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Fun in the Sun

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 3:19pm by Staff Sergeant Liam "Swede" Reece [Reece] & Lieutenant Samaire MacBride-Reece [Lalor] & Skylah McBride [Lalor]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach
Timeline: MD3 - 10h00
2328 words - 4.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The tropical island of Eden's Reach emerged from the crystal-clear waters like a verdant oasis amidst the endless expanse of the ocean. Its shores, fringed with golden sands and verdant foliage, beckoned to the crew and families who beamed down or came down in the shuttles provided. Crew dispersed along the beach, or into the tropical rain forests, and peace seemed to settle over the crew.

Samaire with her niece in tow, waited for her husband to join them from the crowd who had just beamed down. No one was hanging around others, giving everyone space to roam. Both Sam and Sky were dressed in shorts and teeshirts over swimsuits. And both carried bags with towels and sunscreen and Sam carried a beach tent.

Liam stepped over to his two angels, dressed in cargo shorts, a green SFMC tank top and a ball cap, carrying a cooler, filled with drinks and food. He smiled as he drew near. "This is amazing! Much better than the last planet we were on!"

"Agreed" Sam smiled. She had been getting better in the past few weeks, and looked a lot healthier than she had during their time in Thaih'ean space.

Skylah looked around and pointed to a secluded spot not far. "Over there!" she said brightly and took off running to claim their spot.

Liam laughed softly at Skylah's energy. "I guess we're going that way." He said to Samaire as the pair made their way after their little girl.

Samaire nodded and smiled as she watched her niece dash through the sand. "This is good for her." She commented as Skylah found them a nice spot between the trees and the water.

"It's good for all of us, honey," he responded gently as they finally reached the chosen spot. "Great location, Little Miss!" He said with a grin. He then waited for Samaire to lay out the blanket, before setting the cooler down on one corner.

Once that was done, Samaire set up the Beach tent. Skylah rushed to the water's edge. She was a good swimmer and the waves were gentle. She walked along the edge kicking at the water and jumping.

Samaire watched for a moment and then went back to setting up their little camp.

Liam split his attention between helping Samaire finish setting up their area and watching Sky. When everything was finished, he moved up behind his wife,wrapping his arms around her belly as they both watched Skylah have fun in the surf. "I wish all of her days could be this innocent."

Samaire nodded. "I know. I am the same in thoughts. If... if we ever get home.. maybe... I should look for a safer posting..."

"We should look for a safer posting," he corrected gently. "I'm not getting separated from the two of you ever again." He hugged her a little tighter, then gently out his hands on her belly. "Or more than two." He grinned, then kissed her neck.

Samaire smiled. "Maybe one day. Nothing yet though."

"No, I know," he assured her lovingly. "Now is not the time. Maybe, when we get back home, we could start trying?"

Samaire nodded. "Sounds like a great idea." She sat down on the rug. "I don't envy those with newborns though."

Sitting down next to his wife, Liam nodded. "Like Nick and Cass," he said softly, thinking about his older brother and how he and Cassia had been reunited with their stolen daughter.

Sam nodded. "Now that's a story for your mother." She smiled. "When we get back, she will be very happy I think."

"A new daughter-in-law, and a new granddaughter? Yeah, she'll be happier than a pig in mud." He chuckled as he replied. "As will Alexandria."

"Not to mention Kyle's family." Sam added.

Chuckling softly, Liam nodded as he replied. "Oh yeah. Big Brother Kyle is gonna be wrapped around her finger just as much as he is Sky's."

"I meant that your brother has children as well."

Liam paused, then chuckled, realizing what his wife had meant. "Duh! Man! It's a good thing you got the handsome Reece!" His grin grew wider as he finished speaking.

She smirked at him. "Hmmm did you forget I dated Kyle once?" she teased him. She laughed.

He looked at her with a playfully shocked expression on his face. "One dinner does not really make a date!" He then reached over and started to tickle her.

Samaire laughed. "Dinner and drinks.. equals a date." She grinned at him.

Liam finally stopped tickling his wife, then, looking down on her as she was on her back, and smiled lovingly, a look of devotion in his eyes. "But you still married the right one, though."

"Hmm yes I did." She broke off the teasing and kissed him.

Liam slid his arms under Samaire as he returned her kiss, passion for passion.

"Awww come on!" voice came to them both. "Do you have to?" Skylah was standing there looking at them with irritation. "Come swim with me!"

Liam first looked up at Skylah, then back down at Samaire. He grinned happily at his wife, and gave her a little wink, as he replied. "Well, I guess..." he started to slowly climb up to his feet, then helped Samaire stand as well.

Once everyone was on their feet, Liam's grin grew more playful, as he continued to speak, "...I'll just have to feed you to the fishes then!" He spun around and scooped Skylah up into his arms and ran for the surf, tickling her as he moved.

The girl squealed and laughed as she tried to get free.

Samaire followed with a smile. She was happy that Skylah was making new memories.

When they reached the water, Liam high stepped in still tickling Skylah. When he was waist-deep, he suddenly lifted her above his head. "Now to throw you in!" He playfully teased.

Skylah grinned at him. "Do it then" she dared him.

Liam looked over at Samaire and shrugged. He then tossed Skylah up into the air and slightly behind him. He moved out of the way as she came splashing down.

Skylah came up out of the water squealing and spluttering. She immediately began splashing at Liam, while her aunt laughed in the shallows.

Liam laughed, splashing Skylah back, though careful not to overdo it. Hearing Samaire laughing at them, he looked over and called out, "You gonna stay up there all day, or are you gonna help?"

"I am weighing my options on who I should support" Samaire said airily. "Do I join my niece, or my husband...Such a conundrum."

