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Posted on Thu Jul 25th, 2024 @ 9:37am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Commander Kyle Reece & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Elysium, Gul Desek’s Guest Quarters
Timeline: After the debrief with Counselor Alicia
2048 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Once the Cardassian had had time to settle into his guest quarters, Kyle made his over, to perform the debriefing that the Commodore and Rin had requested. When he reached the cabin, he saw the security detail positioned outside in the corridor. "I'm here to debrief our...guest.

"Please don't call him that, Sir..." Replied the old Ensign, his grey beard hiding scars that ran up the side of his face. "Even in jest, cos' I lost a lot of good friends in the war to spoon heads like him, and now the bastard's got better quarters than I do."

He readjusted his posture, standing tall and proud with his hands tucked behind his back.

Kyle couldn't fault the man's animosity towards the Cardassian. Too much blood had been spilt for any true friendship to exist between the two societies. At least not now. Perhaps in a few decades. Only time would tell.

For now, however, he did have a job to do. "Well, Mister Victor's," Kyle replied, remembering the man's name from his brief time as the Chief of Security. "I know that you are a man of honor, so I also know that nothing will happen to the Gul, so long as he is on this ship. Unfortunately, until he is formally charged with the crimes he is accused of, he is still a guest of this ship. Albeit, one who is confined to quarters and cut off from all information, save what we deem he needs to know." He offered his hand of friendship to the older man. "I have faith that you will do the right thing."

"Aye, I will..." Victor said as he clasped Kyles's hand with a firm and rough grip. "But my orders are to protect him, not to be nice to him."

He turned at this, releasing Kyle's hand before tapping the door controls, waving the same hand towards the now open door.

Kyle nodded, giving Victor a knowing grin, before dropping it and stepping just inside the door. As soon as he was far enough inside, the door slid shut and locked behind him. "Gul Desek," he spoke firmly, yet politely. "It's time for your debriefing."

Desek looked up from his position at the table as he finished swallowing a bite of Rokat, a Cardassian dish. "You know, your replicator system could use some work. This isn't the finest Rokat I've had, but it is decent enough." He recalled he had grown to hate the dish because it was a main staple of meals aboard Cardassian ships. Yet after nearly a quarter of a century since last tasting the dish, it felt good to eat something familiar. "Have you ever had any, Commander?"

"Can't say as I have," Kyle replied as he moved to sit down across the smaller man. "Before we begin, a piece of advice. Due to your known history, it is very likely that you will be spending the rest of your time, in this galaxy, in either this cabin, or a brig cell. Now, while I cannot guarantee that what you tell me during this debriefing will keep you out of the cell, I'm sure it might look good to the officers in the JAG department if you are helpful." He let that sink in to Desek's brain for a few beats, then said aloud, "Avalon?"

Tag Avalon

Looking over to the hologram, Kyle asked, "Are you ready to record the debriefing?"

Tag Avalon

Nodding his head, he looked back at Desek. "We'll start with a few easy questions. What is the first thing you remember, after being taken?"

Desek grinned and calmly took another bite of the Rokat, studying this Starfleet Commander before him. 'All muscle, little brain,' he thought as he swallowed the bite before answering. "I do love a good conversation. Likely the same as any who were taken. I woke up on their ship." He let out a chuckle. "They weren't too thrilled at losing two ships to me."

Kyle nodded. 'Typical Gul, all talk, but a coward on the inside.' "Did you now? Well, that's quite impressive, as no one else in recorded history seems to have been so tactically lucky." He took a breath, then continued, clearly not impressed with the man in front of him, though he was smart enough to not allow that feeling to show in any way.

"When you were finally taken, where were you brought to? The arena? Or somewhere else first?"

"Well, then show me the sensor data you have on the CUS Dertak when it was attacked?" he paused. "Oh, that's right. You said recorded history, Federation History." He paused, a slightly annoyed smirk threatening to form on his face. "Well then, let me give you some information. The Dertak wasn't Cardassian Military--it was Obsidian Order. One of the first ships to be precise. It was also a Keldon Class Destroyer. And I don't care how how powerful a ship is. It still blows up when you ram it with a core breach in progress," he smiled, sitting back in the chair before shrugging. "But what do I know? I'm just an old man," he continued to grin slightly as he held up a finger as he thought. "Ah, yes. Certainly not the Arena. It was a smaller station. And no, I don't know where this station is located."

As Kyle knew Avalon was recording everything, he kept his attention fully on the man sitting across from him. "Actually, when I said recorded history, I meant from all the powers that share such information with the Federation. As Cardassia is now a noncombatant power, we have everything that your people have recorded as well. Well," He shrugged, "everything that survived the Dominion War. Much was lost on the planet of your birth during that time. In fact, by the time we crossed over to this galaxy, they had nearly finished demolishing the ruins. The Cardassia that you know and remember? She's gone. If you wish to have any chance of seeing her new face, I strongly suggest you drop the attitude and recognize the position you are currently in."

