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Change of Personnel

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 1:09pm by Captain Samuel Woolheater & Crewman Adelaide Kirkby & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Captain David Tonelly [Reece] & Avalon [ADMIN NPC]
Edited on on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 2:31pm

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: USS Elysium, Marine Country
Timeline: MD (TBD) / 0930 hours
2064 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

On one hand, David hated that he had to do this. On the other, he knew that this was something that had to happen. After thinking long and hard about things, and the situation with Baeryn, he needed to be able to give more attention to their daughter, Samanthanna. After speaking with Mattias one night, he finally made the decision.

He was going to speak to Colonel Naxea, about transferring from the line unit, to the Academy, where an instructor position was available.

And so, here he was, in his duty uniform, standing outside his commanding officer's, and friend's, office. Taking a final breath, he reached up and pressed the door chime.

Naxea looked up from her desk from looking over recent physical evals. She wasn't too thrilled with the results. Though they were still passings, she noticed a drop since being stranded. "Enter," she called, thankful for the distraction.

Upon hearing her speak, David entered from his office. "Sorry to bother you, Colonel," he spoke respectfully. "Have you got a few minutes? I need to discuss a personal matter with you."

"Sure, have a seat, Captain. What's on your mind?" she said as she turned her desk terminal off.

David nodded his thanks, then moved to sit in one of the chairs facing her desk. "I want to start off by saying that it is an honor to both serve under your command, and to be your XO. I have known my fair share of CO's in my time, and I wish they had all been like you." He paused to take on a breath, seemingly carrying a heavy burden.

Naxea didn't have to be a telepath to know what was going to come next. She leaned back in her chair, looking at David. "You're resigning?"

David looked into Naxea's eyes like he had just slighted her. "I'm sorry, Colonel. With Baeryn in cryofreeze for the foreseeable future, I need to be able to be there for our daughter." He took a breath, then continued, "I'm not fully resigning...there's a teaching position open at the academy annex. I thought I'd pass on what I've learned to a new generation of marines. Granted, there are only a few cadets signed up for the Corps. Plus, I'll take over as your range OIC as well. I just...need to step away from the front line for now. If my daughter was a bit older.....perhaps things would be different."

He looked defeated. "I know I'm letting you down, Colonel. I wish there was another way."

Naxea shook her head. "You haven't let me down, Captain. I can't fault you for wanting to look after your family." She had gotten along well with Baeryn and hoped the woman would be able to return to duty soon. Naxea paused for a moment before continuing. "You have been an exemplary executive officer, Captain."

Hearing both the comforting words, then her praise, brought a soft smile to David's face. "Thank you, Colonel! I learned everything I know about command from you." He paused, a beat, then continued, "If I may, Ma'am, I'd like to offer my suggestion on who I feel would be an excellent officer to take over from me as your XO."

"Who did you have in mind, Captain?" Naxea asked, curious as to whom David thought would make a good XO.

David looked Naxea in the eye and said, "Woolheater. Since he joined the unit, he has been excelling across the board. He's professional when he needs to be and approachable when he needs to be. During the crossing, when we both were unreachable, he stepped up and not only kept the unit whole, his command of the situation saved numerous lives, all over the ship. Hell, without his quick thinking, we might not even have a ship to stand on." He took a breath, then continued.

"Do I have more combat experience than he does, sure. However, in his short time with us, he has proven to be a far better leader than I am. In fact, once my personal situation finds stability, and I ask to return to your unit, I would be glad to serve under him, because I know, without a doubt, that between myself and him, HE's the best man for the job as your XO, Ma'am."

Naxea was silent for a moment. She agreed with Tonelly and his reasons for Woolheater. "You make good points and I agree with you,* she said. "When are you stepping down?"

He shrugged as he replied. "With your permission, we could do the change over now?"

"Very well," Naxea replied with a curt nod before opening the comm on her desk. "Captain Woolheater, report to my office immediately. Colonel Azhul, out."


Sam was working on the eval list of physicals that were dropping off. Marines were getting "comfortable" which was dangerous to be in when in unfamiliar territory. So, here he was working with a group of fifteen Marines that were very close to flab-ulous, " earned; not given away. Some of you were on the injured list for months. I'm glad to have you back with us. Medical has cleared your asses to get back on the line. However, I understand your physical evals are...subpar. We can't have that. Now, all of you indicated that you wanted to come back to full time active duty. So? That's what we're going to do. Your Platoon CO's have approved you to come back. We need to work on weight-loss, strength training, cardio and endurance. Couple of weeks and let's get your evals back where they were and you're back in your platoons and fire squads."

His COMM badge went off, it was Colonel Azhul. Hearing her summons, he answered, =A= On my way Colonel =A=

Sam nodded to another Sergeant and requested that they get started until he returned.

Walking to her office, Sam went through the Administration and saw Adelaide, Hey? Who's in there with the Colonel?" he asked inclining his head towards the office.

