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Prepping for The Baby

Posted on Mon Jul 3rd, 2023 @ 2:29am by Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Ice Planet
Timeline: MD8
1734 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Fernando was prepping for the baby he and Heather were expecting. The actual due date was still several months away. So, when he said he was preparing for the baby, he was actually helping Heather. One of the first things he did was get his hands on a portable foot massager/warmer for Heather. It had its own power source, so he didn't need to worry about plugging it in somewhere. He knew her feet would begin to ache as her pregnancy advanced. He arrived at their tent before Heather and slid the warmer under their cot. He would surprise Heather with it later. For now however, he would wait for her and together they could go to the mess tent for dinner.

Arriving back at their tent Heather smiled as she was greeted by the welcome sight of Fernando waiting for her. “Hello Imzadi” She smiled as she walked over and kissed him lovingly. “Apologies if I’m a little late.”

Fernando kissed her back. Hello my love, no apology is necessary, you aren't late. How are you feeling and how was your shift?"

Heather sat down next to Fernando cuddling up as she did so. “My shift was okay, still caring for those wounded during our arrival here. As for how I’m feeling, I’m a little tired but I’m okay.”

Fernando nodded in understanding. "I believe I have an answer to your being tired Heather or at least your feet being tired. Look under the cot darling."

Heather gave Fernando a curious look before looking where he’d told her to look. “Ohh Wow! Where? How? You are amazing you know that?”

Fernando shook his head, "No, I am a man who just loves his wife very, very much. For she has made me the richest and luckiest man in the galaxy." He answered a bright smile on his face.

Heather couldn’t help but give Fernando a huge hug and a romantic kiss. “I am a very lucky woman, I will put that massager to good use that I promise you!”

Fernando grinned. "It is I who am lucky Heather." He answered. "Now, if my beautiful wife is not too tired. How would she feel about a very unromantic dinner with her husband in the mess tent?"

“Unromantic? Rubbish!” Heather nodded. “I would like nothing better than dinner with you Imzadi. To be honest I’m famished!”

Fernando smiled and squeezed her hand softly. "You always say the right things Heather." He held his hand out to her, "Shall we Mrs. De La Rosa?"

“What about Cody?” Heather gave Fernando a worried look. “Aren’t we supposed to be picking him up soon like we normally do?”

"Do not fear Heather. I spoke to Mrs. Applegate and asked her to watch Cody for an extra hour or so." Fernando replied with a smile.

Heather nodded and smiled. “I thought you’d say something like that.” She took hold of his hand. “It’ll be nice to have dinner together without having to worry about Cody.”

Fernando chuckled and kissed Heather's cheek, while taking her hand. "You know me so well my darling. Better than anyone else. Yes, a dinner with adult conversation. What a novel idea." He joked.

Heather couldn’t help but grin. “It’s not as though we get a lot of privacy for anything else at the moment.” She gave him a playful look.

Fernando couldn't help but laugh as he helped Heather get her parka on. "I am well aware of the lack of privacy that this camp affords Heather. Hopefully we will be back in our quarters before much longer."

Heather nodded as she zipped up her jacket. “We can but hope, but considering the damage to the ship not all quarters are going to be able to be lived in.”

"Ohhhhhhh. That is a good point Heather. I had not thought of that." Fernando answered. "We will just have to hope our quarters are intact. If not we start over. It is that simple."

Heather nodded. “All our memories, our belongings. What if everything is lost Imzadi?”

Fernando took Heather's hand and squeezed it softly. "Not everything Heather. We will still have each other and Cody." His eyes drifted to Heather's stomach. "And our newest arrival."

Heather smiled and nodded. “That’s true Imzadi, belongings can be replaced. As long as I have you, Cody, and our new little one I’m happy.”

Fernando nodded in agreement. "As am I my turtle dove. As am I. You, Cody and our new bundle of joy are my world."

Heather smiled warmly. “Let’s get going before all the best food is taken! I just hope the ship’s replicators will be working when we finally get back onboard.”

"A excellent idea Heather." Fernando replied taking her hand in his as they left the tent. "I too would like to see the replicators working but I am afraid they be down the list as far as repairs or only working in certain locations."

“Of course” Heather nodded. “The teams have been working so hard getting the ship repaired, there was so much damage I’ll be amazed to see what they’ve gotten done.”