After letting that sink in for a few beats, he asked, "Now, are you ready to be civil and continue?"

Desek finished his last bite of his meal as he chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "I have been nothing if not civil, Commander," he put on a charming smile. "By all means, continue with your questions."

Kyle was not convinced by Desek's behavior. However, he knew that there was nothing that he could do to harm either himself or others. So, he continued with his questioning. "What can you tell me of your time with the Thaih'ean?"

"Awful. Their foods lack taste. Did you know that? You'd think that a species who can travel halfway across the galaxy in a moment could at least develop some satisfactory dish or two. But noooo," Desek stated. He knew from his debrief with the counselor that he held the cards. "But I'd imagine you're not a fan of the culinary arts. But my time was filled with aiding new prisoners to be combatants as well as cook meals for those nasty Thaih'ean."

Kyle nodded silently. He knew that Desek thought he was in control here. It was what Kyle wanted him to think. All the better to give him more rope to hang himself with. "Me?" He shrugged as he replied. "I've been known to dabble a little in the kitchen from time to time. However, let's get back to you and your time with the Thaih'ea. You said that you aided new prisoners to he combatants. How, exactly, was this achieved?"

"Teaching them how to survive longer than twenty-four hours, by not angering the Thaih'ean." he replied.

Kyle frowned slightly as he considered the man in front of him. "So, you claim that you were chosen, by the Thaih'ea, to train their slaves to survive and fight. Out of all the individuals who have encountered them, you alone are the only one whom they deemed worthy of treating like an equal. Is that what you're saying?"

"No," Desek replied, holding up a finger, "that is what you are saying. I never boasted such claims. Fighting and being stupid towards the Thaih'ea are two entirely different things."

"And yet," Kyle countered, "Reports from several members of this crew indicated that, unlike every other member from our galaxy, that was seen, you were the only one not shackled or chained in any way. You really must've earned the trust of the Thaih'ea to garner such freedom."

"So a prisoner must be shackled or chained to be a prisoner?" Desek asked, producing a grin that slowly disappeared before he continued as memories of being in his cell resurfaced. "I was still confined to a cell at the end of the day like any of the other prisoners you rescued. And yes, I have learned much about those disgusting Thaih'ea," his grin returned as he looked at the human. "Play nice and I may share."

Kyle was stone faced as he watched the Cardassian act like he was in charge. Finally, he replied. "Believe me, Sir. Before we are done, you will gladly tell us everything you know. For, remember, back home?, you're a criminal wanted on countless charges of brutality, rape, even murder, of if hundreds of innocent Bajorans. The Provisional Government has several warrants for your arrest. And, now that they are part of the Federation, we have no choice but to uphold their warrants. So," he paused to take a breath, then continued, his voice remaining completely calm and unfazed by Desek in the slightest, "If you wish to have even a modicum of peace in you remaining years, I highly suggest that you both drop the smug attitude, and help your cause, by telling me everything that you know, starting with when you woke up in the Thaih'ea prisoner cell."

"And pray, do tell me, Commander. How do you expect to get home? Last I checked, we're not even in the same galaxy as the Federation. Or am I misinformed?" Desek asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"That's the problem with you, Desek," Kyle replied, not taking the bait of sarcasm. "Where there's a will, there's a way. The Thaih'ea had a way of getting to our galaxy. It's just a matter of time."

"Oh, it is certainly a matter of time....before the Thaih'ea locate this ship and destroy you. The Thaih'ea are anything if not relentless. So the question is, how many of your crew are you going to sacrifice in your where there is a will, there is a way?" Desek asked, a smirk forming at one corner of his mouth.

Again, Kyle was not baited by the Cardassian. "Gul Desek, clearly you have never encountered Starfleet personnel. Unlike your military, we aren't in the habit of sacrificing anyone." He stood suddenly, looking down at the pathetic man in front of him. "Unless you'd like to be the first to volunteer?" He turned and started towards the door, seeing that he wasn't going to get anything further from Desek.

When he reached the door, he turned back to look at the other man. "I strongly advise you to drop the attitude and realize that we are more than likely the only chance that you will ever have to see Cardassia again." He then turned back and pressed the door controls. After they slid open, he stepped out into the corridor, the doors sliding shut behind him, an audible click indicated that the doors were now locked again. Outside, the guards reactivated the forcefield over the door. After Kyle nodded to them both, he turned and left the area.

Desek stated at the door nthe human has left. This was a game far from over as a grin formed. He knew Starfleet all too well and the over confidence and ego of this Commander was exactly what he needed." 'Time for chaos, Commander,' he thought as a chuckle began. "Computer, play Ozark Symphony Number Seven," he ordered as classical music from Cardassia began playing, causing him to sway to the music throughout his quarters.



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