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Casual Conversation

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 2:10pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Commodore's Ready Room
Timeline: - MD8
2886 words - 5.8 OF Standard Post Measure

After being released by medical and dropping Little Lia off at the nursery and assuring her he would be back to bring her back home (their quarters) and have story night, Gary decided he needed to check in with the commodore and let her know he had been given a clean bill of health. He asked for Phoenix's location and was informed she was in her ready room.

Arriving at her ready room door, Gary checked his appearance and satisfied all was as it should be, he pressed the chime and awaited admittance.

"Come" came the call. Inside the office, Phoenix was sitting at her desk, a cup of tea at her elbow. She looked up as Gary entered "Captain."

"Commodore." Gary returned the greeting professionally as he came further into the office. "I wanted to let you know, I have been given a clean bill of health by Sthilg and have been returned to active duty."

Phoenix smiled and waved him to a seat. "I am glad. And how are you in other matters?"

Gary moved to the chair in front of Phoenix's desk and sat down. "I'm glad too. I don't like being sick especially with some alien ailment." He paused and gave Phoenix a quizzical look. "Other matters? Which other matters are you referring to?"

"Lia" Phoenix said flatly.

Gary sat back in the chair, his face taking on a somber, solemn look. "Lia is in stasis. She was placed in it after I became ill. Sthilg and his staff are monitoring her but there have been no changes to her condition. But they remain hopeful." He paused for a beat and then continued. "It's a shock to see the woman you love packed like a popsicle. It is also hard on Little Lia but together we're coping. " He finished,

Phoenix nodded. "Has anyone told you about her breakdown?" She was curious.

Gary shook his head slowly from side to side. "No, I was hoping you could provide me with some information."

"Might be best if you watch it for yourself." She tapped a few buttons and a holo appeared on the desk.

== Turbolift 1.==

As they rode the turbolift down to the security offices, Kyle spoke, his tone polite, with a hint of concern. "Lia, first off, please pass on to your husband my deepest wishes that he gets better quickly." Then he sighed heavily as he continued. "What possessed you to do that? You spoke up while the Commodore had been briefing us on the situation, then instead of just apologizing, you gave her permission to continue?? She just gave you back your department. Are you trying to destroy the good will you have created these last few weeks already?"

Looking at Kyle, Lia then glanced at the floor. "What would you say if I told you I don't care about getting the department back?" She raised her face to look straight at him, "I've been through hell and back, and what if anything did that woman do to stop the comments and the hate? I'll tell you what she did, NOTHING!" Lia took a deep breath and continued, "I thought of ending it, do you realise how low and depressed someone has to be to even contemplate that? And what did anyone of you do to help? NOTHING!" Taylor glanced back at the floor, "Now my daughter is troubled over who her mother really is and what she really is, and my husband is now in quarantine. The Commodore didn't want to hand me the department, even a blindman on a galloping horse can see that."

Looking back at Reece, Lia just shook her head. "You got the prize, the jackpot. I wasn't even considered, hell even Lieutenant JG's get promoted on a whim around here." Anger and frustration now began to surface, but Lia kept them in check. "Lets be honest, both you and Lalor want S'hib in place. You think I can't see that? Do you both think I'm that much a dumb blonde?" Taylor turned and faced the wall, she didn't want Kyle to see the tears. "I'm done on this ship, Lalor, S'hib, and in part you have seen to that. My own conduct hasn't helped, but that's anger at being treated like some schoolkid who doesn't know any better." She now turned back and faced Reece again, "So go ahead, shout and berate me for disrespecting the Commodore. Or tell me I'm wrong about S'hib, or that you don't think that way. I'm sorry Commander, I just don't care anymore. My life, my career is over. And given the right time and place, I just might leave, and screw the whole damn Federation."

Reaching over, Kyle pressed the lift controls, pausing their travel. Now he was getting angry. "Lieutenant Commander Taylor, as you were!" He had finally had enough of her crap. "Since we came to this galaxy, you have been pitching and moaning about what others have or have not done for you! You have continued to act in a way that does nothing to gain back the favor of your friends and fellow cremated! Worse still, you continue to act as a petulant child, instead of trying professional officer that your personnel file shows you should be!" He took a breath, then continued.

"You are the only one here who is ruining your career and your life. How dare you try to pin that on others!" He paused, then finally came to a decision. "Fine. You don't want to regain the position that you worked so hard to achieve? Then, as of now, by my authority as acting X-O of this ship, I am relieving you of duty. I will inform the Commodore that it is my recommendation that Mister S'hib be given the position of Security Chief. You will report to the counseling department and start working through your personal issues." He raised a warning finger to her. "You have threatened ending your life and you have threatened leaving this ship and the Federation. Those are serious words. Avalon!"