Hearing her words, Liam glanced at Skylah and grinned, tilting his head towards her aunt. Looking back towards Samaire, he grinned as he crouched down into the surf. He started to circle to his wife's right, as he moved closer.

Sam saw him and then spotted Skylah mimicking him on the other side. She sighed and mock fainted into the water and lunged at Skylah, scooping her up and putting her between Liam and herself.

Laughing, Liam moved closer to the pair. "You think you cam use our little angel as a shield? Fear not, Little Miss! I shall save you!!" He then lunged forward and scooped the both of them up in his arms, spinning them in the water as the whole family giggled and laughed in joy.

Once he finished spinning them, they moved into the water to relax and chill. Skylah ducked under the water with goggles on to look at the fish and coral.

Samaire let the water soothe her form as she stood beside Liam in the water.

Moving to stand behind her, Liam slid his arms around Samaire's waist and held her against his chest as they watched Skylah enjoy herself. "This is perfect," he whispered into his wife's ear.

Nodding, Samaire agreed. "Yes, it is," she leaned back against him. "Good Memories."

"Yeah," he agreed softly as he kissed the side of her head. "Speaking of good memories," he whispered into her ear, "Perhaps you and I could make some more later tonight, after our angel is asleep?"

"Hmm sounds like a plan," She agreed. "If you are not too tired," she added as a taunt.

"Tired? Tired?!" He started to lightly tickle her, then, as he kept her close and whispered hotly into her ear, he said, "Trust me, my love, your man has been waiting to be with you. I am going to devour you."

"Hmm" She gave a shudder. "Good thing we have the bedroom soundproofed."

"Indeed," he agreed quietly. When Skylah popped back up from under the water, he made sure his growing passion was hidden behind Samaire. "I think I need to cool off a bit before I become...improper for polite company." He kissed Samaire on the cheek, then turned and dove into the surf away from them, to do just that.

Samaire laughed softly and moved to her niece to examine shell she had brought up. She enjoyed the affect she had on her husband, and knew he liked it too.

A short while later, Liam returned to them, carrying a few more multicoloured shells and rocks that looked almost like gemstones. "Here you are, ladies, I return with gifts for both of my lovelies." He gave the shells to Skylah, and the three stones to Samaire. One looked like a pearl, though almost two inches wide and blueish in hue. The other two appeared to be emeralds, that were still mostly buried in rock. The first one was a little larger than the pearl and the other was almost the size of his hand.

Samaire took them and stared at them. "Well you are very good at finding things aren't you love?" she asked him as she sat in the shallow water.

Sitting down next to his wife, Liam chuckled and nodded as he replied. "Yeah, I've always had a great nose for finding things. I remember this one time, back when we were all kids, my mom lost an earring while we were all enjoying the day in our backyard. While everyone else was checking the grass and patio furniture, I remembered that she had been in the poolearlier, so I dove into the deep end, I must been five or six at the time, and found her earring in the bottom of the pool."

Skylah took the shells and ran them back to their camp on the beach.

Samaire however kissed him gently. "Maybe we should come back here tonight," she whispered. "Spend some time here, in the water."

Knowing exactly what she was meaning, Liam nodded and gave her a lop-sided grin. "That sounds like an excellent idea. We'll just have to get a babysitter for Sky. Maybe see if the Charles' can watch her? Their boy Hendor has been asking to see her, after all."

"Hmm we can ask." she said softly. "Or we could get a holo nanny."

He nodded then replied. "Whatever you feel would be best, sweetheart."

Sam nodded and leaned back in the water and tilted her head to the sun. "I could stay here forever," she admitted.

Liam nodded again. "It certainly is a paradise worth keeping." He then pondered a thought, before asking, "How do you think the Commodore would take it, if members of the crew made that similar request?'

"I don't know." She was honest. "I am sure personally she would give the option but, as a commodore.. we are fleet officers.... It could be classed as desertion."

He nodded, knowing she was right. "Not if those with rank relinquished it and resigned their commissions. Of course," he added. "It's not like we have a surplus of personnel to fill the gaps that such a move would create."

"Yes, and not to mention they would need supplies, and such." She sighed. "As nice as it would be, its not a possibility." She glanced towards the tent, where Skylah was now playing in the sand.

Liam looked back at Skylah and nodded. "Agreed. Besides, I could not leave my brothers behind, or do that to my mom. She would be destroyed if we never got back."

"Indeed. She will want to see her grandchildren. All of them." Sam agreed and touched his cheek. "We will give her more."

Closing his eyes a look of contentment crossed his face when she touched him. Turning slightly, he gently kissed her palm, then opened his eyes. "How do you feel about trying tonight?"

"Are you changing your mind about waiting until we get home?" She asked softly.

He thought about it for a couple seconds, then nodded. "I am. We have no idea what tomorrow might bring. We should live each day to the fullest, sweetheart."

Samaire nodded after a moment of thought. "Very well." she agreed. "I just hope I can."

"We can go see the Doc, if you are concerned about it?" He offered gently.

"I am. I do not know what they might have done to me. I have no memories of the Encounter but ... I know they experimented on us."

"So, then let's make an appointment to see the Doc. That way we can know for sure." Liam spoke softly as he added, "If you want to, that is."

Samaire nodded. "I want us to have children, I want her to have siblings."

Liam smiled warmly. "And, even if things don't go as we hope, we can always adopt."

"Thats true" she admitted. Sam shifted in the water. "We should eat."

Nodding, Liam stood up, then offered his hands to his wife to help her stand as well. Once she was on her feet, Liam to Samaire's right hand into his left, and the pair made their way up the beach to where their spot was located.

The family spent the rest of the day, swimming, relaxing , and creating memories together.



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