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Conversation with Gul Desek

Posted on Mon May 13th, 2024 @ 10:28am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Kyle Reece & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander Rin

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Medical, Private room
Timeline: Md10 17h00
1572 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

So the next conversation was going to be a tough one. Gul Desek’s file was hard reading but Phoenix had to temper that with the fact that the man had been listed as missing for over 2 decades, and kept in that horrible place. Some would claim that it was karma. She had, for certain reasons, chosen not to allow the chief of security to attend. In fact she kept it to her acting Xo and Chief of Intelligence. Handling an angry S’hib was not something she could face that day.

She approached the small private medical room, and rapped on the door, with Kyle and Rin in tow. “Gul Desek.” She greeted him as she entered the small room. “How are you feeling? I apologise for interrupting your evening, but I think its time we chatted.”

"Of course, Commodore. To be honest, I feel quite well. Thank you," he said, standing from his chair. He looked to the female officer with the Borg implants. He could never understand why Starfleet went out of their way to save those who had been assimilated. It was a waste of time and resources in his opinion.

“This gentleman is my Acting Executive Officer, Commander Kyle Reece, while our XO is ill, and this is Lieutenant Commander Rin, our chief of Intelligence.” Phoenix introduced the two officers. “I understand that you have been through a lot, but I see no reason we cannot discuss things as reasonable beings. Please sit back down. I am not sure if you have had a chance to catch up but it has been 25 years since your disappearance, well death, was reported by the Cardassian military.”

"Death?" Desek questioned, a bit surprised. "They actually think that I'm dead?" A chuckle escaped him. He wondered what that fool Gul Dukat had ended up in the military. 'Probably maneuvered his way to the top by now,' he thought. Dukat had been if anything, ambitious. Hell, it was probably even Dukat that had declared him dead.

"They do," Rin answered matter-of-factly. She wasn't ready to give away all that had transpired in the last 25 years. Easier to keep him honest when he wasn't working with all the information.

"How do you envision this working, you being on the Elysium? What seems reasonable to you?" Rin asked.

"I envision, my dear, remaining aboard and being treated the respect I am due until we return to the Alpha Quadrant and I can travel home to Cardassia," Desek huffed. "And no more unprovoked attacks from deranged officers."

"I fear you will find Cardassia much changed, Gul. Much has happened and it was not pretty" Phoenix said and held out a PADD. "History since your 'death' for you to read."

"Cardassia, which had already practically gone to war with the Federation at the time of your abduction, initiated full hostilities alongside the Dominion. Thus the complications of having you just running around this ship, especially when you show such contempt for your rescuers, dear Gul," Rin said almost sweetly.

Desek looked at the former Borg woman for a moment. What these officers were telling him had to be Federation lies. "Am I such a threat to you and your ship that I need to be treated like a prisoner? I'm not so sure that I was rescued with how I've been treated. And is it really any different than having a member of the Borg," he gestured at Rin, "running loose on this ship?"

Kyle stepped forward, his deep baritone voice filled with danger. "Commander Rin is one of many ex-Borg who have been rescued, either by their own hand or others, who have come back to us. She had proven herself to be unshakingly loyal and faithful to the United Federation of Planets, Starfleet, the USS Elysium, Commodore Lalor-Richardson, and this entire crew. When you speak about her, and every other member of this crew, you will have respect in your voice."

"Respect goes both ways, Commander," Desek smirked.

"I was enslaved by the Borg, a situation you are not entirely unfamiliar with," Rin added. "And if you think Starfleet should be suspicious of me after so much time away in foreign space, you might consider how Cardassia should think of you. I hope that clarifies any confusion you might have."

"Oh, I have no confusion. I have served Cardassia loyally. Unlike you, who was a member of a species that attacked anyone they crossed paths with, no matter, Federation, Romulans, Klingon, Ferengi. But now, we can keep this little game going on or you can release me from Medical, and assign me some quarters until hopefully we can return to the Alpha Quadrant."