["Yes Commander Reece?"]

"Please ensure Miss Taylor makes her way down to the counseling offices. Should she attempt to evade in any way, inform security and she will be remanded back to the brig."

["I shall do as requested."] The AI replied calmly.

Kyle nodded. "Thank you." He then looked back at Taylor, his gaze softening some. "Lia, it's clear that you are in pain. Get the help that you need. Both for yourself and your family. They will be far worse off if you leave their lives." He pressed the controls again, and the lift resumed its journey. "Counseling offices," he said aloud, causing the lift car to slow briefly, then move to the new destination.

Lia stood looking at Kyle, "You asked a question but don't like the answer, you say I'm a petulant child while acting like one yourself." She shook her head and looked at the floor, "I once looked at you and thought, yeah maybe this guy isn't just another Lalor gang member. Seems I was wrong, if I'm such a bad Officer such a useless member of this crew. Why the hell are you worried what I do? With respect Commander, perhaps it would benefit everyone if I did leave."

Taylor now handed Reece the PaDD she'd been holding, "Before you go any further in your analysis of me, please read this." On the PaDD was a list:- 1) Inform Kyle that you don't think you're ready to resume Command of Security. 2) Propose S'hib to take over until problems are sorted out. 3) Make appointment to see Alicia.

Kyle took the PADD, but didn't look at it. "Lia," he began quietly. "I don't know what happened to you, that you now are blaming everyone else on this ship for your failures. You are not the same woman I had fries with, at Paddy's Loft, after I first came back to the ship, during the Greene Incident. You need help finding yourself again. I hope you are able to accept the help that is offered to you. I know you are an excellent officer, you just lost your way. I hope you find it back, both for yourself and for your family." As soon as he finished speaking, the turbolift came to a halt and the doors slid open, revealing the corridor leading to the counseling offices.

Taylor made to move then stopped, "Do you want to know what happened to me? Really happened? Or are you just making sure I don't do anything to damage this ship?" Lia glanced along the corridor she now knew so well, "I trusted you Commander, something I don't do often. You've managed to break that trust, just as Lalor broke that trust. That's why I'm the way I am, most of my adult life I was abused and taken advantage of. My husband had to teach me to trust people, the first person outside of my family I trusted was Lalor."

"She managed to break my trust almost the moment I gave it, and that hurt me and cut very deep. S'hib was the second person I trusted, and we both know how that's turned out. You were the third, I even tried to make excuses for you. You didn't know me that well, you only saw the bad side of me." Lia looked back at Kyle, "Now your actions have killed off any trust that may have lingered, I hope you're happy with that result."

Taylor now stepped into the corridor, "Your a soldier at heart, you know what trust in your comrades means. I don't have that trust in anyone here, so I'm constantly on the defensive. Living that way breaks you down, kills your spirit and your love of people and life. So go tell your princess she's won, I surrender and she can stick this whole fucking command where the sun doesn't shine. Because I don't care and I don't trust her, you, or any of the command staff."

As the doors closed Lia threw up a military salute, then turned and headed down the corridor.

When the doors slid shut, Kyle stood there, dumbfounded, for several beats. Then he started to get angry by Lia's insubordination. However, as quickly as that anger grew, it was replaced by sadness. He felt sad for Lia. And pity. She had destroyed her own professional life, by her own hands. There was nothing more he could do for her.


Gary sat silent and mesmerized by the events he was watching unfold before him. While it was history to Phoenix was new and added to the shock of both Lia's behavior and her condition. As the holo finished and the screen went dark. He just sat there, his head down in shock at what he had witnessed. Finally, after several seconds he raised his head and looked across the desk at Phoenix. " I had no idea, and I don't know what to say. This is all a shock." He grew silent for a moment, seemed to collect himself and he continued. "You know Lia wanted me to condemn you for your actions when you sent her to the brig, and I wouldn't. I couldn't make her understand. She called me a Borg drone." he sighed heavily. "I'm sorry Phoenix, for Lia's words and her attitude. This entire episode is, so unlike Lia. I just don't understand."

"Maybe if I had taken command of the Arizona this would have been avoided but I think I'm just kidding myself. Whatever caused this change in Lia's mental outlook. This whole everyone is against me and out to get me would have happened on the Arizona. Just a different change of scenery."

