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Casual Conversation - Alessandra

Posted on Sun May 19th, 2024 @ 4:45pm by Ensign Alessandra Sheffield & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Kyle Reece & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Medical, Private room
Timeline: MD10 15h00
1027 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The next temporally displaced person they had to speak with was one Ensign Alessandra Sheffield. Her file was easily found. MIA- KIA from the USS Acheron. The woman had been guarding the pods she had retrieved with Colonel Naxea and had only let medical personnel near them after they had assured her that the children within them would be protected.
Phoenix gathered the Colonel, Kyle Reece and Sthilg in her group to go and speak with the ensign.

She rapped on the door to the small private room within medical. And when she stepped in, she smiled at the ensign. “Ensign Sheffield.. sorry to interrupt, was hoping to have a chat.”

Aless slipped from the bio bed and saluted. She wore grey Starfleet tracksuit and was barefoot. “Commodore” She said briskly, her gaze swept the group. “Colonel” she added, as she acknowledged the Marine. When her gaze hit the chief medical officer she swallowed bravely. She came from a time when the Gorn and Starfleet were enemies. “D-Doctor”

"Hello again, Ensign," Naxea greeted the best she could with the stress she was currently under.

" Sssthilg. " The gorn replied as warmly and calmly as he could.

Kyle stepped in after Sthilg, and stepped over to his right. "Greetings, Ensign Sheffield. I'm Commander Kyle Reece, Chief Tactial Officer and temporary XO." He spoke in a calm, gentle voice, remembering the stories he had heard as a boy, from both his Grampy and Uncle, concerning how the P.O.W.s of the Fominion War had seemed, after they were returned home. And their internment had , at most, been a year. "Other than the obvious, how are you feeling?"

"Um... I am fine thank you. I keep telling myself I am not dreaming." Alessandra said softly.

Phoenix nodded. "Understandable. I know it's a lot and you have told the Colonel here a bit of your story and we will most likely have further in-depth conversations in the future but I would like to hear it from you."

Aless took a breath. "I was a medical officer on the Archeron. Captain Gideon, made a deal with the Thaih'ae. But they 'altered' the deal. Several crewmembers were kept by the Thaih'ea. I do not know what happened to the others. I was kept in stasis and only brought out to be experimented on." she focused on the wall behind them as she spoke. "I was helped to escape by J’ier. J'ier was the head of a branch of the underground, a former slave of a distant race known as Eiria. They were a peaceful race of felinoid sapients indigenous to Warfarin. They had claws, incredible strength and speed, and were covered with tawny fur and possessed prehensile tails. He taught me how to survive on the planet, beneath the surface. It was about... 12 months ago, I guess. I was separated from them a few weeks before I found the Colonel and your team. I do not know what happened with them. I approached the Colonel because I heard the group speaking Federation Standard."

Kyle spoke up. "Firstly, stand easy, Ensign. No need to be so rigid. Right now at least." He gave her a disarming grin as he spoke. "Secondly, these you think, if we found their home system, they would be allies?"

Aless shrugged. "They are pacifist's apparently. And I know people don't believe me, that pink haired officer didn't, I understand why, its a crazy story, and anyone from the Archeron are long dead. The Captain got the Thaih'ea top take them back to our own time. But can you at least check the crew listing for it? I am probably listed as KIA."

Phoenix nodded. "Yes, you are." she admitted. "But we can fix that." she said with positivity. "You and others are going to be taken care of here. We will make sure you are well and safe. So you can take time and relax."

"I.. dont do well with relaxing Commodore." Alessandra replied.

"Ah well you can think of it as an order" Phoenix smiled.

Kyle grinned as well. "You will find, Commodore Lalor-Richardson is very strict, when it comes to the care of her crew."

Aless nodded slowly "okay." She said "W..would it be possible to look things up in the ship's database? About my family?"

Phoenix nodded. "Of course. Dr Sthilg will make sure you get the access."

" I'd like to keep you under medical obssservation for a time, but i can give you accessssss to the ssshipssss database." the gorn responded.

"Thank you." Aless replied. "I know my parents and siblings will be long gone but they may have descendants."

Phoenix gave a small smile. "I hope you find what you are looking for. We are heading for Federation space with all speed but as we are so far from home, it may take many years."

"I understand. Not everyone can have the same tech that they did. I do not know how they got it though. There were always rumours."


Aless considered it. "Rumours that they were a slave race to a race of gods, and they stole it, or that they captured someone from another race and mined their brain for information and technology. They were a race of scavengers from what I learned that, grew to being such a big piece of this galaxy's stage."

"Any are possible," Naxea mused. "Similar to the Iconians."

Aless nodded. "Yes and it has been so long that it is hard to determine truth from myth."

Phoenix listened and after moment she said "When you have had time to rest, we will discuss your future here. You will need retraining of course."

Aless nodded. "Hard so far from Earth."

The Commodore smiled. "We have an onboard academy annex so it won't be that hard."

Just how big was this shop? Aless was curious about it. "Must be a big ship."

Phoenix nodded with a smile. "When you are better we will make sure you get the tour. Now rest." Phoenix ushered her team to the door and out as Alessandra just nodded in slight shock.


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