"I too am interested to see how far the repairs have come. It will be good to be back aboard the Elysium. She is our home not this ice cube of a planet."

“Exactly.” Heather nodded. “I want Cody back in a safe, warm environment, the weather and wildlife here is unpredictable at the best of times.”

"Quite right and well said Heather." Fernando replied as he squeezed her hand as they drew closer to the mess tent. "I do hope they have a good selection but I shouldn't complain as I am thankful for anything we receive."

“Agreed, as long as there’s enough food to go around that’s what matters.” Heather smiled warmly. “So what are you fancying to eat?”

"I do not know Heather." Fernando admitted. "I would fancy a nice steak with a baked potato but that is not possible, so I will go with something warm. What about you my love? What do you fancy?"

“The same I think” Heather nodded as she gave it some thought. “I’ll have whatever you’re having, it makes it easier.”

Walking into the mess she moved to an empty table for two, it was more private than sitting at a bigger table.

Fernando moved through the line. He got Heather and himself the same meal. Moving to the table she had selected; he placed the tray down to show her what he had gotten. "I got us Sailsbury steak with mashed potatoes, a roll and tea to drink. Along with a bowl of Jello. I got us orange and strawberry Jello. Which would you like Heather?"

Heather smiled. “Wow nice! I wasn’t expecting steak. I’ll have the strawberry jello please.”

Fernando passed the strawberry Jello to Heather. "Here you go Heather. As for the steak. I would give you the stars from the sky if I could Heather. There is nothing I would not do for you, my love."

“I know” Heather smiled warmly. “Let’s enjoy this meal, we may not be in s9me fancy dining establishment but as long as I’m with you it’s good enough.”

"I am already enjoying it Heather and I haven't even taken the first bite." Fernando replied with a bright smile. "Good enough?" He joked. "Our time together is exquisite Heather."

Heather grinned. “Indeed it is! It’s something I will always cherish, no matter how many years we’re together or how old we are at the time.”

Fernando smiled. Heather was his world. With her positive attitude and upbeat personality. "Old?" He repeated, "Heather, I do not plan on us getting old. Oh, our bodies will age but our minds will be forever young as long as we have each other, nothing will slow us down."

“Ohh we have to talk about getting old, we Betazoids don’t reach our prime until we’re forty and there’s a certain something you should know about as well. It’s called the Phase, it’s a mid-life stage that we Betazoid females undergo during which our sex drive increases exponentially.”

Fernando smiled at Heather, "Your prime until your forty?" Fernando repeated. "Oh my. Yes, we indeed do need to talk Heather. He leaned over to her and whispered. "Your sex drive increases exponentially? Like by how much Heather?"

Heather lowered her voice, “Quadruple, or possibly more” she smiled. “Every woman is different.”

"Quadruple?" Fernando repeated in a whisper, "That means...." His voice trailed off as he did some calculations in his head. "Oh my!" He finally repeated looking at Heather.

Heather grinned. “Don’t worry, when the time comes there are medical methods of controlling it if needs be. I wouldn’t want to wear you out!” She ate her food before it got cold.

Fernando scoffed. "Wear me out?" Then in a decidedly lower voice so only Heather would hear he said. "Thank you, Heather." As he turned his attention to his food, he asked again Quadruple?"

Heather grinned and nodded. “Possibly more” She gave him a wry smile and carried on eating.

"Ohhhhhhh. Madre mia." Fernando muttered as he picked at his food.

Heather paused eating and gave Fernando a concerned look. “I’ve made you worried now, I shouldn’t have said anything yet. I’m sorry.”

"What?" Fernando looked at heather. "Oh no! My precious. You have done no such thing. It is I who am sorry. I did not wish to bring you down. The news was just unexpected but not unpleasant. Not at all." He assured her.

Heather nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad to hear that Imzadi.”

"I am sorry for causing you concern Heather." Fernando answered feeling guilty that he had caused his love to worry.

“Please don’t feel guilty” Heather gently reached over the table and took Fernando’s hand. “It was me who misunderstood.”

"I have an idea. Let's neither one of us feel guilty." Fernando replied squeezing Heather's hand gently and then leaned over and kissed her.

“Agreed” Heather smiled returning Fernando’s kiss. With a wonderful husband like Fernando she knew everything would be fine.



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