"One never knows what could have happened. I am the first to admit that Lia and I have always had a contentious relationship, but I thought she had gotten over it." Phoenix said softly.

Gary just sat there. He was numb over what he had witnessed. "I suppose that is right, that we don't know what could have happened." He took a breath, "I thought, and I believe you were friends."

Phoenix shrugged. "I guess my time away hurt it a lot."

"I don't believe that is the case Phoenix at least not by itself." Gary replied, "I believe there are several contributing factors in Lia's current mental state." Gary answered.

"Well until we can get home, we will have to just guess." Phoenix said.

"I suppose so. However, I wish I could pinpoint what brought about a complete 180 in Lia's attitude. She's always been fiery, you know that, but this wasn't fiery. This was downright argumentative and hostile."

Phoenix nodded. "Well, I am sure we will get to the bottom of it one day. So With you back, I will move Kyle to Second officer and Rin to third Officer. Both were excellent while you were sick"

"I'm not surprised." Gary answered. " Both Kyle and Rin are excellent and highly capable officers and up to any challenge presented to them. This will help Rin should she wish to continue on the command track. Kyle is already a capable officer with command experience." Gary replied with conviction.

Phoenix nodded. "Speaking of such things, how are things in Flight Control going?"

At the question Gary's face split into a smile. "I pleased to say, quite well. Miraj was a little apprehensive to begin with quickly found her stride. We worked out a shift for all her staff with days off so, their all-happy campers."

"Any sign of who might have attacked her?"

Gary shook his head from side to side, "I'm sorry to say no. They all look as pure as driven snow,"

Phoenix frowned. "It is not good. Its been nearly 6 months Gary since it happened."

"I know Phoenix, I know. Whoever attacked Miraj is one cool customer, and I can't help but feel their bidding their time, waiting for another chance. Which is why security needs to stay with her around the clock."

"Have we looked into all departments?" Phoenix asked "And cadets as well? That cadet with a temper...?"

"All departments have been gone through, the cadets no, you are referring to Clary Harrison, yes? The one who Tristi had a fight with." Gary replied.

"I believe that is her name yes" Phoenix said.

"I don't believe she's been talked to; I don't believe any of the cadets have been." Gary answered,

"Civilians? Or did we stick with Starfleet personnel?" Phoenix asked curiously.

"As far as I know no civilians have been talked to. The attack was being viewed as a crew incident. No civilian would have reason to be in the cave where the shuttles were at that time of night. However, civilians can certainly be included for interviews." Gary replied.

Phoenix sat back and stared. "Why weren't they investigated? I would have thought everyone was looked at."

"A foul up in communication I would say, we thought mistakenly that the civilians had been investigated. It will be corrected post haste." Gary replied decisively.

"Please. If we narrow our focus, the culprit will slip through and get away. And if we are looking at others, it may make the real culprit feel relaxed enough to put a foot wrong. Miraj cannot continue to be surrounded by Security for the rest of her life."

"Investigating the civilians may just lull the culprit into a false sense of security, which will hopefully make them sloppy and make a mistake and I agree Miraj cannot be surrounded by security forever." Gary replied.

Phoenix nodded. "I feel sorry for her. Its no life to live. Now that you are back to your role, I want this person caught. I do not care how long it takes, its being going on for far too long."

"As do I and she won't have to deal with security for the rest of her life. We'll catch whoever attacked her." Gary replied resolutely.

"I hope so" Phoenix said calmly. "Are there any other concerns of things you might have heard about?"

Gary didn't rush a reply. After a few seconds he answered, "Nothing springs to mine. Perhaps more talk of wanting to get home. However, we all feel like that, and repairs take time. We can't just wish or snap out fingers to get repairs done."

"Yeah" Phoenix nodded. "Never a Q around when you need them."

"Very unreliable." Gary quipped.

She looked around. "Quinn must be busy not to react to that." She sighed. "Or maybe we are out of their range."

"Out of their range? An interesting idea. I didn't think the Q had a limit to their comings and goings. I thought they had unlimited range and access to where they wanted to go." Gary answered.

"Hmm or she is ignoring me because I didn't invite her to my wedding." She shrugged. "Anyway, If there is nothing else, I will let you get back to work." Phoenix smiled.

"That is probably it." Gary agreed. "Quinn is sulking and giving you the cold shoulder." He shook his head, "No nothing else.' He remarked as he rose from the chair. "Thanks for the chat."

"Go and take care of your child. Have fun" She waved him off.



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