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To The Beach We Go!

Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 9:47pm by Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Tropical Planet
Timeline: MD3 0900 hrs
1293 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Fernando moved about his and Heather's quarters, trying to get all they needed for their trip to the tropical planet. "This is like packing for an army." Fernando noted as he looked at the large bag containing, baby formula, wipes, diapers and who knew what else for Cody and Caitlin. it was mounted on a trolly to make it easier to move. He was wearing cargo shorts, sandals, a big floppy hat and a t-shirt that read, "Life is a Beach." How are you coming Heather?" He asked as he corralled Cody and made sure he was ready to go on his first away mission. Cody had on shorts, sandals and a cute shirt with dinosaurs on the front and a baseball style hat on his head, "Cody, my man you look marvelous." he grinned at his son. To which Cody giggled in appreciation.

“I’m getting there Imzadi” Heather smiled as she appeared wearing a summer dress, cradling their newest arrival Caitlin. “Sorry a certain someone here decided to make a mess of my other dress!”

"It is alright Heather. I apologize if you felt I was rushing you, I was not." Fernando replied as he took in the sight of Heather in her summer dress. "You look amazing Heather, simply amazing. Just as you do Caitlin my little angel."

“It’s alright Imzadi, I knew you weren’t rushing us.” Heather smiled as she walked over to Fernando and kissed him on the cheek. “Let’s get going while there’s a chance to go.”

"Well said my love." Fernando replied as he held Cody in one arm and grabbed the bag and trolly in the other. "To the beach we go!" He exclaimed happily.

~ Planet-side, a little while later ~

Having found a perfect spot in a dapple shaded, sheltered alcove Heather had put down beach mats for them to sit on. “This is so lovely, a perfect tropical paradise.”

Fernando nodded and sighed in contentment. "What makes this perfect Heather, is all of us being together as a family. It is the best feeling in the world."

“You’re right it is” Heather grinned as she undid the wrap of her dress and placed it down, I’ll be back in a minute! I really want to test out the water!” She sprinted down to the water line and disappeared into the water emerging a few moments later running her hands through her hair to smooth it back.

Fernando stood holding Caitlin while Cody played in the sand. He watched as Heather emerged from the water and he fell in love all over again. She was the best thing in his life along with their children. He smiled broadly as she stood there. "How's the water Heather?"

“The water is amazing!” Heather smiled as she walked back over to them grabbing a towel. “Cody will love paddling his feet in there.”

"Wonderful!" Fernando replied. "Here that Cody? The water is fine. What do you think of that?" In response, Cody clapped and threw some sand in the air.

“Careful sweetheart” Heather smiled. “You don’t want sand in your eyes. How’s about we build some sand castles? See how big a one we can make?”

"That is a wonderful idea, Heather! Let's make the most amazing sandcastle we can." Fernando replied enthusiastically.

Heather grinned as she picked up one of the two buckets and spades they’d brought with them, filling it with sand before turning it upside down and carefully lifting it off. “Excellent!” She grinned before starting to fill it up again. “This will be a masterpiece!”

Fernando knelt beside Heather and began to build a sand castle. "Look Cody our castle is beginning." He said to their son who was instantly drawn to the castle.

“Be careful or he’ll flatten it before we’ve even started!” Heather grinned.

"That's true Heather," Fernando agreed. "Here Cody." He said as he took a bucket of sand and poured it at Cody's feet. "Build a sand castle."

Heather couldn’t help but grin. “Maybe we should help Cody instead of building our own, Make a big castle that beats all others!”

"I think that is a much better idea, Heather." Fernando answered. "Cody? Can Mommy and Daddy help you build a sandcastle." In response Cody, patted the sand and giggled. "I think that means yes." Fernando explained.

“Looked like a yes to me” Heather nodded as she checked on Caitlin, who was napping. “Caitlin is happy to sleep so I’ve got time to play.”

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started and build the best sandcastle we can." Fernando answered as he grabbed a bucket and poured more sand for their project.

“What indeed!” Heather giggled and grabbed a bucket helping to fill it she placed it down between the three of them to start off their castle project.

"You know, if we ever want to start other careers. We can always go into the sandcastle building business." Fernando joked.

“Hmmm sand architects” Heather shook her head. “I don’t think it’d last somehow. One good gust of wind and say bye, bye castle.”

"Perhaps heather but it sure would be fun. We'd be at the beach all the time, getting all that sun." Fernando pointed out.

“It would soon become mundane though.” Heather smiled. “It’s much nicer to look forward to it when you haven’t done it in a while.”

"You are probably right Heather, but it would take a long time for it to become mundane to me." Fernando grinned as he continued to work on building a sandcastle.

“I guess you’re right there” Heather grinned as she scooped up some sand and filled her bucket.

Heather, Fernando and even Cody helped in building a sandcastle. It took some time but when it was finished it was quite impressive. Fernando looked at the castle he, Heather and Cody had built. "I think that is an A1 sandcastle. Not that I am bias in any way." He finished grinning.

Heather couldn't help but grin. "I totally agree my love, its amazing!"

Fernando chuckled, "You always know how to make me smile Heather."

Heather relaxed back on the beach mat enjoying the chance to rest and relax. Just building sandcastles had proved taxing on her body after having had their daughter not too long ago.

Fernando saw Heather relax back on the mat. "Heather, you are tired why don't you and Caitlin go back up where our stuff is at and rest? I can handle Cody,"

“This is fine” Heather smiled. “I don’t want to miss out on time with Cody or you while we’re down here.”

Fernando nodded, "I want you here and to have a good time but not to the point you are so tired you can't enjoy yourself Heather."

“If I lie here too long I’ll be asleep, that won’t be much fun for any of us” Heather grinned. “Don’t worry I’ll be fine.”

As you wish my love. I was only trying to help." Ferando answered with a grin of his own.

“I know you were handsome!” Heather smiled. “you know me, I do everything the hard way.”

Fernando chuckled at Heather's reply. "Nonsense Heather, you just like a challenge." He clarified.

“Very true!” Heather grinned and nodded. “The bigger the challenge the better!”

Fernando smiled at heather. "And you have met every challenge, Heather. I am so proud of you. So, very proud."

Heather smiled proudly. “Thank you Fernando.”

Fernando shook his head, "No Heather, thank you. Thank you for being an amazing mother and an amazing wife. I am so very lucky to have you by my side."


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