"That might be an issue" The Commodore said. "The Bajoran Government, issued a warrant for your arrest in 2373. Despite the timeline and such, it is, according to our records, which are as current as of stardate 74671.53 (04.September.2397), which is when we last had contact with Starfleet. And as Bajor is now a member of Starfleet, as of June 2390, we are obligated to abide by it. That said, there are other things to consider." She paused knowing she was going to hear about this from various people, "While we work out the various legalities, here is what I am suggesting. We will give you medical care, counselling if you require it, quarters on Deck 3, with a security escort. Does this suit you Gul Desek?" She asked.

"Of course, leave it to the Bajorans to cry about and hold a grudge against me," he huffed. "Very well, but expect me to petition the Cardassian Union the minute we return."

"You can file any petition you like when we get back, Desek," Kyle stated sternly, indicating that he was in no mood for challenges. "As you will see in the information in that PADD, the Cardassia you remember no longer exists. The Obsidian Order and Detapa Council are both gone, and your military is in shambles. Your territories have been annexed and set free from occupation. Cardassia Prime is scarred and struggling to survive and rebuild. You now are dependent on the kindness if your neighbors to simply survive." He stepped forward and stared down the smaller man. "I strongly urge and advise you to keep your head down and opinions to yourself while on this ship. If I hear you causing any issues, I will personally lock you up in the brig. Do I make myself perfectly clear, Sir?"

"I already stated that I will follow your whimsical rules until we reach the Alpha Quadrant," Desek responded looking back at the human.

Phoenix made sure she was clear as she spoke. "We will let Medical Clear you. Your security escort will be here to escort you to your new quarters on Deck 3." she said. "I will make sure we keep you up to date around the legalities. Our JAG officer will be in touch." She looked at Kyle. "Mr Reece, make sure Security assigns a proper security team to the Gul. I do not want him attacked is that understood?"

"Aye, Ma'am," he replied respectfully. He then moved off to the side to carry out his orders.

Phoenix turned back to the Gul. "We will leave you to your recovery and will arrange for you to have time to speak with legal representation as well." She then turned and headed for the door.

Desek watched the officers exit the room. At least one officer has any sense of reasoning on this damned ship.


Once they were outside, Rin turned the Commodore. "Someone is going to have to debrief him. Not at this exact moment, but I'm sure he has useful intel. I can try, but he's already decided to be hostile to me, although I suspect he would do something similar to anyone who was sent in to talk to him."

"So Kyle or Gary then?" Phoenix asked the chief of Intelligence. "Which would you prefer?"

"Kyle, ma'am," she replied without hesitation. Rin's last encounter with Gary had been so bizarre, she couldn't trust how such a conversation might go with him at the moment.

Kyle nodded, then replied. "Once he's finished here and is in guest quarters, I'll go talk to him there."

"Good, and make sure Mr S'hib and Colonel Azhul are told where he is staying and that they are to stay away. I do not want an accidental death happening."

Kyle nodded grimly. "Understood, Ma'am." Kyle made a mental note if speaking to both individuals. "Anything either of you want or need me to focus on when I debrief him?"

"He knows the players in this area of space," Rin answered. "And I'm guessing he knows how they have travelled between this galaxy and ours."

Kyle nodded and grimaced as he responded. "Well, on the second point, I think we already know the answer. There was a massive ring structure set up on the other side of their world. When the bombings started, several ships attacked it, with the Thaih'ea trying to stop them. Unfortunately, the ring was destroyed before we could get too detailed of scans, though, I imagine it was the means that you are referring to."

"We got scans but they are being reviewed. I hope we get an idea on how to replicate it." Phoenix replied. "But I am sure Science and Engineering are looking forward to the challenge."



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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Mon May 13th, 2024 @ 3:33pm

Oh yeah. Very cool. I don't know who is playing this Gul Desek character but they are doing a great job of it. I don't like this character. He seems like the kind of guy that inites himself to your dinner party, orders a 3-piece steak, a bottle of wine and a desert from the desert tray only to "discover" that he left his wallet back home. Or maybe he's the door-to-door saleman selling suckless vacuum cleaners. Or maybe...somebody from Dish satellite. I don't like him. I don't even know him and I don't like him. Prolly uses all the terlit paper off a roll and does't bother to put a new roll on.

But a good read. Thanks for whoever is busting their ass writing it.