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Copy That, Mister Chief Of Kyle!

Posted on Thu Oct 26th, 2023 @ 2:38am by Teevs Dosivi & Commander Kyle Reece

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Security Offices
Timeline: S06E03 :: MD5 / 1030 hours
1664 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Teevs ran a hand through his hair as he nodded his thanks to the security officer who escorted him to the set of doors before him. It came as a surprise when he was asked to talk to the chief of security not long after he had worked out an agreement with Mister Orinn and Commodore Lalor. He didn't think he did something wrong; any of the places he visited so far didn't have any of the warning markings Mister Taylor had mentioned.

The security officer pressed the chime on the door. "Mister Teevs Dosivi, here to see you, sir."

From inside the Security Chief's office, a muffled "Come." Was heard. The doors then slid apart, allowing Teevs entrance.

From behind his desk, the large form of Commander Kyle Reece stood up. With a polite grin, he spoke. "Mister Dosivi, please have a seat."

Glancing at the other security officer, Teevs took the man's gesture and the security chief's words as sufficient invitation. He thanked the other officer before entering the office, the door hissing closed behind him, and he took a seat in one of the available chairs. "Thank you. What can I do for you, sir?"

Kyle motioned over to the replicator first. "Before we begin, would you care for any refreshment?"

The Lonian gave a short shake of his head. "No, thank you, I'm quite alright."

Kyle nodded. He then ordered himself a raktajino and carried the steaming mug of strong Klingon coffee back to his desk. After sitting down, he looked over at the new arrival. "So, Mister Dosivi, as I was unavailable during your arrival, I asked you down her so we could talk. As Chief of Security for this ship, it's my job to ensure the crew, families and civilians that live inside this hull are as safe as possible. Why don't you tell me about yourself. What do you do as an occupation? What brings you to us?" While it may have sounded more like an interrogation, the way Kyle spoke made it seem like the friendly, yet professional, conversation.

The slight twitch of Teevs' nose at the scent of the coffee was involuntary. It smelled so sour... did people actually consume such a beverage? "Ah, you work with Mister Rosa. He provided a generous welcome." The comment was accompanied by a genuine smile. Teevs continued, "I would call myself a trader, Mister Chief of Security, though my education is in engineering and geology. I usually trade on behalf of others; someone needs something, and I get it for them. I was actually completing work for someone when I encountered your vessel."

Kyle sat back in his chair and listened to Teeves speak. When the newcomer was finished, Kyle asked, "And what would you be willing to do for this ship and her crew?" He silently observed the alien, cautious with the safety of the Elysium and her crew.

"Whatever your ship and crew request of me." Teevs let his hands rest gently in his lap, one folded over the other, and he briefly lifted one to raise a finger. "Provided the request doesn't violate sector or civil laws, of course. And your federation's laws, too." The hand returned to his lap as he continued, "I wish to help your vessel however I can, as gratitude for helping my daughter and I."

Kyle nodded as he continued. "I had heard you had a daughter. How are you two settling in?"

Teevs gave a nod and a smile. "We are doing well. Your day cycle is a few hours off from ours, but it's not difficult to adjust to."

Kyle nodded and grinned. "Good! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you both." He typed a few commands into his desk terminal, then spoke again. "Well, I see you both are in guest family quarters and you have been given temporary computer clearance levels." He entered a few more commands, then continued. "I have modified both of your files to show you have ben granted full Civilian clearances. This will allow you both to use any terminals that are located in public common areas. You both will also be allowed to move about the ship unescorted, with certain exceptions. The bridge, engineering areas, plus all areas used by the Marine contingent aboard, will be off-limits to you both, without both an escort and an approved reason for being there. Now, as you have your own ship, you will have free access to the shuttlebay that she is stored in, plus any maintenance area required to work on her. Of course, I would advise you to speak to the Flught Department Chief or the Elysium's XO, should you desire to either work on your ship or launch it." He looked over his monitor a bit more, then looked back at Teevs. "Do you have any questions so far, Sir?"

