!" Adele said, "Never had that before? You're getting a lot of new experiences today. And you're doing so well" Adele bent down to smile at the kid. She looked up at Emily, "I bet he's a handful though? Your...nephew then?"

“He’s no handful at all” Emily offered a smile, then turned to Hendor. “There’s no need to apologise Hendor, Just take it slow with the hot chocolate okay? It’ll take a little while to cool down.”

Hendor nodded to his aunt, then did as she instructed, sitting there, he held the mug and kept blowing gently on the surface.

Adele excused herself with a smile and walked over to see a group of marines coming in. There were four of them. They had on a mattress a severely injured patient. Together, with two other nurses, Adele helped put the man on a biobed and then she ran back here, "Emily! Doctor?! We need your help! Marines found another officer, all the way from deck twenty-two. It's the Assistant Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Helias Sauvageon! He has internal injuries and his back may be broken. We need you at Biobed three."

Emily looked across to Elijah, “I’ll be right there!” She looked at Hendor. “Stay here with your papa, Sweetheart, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

"Okay, Auntie Emm," Hendor replied. He pulled his feet up onto the chair and sat their, still nursing his hot chocolate, as he watched Emily move off to help other injured people. His eyes fell back on the sleeping form of his father, and he desperately wished his mother was there.

Elijah waited for Emily to speak to Hendor before quickly taking of in the same direction as she and Adele. It was going to be a busy morning.



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