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The Brig (Roll Call)

Posted on Sun Jan 7th, 2024 @ 10:48pm by Captain Samuel Woolheater

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Timeline: Following "Aftermath"
537 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure



Sam sat on the bed/ledge, in the corner, with his knees pulled up and his head resting on his forearms. He could hear the buzz of the forcefield with its electric sounding fizz. The brig was quiet. He might be the only one in here. Well, he and the guard in the other room monitoring the cells. As soon as the trip to medical was done and he was given a checkup, Security was quite insistent that he be remanded to them pending an investigation into what caused this, “event”. And not wishing to cause any more trouble or make a scene he just let it all happen.

He must have fallen asleep – if that’s what we’re calling the periods of non-stop nightmares now. To tell the truth, just being in medical and being given something to calm his nerves made him so sleepy; he even wondered if he had a dream while on the biobed. If he did, it wasn’t a nightmare.

He was as tired as a two-dollar bill on a Monday morning but he daren’t fall asleep again. Then again, what could he possibly do wrong in the brig? This, in fact, might be the best place on the entire ship to fall asleep.

Chief Counselor Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik had been with him the entire time since the trouble began. It was only after they took him away to the brig that he was alone. What would Andrinn think? He dreaded the thought of hurting Andrinn – or anybody. And he certainly didn’t want to embarrass Andrinn either.

So, he sat on the bed/ledge and tried to put things in order in his mind. He remembered being so tired that he felt like a nap. He was in the Marine office….did he make it back to his barracks? Then – he was waking up on Deck Ten and a knife was sticking out of Crewman Kirkby’s chest. But it was all a blank up until…that point.

He remembered that in his nightmare, he was…yes….it was coming back to him now. He had just had his abdomen sliced open horizontally. He knew that if he breathed out to harshly or tighted his stomach, he would push his innards out. He remembered that he had a knife in his boot and that’s what he reached for. He could feel his intestines and his guts, warm and sticky blood making it difficult to hold his abdomen closed. Then, they, in the dream lunged at him and he stuck the knife into one of them.

Then he woke up. And he was not gutted. He was not cut open. But he was on Deck Ten and someone whom he cared about he had stabbed. Unintentionally. Unbeknown to him. He had done something terrible, and he was not in control.

He stretched out his legs and laid down. Sleep would come to him, perhaps, this time, he would dream of nothing and no one. Perhaps.


Captain Samuel Woolheater
“Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas”
Division VI, MARDET 62nd Company "Spartans", 1st Platoon CO
=/\= USS ELYSIUM - NCC-89000 =/\=


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