There was a brief pause as Teevs mentally repeated the information. "No questions, Mister Chief of Security. We are already somewhat aware of your restricted areas, thanks to advice from Captain Taylor." It now made sense when the one overseeing the shuttlebay approached and asked him what he was doing yesterday when he went to assess the damage to his ship. As it was his ship, he didn't see a problem with working on it, but he would make sure to let the correct people know in the future.

Kyle reached into one if the drawers in the desk. He then pulled his hand out and reached towards Teevs. He then placed two commbadges on the desk in front of his guest. "These are for you and your daughter. They are used both as communications devices," he demonstrated how to use the badges, then continued to speak. "And they will grant you access to all of the areas on the ship that you and your daughter are authorized to visit." He paused again briefly, then said, "And you can just call me Kyle," he grinned slightly as he spoke.

"Of course, Mister Chief of-" Teevs stopped himself before he could finish the name he had been calling the officer, instead making an effort to use his real name. "... Kyle." Looking at where the communicator was placed on Kyle's uniform, he glanced down and pinned one of them to his own shirt. "I will make sure Kerilia knows how to use hers."

Kyle chuckled softly and grinned. He had a feeling that he would like Teevs. He then nodded as he continued speaking. "If either if you need any help with learning your way around the ship, you can always call me." He looked around the room, a look of affection in his eyes. "This old girl and I go way back." His eyes landed back on Teevs. "I was a member of her initial crew, when she launched on her maiden voyage, a little over six years ago. I just recently returned to her, within the past year."

The passage of time was still a strange thing to translate, so initially Teevs thought that Kyle had been on this ship for one Lonian year, not one Earth year. So it took a couple seconds for him to respond as he mentally did the math, realizing that Kyle's time on this ship was closer to a third of a Lonian year. "Wow," he said. "You have a lot of history with... her." The humanoid habit of referring to objects by female terms was strange to him, but after the sudden change to living on an alien ship, he learned to go with it. "Is there anything else I can assist you with, Mister Kyle?"

Kyle grinned softly at Teevs' statement. Then, after he considered his question for a few beats, he shook his head and stood up, moving around to the front of the desk. "Only thing I can think of, as regards to ship business, would be to welcome you and your daughter aboard." His smile grew a bit as he extended his right hand forward in friendship.

Teevs stood as well, and only briefly looked at the hand extended to him. Unlike the rather awkward attempt at this greeting with the Commodore, the Lonain knew what to do this time, and he took the hand in his own. "Thank you, Mister Kyle."

After the shook hands, Kyle walked Teevs out of the Security Department as they chatted a bit more. Once they were out in the corridor. He finished with, "...there is an Arboretum that you and your daughter might enjoy. The first level still holds flora and some small fauna that is native to our home galaxy, while the upper level will hold samples of what we find here. We actually already have a few samples on display, from the ice world that we first made landfall on, following the crossing."

"Oh, I'm sure Kerilia would love to see the arboretum. I try to make time to visit planets while trading, but she doesn't get to see nature that often, growing up on a ship," Teevs responded, following him into the corridor.

"Well, I hope you both enjoy it. And I also hope that young Miss Kerilia will be able to make some friends with the children that we have aboard."

Before he could say anything else, a security crewman came up to him, holding a PADD. Kyle took it and glanced over its contents, before looking back at Teevs, a polite, yet seemingly forced smile suddenly put on his face. "If you'll excuse me, Mister Teevs, I must attend to something. Have a pleasant day." He then turned away, the crewman following close behind him, as both reentered the Security complex.

"You too, Mister Chief of Security!" Teevs realized he fell back into his habits, but it was too late to correct himself since Kyle was gone. "It's Kyle, Teevs," he muttered to himself, before heading toward the quarters he and Kerilia had been assigned.


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