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The future is nigh - part six

Posted on Mon Nov 6th, 2023 @ 8:57pm by Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]
Edited on on Fri Nov 10th, 2023 @ 11:28am

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Presidential bunker
Timeline: The future
1643 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Sthilg swallowed hard as he looked at the gorn book of the dead in front of him. How was anyone supposed to be ready for this? Was anyone ready for this?

Looking over to his family who stood past the scared presidential staff his hands doing his best to keep the holo recorder steady. His eyes drifted back to the Andorian judge. Almost all of the judicial staff was dead or missing so Zissao Sh'tohriss had been pulled out of her much-deserved retirement.

" Just breathe sir. " The Andorian judge said a reassuring smile on her old face.

Sthilg nodded as he breathed in and out, made sure his collar was done and placed his hand on the book.

" I sssolemnly ssswear to devote my life and ability in the ssservice of the United Federation of planetsss, to defend the constitution of all, and to further the universal rightsss of all sssentient life, from the depthsss of the Pacific, to the edge of the galaxy, for as long as I ssshall live." The gorn said calmly placing his free hand on his heart. He'd gone with the shorter presidential oath of the first presidents not the thirty minutes monstrosity that had been created over the last few presidents who had gotten the federation into the rut which had lead to the star party being elected. That was not what was need right now. Remembering of better times was.

Withdrawing his hand he felt like someone had dropped a mountain on top of him. He was now the president. Responsible for every lifeform in the federation. How the hells was he going to do this.

The aid smiled giving him the thumbs up. The recording was now out there." Sir we go live in five." he added gesturing to the replica of the blue house desk which had been set up.

" Five munitesss before i have to give my addresssss. No pressure he jocked as he walked over to Savar and Alicia.

Savar spoke first, "You know you have our full emotional support along with our full support in everything we can do to assist you father. You can count on us." He solemnly finished.

Alicia gently hold of her father’s large hand. “For what it’s worth you’re the best person for this job, you’ll do yourself and all of us proud. We’ll be here with you from now on Mr President.” She smiled warmly.

" How can two wordsss have ssso much weight." Sthilg replied as he gripped her hand. " Sssavar can you passs thisss on to Acuzin. I don't want her to be ssshocked. " He said drawing a padd from his pocket and handing it to his son in law. His brain was searching for answers to this mess and right now he had only one person who might possibly be able to get answers.

"Certainly sir. I will be glad to." Savar answered taking the PaDD from Sthilg. "I will make sure she receives it."

Alicia looked around. “I take it all the current presidential staff and bodyguards have been scrutinised by our security? If not I can organise for it to be taken care of. I’m not willing to risk anything else happening.”

Savar nodded at Alicia's statement/suggestion. "We must know who can be trusted. Your safety is paramount father." He said to Sthilg. There can be no half measures in protecting you especially after what has just happened."

" That would be much appreciated little one, but given the current messsss it may be hard to do." Sthilg added slowly eyeing the amount of people in the room. Lowing his voice he added. " But if Acuzin and Soral can pull the defence gunsss data core we may be able to ssstart finding out what'sss going on."

Alicia nodded. “I have faith in them father, I just hope they’re not in danger.”

Sthilg nodded as another aid approached. " Sir your on in two minutes."

" Why do i already feel ssso controlled. " the gorn said as he headed for the replica of the presidential office that had been set up. He gave a look over his shoulder giving his family a smile. This was going to be the hardest thing of his life.


Archer amphitheatre remains. Prefab rest area 2

Acuzin let out a sigh as she sat down on the metal stool that had been set up in the rest area. Cracking open her suit's helmet she breathed in deeply. The air still smelt of dust, burning plastic and what could only be the smell of dead flesh from a hundred species.


The words echoed in her head as she did her best to keep her emotions in check. He'd want her to be strong for Mom and her step-sister. Hel her dad was tough he may still be alive buried under the....

Your kidding yourself her voice echoed in her head.

throwing her helmet across the room she let out a scream in both betaozid and gornish. Why did this have to happen?

A familiar set of footsteps echoed through the prefab. Not even bothering to look up she let out a swift " What do you want cousin?" she said as her adoptive cousin Soral stepped through the doors. Her adopted cousin had his usual Vulcan look on his face. " We have a job to do." He said in his usual emotionless tone.

" Yeah I know i'm...." she began before he held up his hand.

" Grandfather has asked us to pull the data core from one of the planetary defence guns. "

A look of hope shot over her face as she reached for her helmet. " Dadsss alive?" she said her gorn heritage slipping in to her usual speech.

" Yes he's just been sworn on as the president," Soral said as he lead the way. " I would really not want to miss his opening address.

** Presidential Bunker**

"Sir." Savar didn't call Sthilg father but rather addressed him with the respect he deserved as President of the Federation. "I think now would be a perfect time for me to travel home and see if all is as it should be." He turned to Alicia, " Alicia,I will not be long and do not worry about me. I will take the utmost precautions. You take care of yourself and the President."

Sthilg nodded but not before fumbling in his pocket for something. " Here." he said handing over a black data crystal. " Presidential agent authority. Ssshould ssstop anyone from asssking any quessstionss and take a phassser jussst in cassse."

Savar took the black data crystal and stuck it in his tunic. "Thank you, sir. I will also take a phaser as you said, just in case."

“Imzadi...” Alicia gave her husband a worried look. “Please be careful, I’d be lost if anything happened to you.”

"Do not worry Alicia, I will be careful as well as being back shortly. You take care of yourself as well as your father. He needs your support, advice and love very much right now."

Alicia nodded. “I will Imzadi, that I promise.”

Savar nodded. "I have every confidence in you Alicia."

" Take care ssson." Sthilg added as he watched him go. Looking to Alicia he gave her a smile. " Now time to embrace myself in front of the whole galaxy," he said with a grin.

"I will Mr. President, father. You may count on it. I will not be gone long." Savar replied and then slipped out a back door unseen by any.

Alicia watched Savar go, the worry evident to see. She sat for a moment before swivelling her chair towards her father. “Right Mr President, let’s get you settled for your speech.”

" Yesss let'sss prepare for my mossst embarrassing moment of my life." Sthilg joked as he headed for the replica of the presidential office.

Alicia grinned. “I have every faith in you and I’ll be right at your side father.” She smiled proudly.


Sthilg family house.

There had been a faint yet breath rainshower over the forest to which the family house sat which had caused the faint layer of ash to blow in from san faransico to stick to the earth. You could still see the flames in the distance as the forces of earth fought to get the disaster under control.

Savar had taken a hovercar from the Presidential pool. It had been rather easy. The car was nondescript. Yet, he took every precaution that he could. He didn't travel the main routes to the family home. Rather he took secondary roads. It would be easier to see if he was being followed. So, the trip took slightly longer. When he reached the house he pulled the car around the back of the house, where it could not be viewed by anyone passing by.

Satisfied that he hadn't been followed, he locked the car and got out. He noticed the ash on the lawn and something else. Footprints in the ash. Eh made images of the footsteps as he followed them to a side window. Once there he could see marks along the windowsill where it had been forced open. He felt for his phaser as he opened the window and entered the house.

Once inside, Savar closed the window and began his inspection of the house, looking for anything out of the ordinary. It didn't take long for him to find something. In his father's study/office, he noticed a lamp had been moved. Upon further inspection he found a crudely hidden listening device. Which caused him to look for better well concealed devices.

A faint breeze blew the flowers in pot indicating another window was open. This was verified when a splash of a body hit the wet mud and boots took off across the wet fields surrounding the house.


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