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Science Trip

Posted on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 7:39am by Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Staff Sergeant Leilani Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Cadet Junior Grade Gérard Dirsye [Reece] & Nicholas Mathias & Cadet Junior Grade Triston Montgomery [Lalor]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach
Timeline: MD5
3126 words - 6.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Nerinath stood outside the Hunley shuttle, she called Darwin, it didn't really have another name. She was going to be the pilot for the science team and cadets and their trip underwater.

N'vok arrived with a small satchel and a datapad in hand. "Good morning."

Neri beamed a smile. "Good Morning Lieutenant! I have stocked the shuttle, and set it up so you and your team can get the best views and samples where applicable."

N'vok nodded. "I am mostly just here to supervise and support, marine science is well outside my core area. But there are always new things to learn, yes?" He stepped forward and offered a hand. "I am N'vok, chief of science."

"Nerinath zh'Rhilror. People call me Neri. Its easier for the Humans." The Andorian pilot replied.

The doors slid apart and in walked Cadet Dirsye. Seeing as he was the first cadet to arrive, he made his way over to the two officers already present. "Second Year Cadet Gérard Dirsye, reporting for away mission!" Afyer speaking, he stood at attention, as he awaited a reply.

Neri looked at N'Vok. "This one is yours" She quipped and headed into the shuttle.

N'vok nodded. "Is all of your equipment in order, cadet?" he asked. "Always best to double-check before we set off."

Gérard nodded as he replied. "Aye, Sir, I've double and triple-checked! All of the gear that I need is in this case, and is both fully charged and operation at 100% efficiency, Sir!"

Triston Montgomery entered a few moments later. He paused when he saw his friend saluting but then moved to stand beside him and saluted as well.

N'vok very casually returned the salutes. "Appreciated but not needed, we are scientists and equal in that we all seek the truth. And your equipment is ready to deploy?"

Leilani arrived next, She has been hoping for some time on the surface with her family so she hoped the science trip wouldn’t last all day. “Greetings everyone” she offered a brief smile.

"All that technology is hosh-posh sometimes. Some of the best scientific equipment is our senses! They'll always be up to date and ready to go when you are. Just remember that," Nicholas said as he came into the shuttlebay and rounded the corner where everyone was gathering.

"A valid point, the most advanced technology is worthless without an active and open mind to understand what is learned," said N'vok

Nicholas looked at the Lieutenant and asked, "So, what's the mission profile like for today? Looks like we get to take the cadets out for a little scientific excursion."

"I am just here to oversee, the cadets have been allowed to design their own experiments for this mission," said N'vok. "The only way to gain experience is to do the work."

Gérard spoke up. "I'll be studying the differences of the microbiology of the the ocean here, then compiling it to what we have on file for back home, see what differences, if any, there are."

"Oh, that should be fun! What are you studying?" Nicholas asked the other cadet that was already present, curious to see their response and to see what they wanted to study on their little science trip.

Triston had been listening "There are ruins on the surface, and some go into the ocean. I am going to be looking at anything below the surface that might show if the race lived both above or below the surface."

Neri stuck her head out of the Hunley. "ALL ABOARD!" she called out.

"Come along all," said N'vok. "Science awaits!"

Gérard grabbed his gear and made his way inside. "Does it matter which stations we take?" He asked N'vok once everyone was aboard.

"Chose the one appropriate to your tasks," said N'vok, "with the permission of our pilot of course." He nodded to the Andorian.

"Just everyone take a spot, NOT the helm Triston!" She snapped at the blond teen who grinned at her.

"Aww come on Neri, let me have the controls."

"Not after last time Kid. Go sit."

Triston smirked and took a seat. "I barely scratched the paint." he reminded her.

The Andorian rolled her eyes and her antennae twitched as she took her post. "We are lifting off in 74 seconds so Strap in."

N'vok took a seat in the back where he could observe everyone and followed the pilot's advice and strapped himself in.

Gérard took his seat, shaking his head slightly as he listened to Triston. While he still considered him a friend, the way he had treated Miran still bothered him.

Nicholas looked at the Andorian at the Helm and asked, "Are we expecting a bumpy ride down to the planet surface?"

Neri shook her head. "No, we have a clear path. Weather mapping shows nothing on the horizon, seas are calm."

Once everyone was strapped in, The shuttle lifted off gracefully and exited the shuttlebay. As Neri turned the shuttle's nose towards the planet, she brought up their flight path on the HUD and brought up the scans on all the screens. "Atmospheric readings for you all." she said.

While it wasn't part of his major studies, Gérard still looked over the readings. After a few moments, he reported, "Interesting. There seems to be absolutely zero pollution in the air. It's even cleaner than Earth's atmosphere, with all of our recycling and air purification facilities."

"Unsurprising," said N'vok. "Make certain that you record all of your readings for later analysis. Whatever civilization was here does not seem to have advanced beyond a very early stage of technology development."