Adele said, "Captain Tonelly is with the Colonel. Do you want to see her?"

"I've been called in to see her?" he answered.

Adele said, "Well, better not keep her waiting then. Off you go. Captain."


Sam nodded and stood outside her office door and pressed the chime. The doors parted and he stepped inside and came to attention, "Colonel Azhul, Captain Tonelly. You wished to see me ma'am?"

"Come in, Captain," Naxea replied from her desk with Tonelly off to the side. Hopefully Woolheater would accept the appointment of Detachment XO.

Sam stepped closer and stood next to the chair, then took a seat, "Thank you Colonel" he said as he sat in the chair. The Colonel's desk was filled with PaDD's and reports. There was a chunk of debris from some previously damaged part of the ship he guessed. He looked at Tonelly to try and read what the meetings was all about. David looked somewhat pained and yet any emotions were in check.

"Captain Woolheater," Naxea began before clearing her throat. "Due to personal reasons, Captain Tonelly will be stepping down as the detachment's XO."

The news was certainly a surprise. Sam's eyes widened just a bit as he processed the information. He looked at Captain Tonelly and then back to the Colonel. After a beat he said, "I see. His leadership will be difficult, to say the least, to find a suitable candidate to succeed him." Sam's blue eyes momentarily looked back to David and then back to the Colonel. There was no one that Sam would rather have on his team, on a mission, in any kind of situation, than Captain Tonelly. That kind of trust to put your life into another Marine's hands. That kind of trust did not come easily. Sam's mind raced to understand the "why" he was stepping down. He wondered if David was going on a RECON mission. To scout ahead of the ship, to search out what was going on in the area? He levelled his gaze back at the Colonel. This was tactically a terrible time to lose a born leader like Tonelly. Especially when they were two pots of coffee and a shitter full of gas station snacks this far out. When the Marines that were left could tell just by the tone of his voice what the plan was.

"I'm looking at the suitable candidate to replace him," Naxea replied, looking at Woolheater. "Effective immediately you are promoted to Detachment XO, Captain. Both Captain Tonelly and I agree you are the best choice."

David smiled softly. His El Aurian senses allowed him to hear what Sam was going through in that moment. "As I told the Colonel, Sam, there's no one else on this ship more qualified for the job. Your leadership, after the crossing, helped to keep the Elysium going. I doubt very highly, even with my long life of experience, that I could've done better, had our positions been reversed." He stood and moved over to his friend, holding out his right hand to him. "I'm not going far, just a slight lateral shift. With Baeryn in cryo for the foreseeable future, I'm all our daughter has. I'll be over in the Academy teaching for now."

Sam took a breath and wrestled with the idea. He wanted to object. He wanted to point out this didn't feel right. It didn't seem right at all. The 62nd trusted Tonelly. Trusted him and Colonel Azhul that their orders were followed without question. Immediately and with full compliance. He had been around long enough to know that the Colonel would not just act out of convenience or expediency. She cared too much about everyone for that. So, the decision had already been made. Sam tried to find any way he could explain that this was risky. At this stage. His thoughts raced and he had to quell the feeling of anxious nervousness threatening to show itself. He wanted only calm and confidence. There were some emotions that were there and no amount of control was going to make them not there. Sam is Human and not Vulcan. The pause seemed longer to him than it was. He reached for David's hand and grasped it. It was familiar and warm; like that of a family member come for a visit and then leaving again. 'Just down the road not too far'.

Sam shook the hand firmly and with much respect, "Family always comes first brother. Don't forget, we're your family too. And I hope you'll be around from time to time?"

Sam next addressed the Colonel, "Thank you Colonel for the promotion. I've been around you two long enough to know that when you have that look on your face, there is no point in arguing about it. And while I am concerned about the timing. I understand the XO's desire...and duty to his family. I only hope to do as good a job as he. And make you proud ma'am."

"Too late. You've already made me proud, Captain," Naxea replied, standing. She walked around her desk. "Avalon, transfer all Marine Detachment Executive Officer command codes and clearance to Captain Woolheater, effective immediately.

Sam got to his feet and stood up as the Colonel's order was carried out.

Avalon appeared. "Transfer completed." The AI said.

"Congratulations, Captain," she extended her hand to Woolheater.

Accepting her handshake, he returned it, "Thank you ma'am. One is glad to be of service."

David reached up and patted Sam on the back. "Congrats, Sam! Trust me, you'll be a better XO than I ever was." He then lowered his hand and said, "Well, now that it's official I should go clean my stuff out of your office, Captain Woolheater!" He finished up with a friendly wink.

Sam smiled at the compliment and then shook his head 'no', "There won't be anyone better than you Captain. You are one of kind, someone to look up to and count on. I'll do my best; but it will be different. As it goes."

"You will always have a place in Marine Country, Captain," Naxea said, turning to face Tonelly. "As long as your position as an Academy Instructor makes you soft in several areas," she joked.



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