Neri banked the shuttle so they could see a chain of islands. "Our insert point is a few klicks off those islands." she announced.

“Just looking at the reports of the biological life that’s been found so far is interesting reading, baby dragons of all things!” She smiled. “I saw those when I was down on the surface before so cute!”

Gérard spoke up. "Hopefully, the cute little ones don't become scary big ones. We have yet to discover any apex predators on this world. Given how lush everything is, it is scientifically safe to say, they are out there. Nature cannot exist in a vacuum. If there are no predatory species, then the prey species become over populated and the ecology collapses."

"I suspect they will find us soon enough," said N'vok. "There is some intriguing data in the scans of the flora and fauna of this planet.""

From the Pilot's seat came the call "Water entrance in 30 seconds. Please secure all items just in case."

"It's just surprising that we found that the planet's pollution levels are lower than most of the planets within the Federation, especially that of the likes of Earth, Vulcan, and Andor. I'd love to see what the people's lives were like down here, especially if they are as primitive as you might say, Lieutenant," Nicholas said as he waited for them to make their water entrance.

"I fail to see why," said N'vok, gripping his datapad tightly. "They may not have been advanced with technology but it is difficult to say what their culture was like."

"I just feel like, even the ancient civilizations would have put off a little bit of pollution. It's just intriguing that we haven't found levels that correspond to that level yet. Makes for good studies and digs," Nicholas replied.

“I’m fascinated to see what we find.” Leilani offered a warm smile.

The Hunley skimmed across the surface of the ocean heading for its insertion point and then as a wave crested, it sliced into the wave and below the surface with barely a change in speed. "Ladies, Gentlemen, Children" Neri stated. "Welcome to Edens Reach, and its underwater glory."

Triston smirked at the Andorian, knowing the 'Children' comment was aimed at him. She never let it go, the one time he and Miran had been given the chance at flying a shuttle, he had done two loop de loops and set Neri into a fit.

N'vok relaxed now that they were underwater, the transition point was where things might have gone wrong. He checked the sensor feeds with his datapad and made sure that everything was being properly stored.

"You know, it's absolutely beautiful down here. Kinda reminds me of what Voyager encountered back in the Delta Quadrant, but even more beautiful," Nicholas said as the shuttle made its way around the underwater habitat.

Gérard was already busy at work, beginning his scans and various experiments as the others talked.

Nicholas couldn't help but admire the young man's dedication to the scientific endeavors. "So, what is everyone seeing out there?" Nicholas asked, curious to see what the cadets might say.

"Using the marine life assortment as a base for comparison," Gérard spoke up while he continued watching his screens. "This world possesses a vastly greater amount of lifeforms. On phytoplankton alone, I am finding evidence of nearly 60,000 different variety of species!"

"Trace amounts of materials that seem to match the ruins on the surface in the water. Could be from storm run off or even from buried ruins in the sand." Triston said from where he was sitting. "The view is amazing though."

“It’s incredible...” Leilani was marvelling at the view. “Sensors haven’t picked up on any sign of any underwater structures of any kind as yet. No sign of anything to say this place was ever inhabited.”

"Absence of proof is not proof of absence," N'vok reminded them all. "Let us try not to speculate too far ahead of the data."

“Of course Lieutenant” Leilani nodded. “Apologies”

"No apologies needed," N'vok said. "It is a beautiful planet full of wonders but we must remain objective and true to the scientific method. That is not to say that you should not enjoy the beauty as well."

Neri guided the shuttle to a location near an underwater cliff. "So I am your chauffeur, so which way people?"

"I will let the cadets decide," said N'vok.

Triston studied the screens. "There is a deeper trench there." He pointed. "Heat rising, geothermal vents maybe?"

"And there should be more varieties of marine life to discover by the vents," Gérard added.

“I’ll leave it to you to decide” Leilani smiled. “This isn’t my area of speciality.”

"Pilot, please take us closer to the trench," said N'vok. "You are the expert and can determine if a decent is possible but first, better scans of the area are in order."

"Copy" Neri called back and slowly the Hunley began to move forward to the trench.

"I'm activating lateral sensors for me studies." Gérard stated aloud as he worked his control panel. "Triston, you may use the other sensors for your own experiments."

Nicholas was taking it all in as he watched everyone working. He just looked out the viewport for a moment as he remained silent.

Triston rolled his eyes at Gérard's back but didn't comment. He began his work as Neri piloted them perfectly.

"What's that up ahead? I can't quite make it out with the naked eye," Nicholas asked, curious as to the formation that was coming up straight ahead.

Neri took note. "Its not a rock formation.." she replied and carefully pulled them up so they could get better scans.

"Could it possibly be something living on the planet or is it something else," Nicholas asked, trying to make it out with his bare eyes. But, knew that it was better with the scanners onboard the ship.

"Follow protocol, do not get distracted," said N'vok.

Suddenly, the object moved, a huge eye turned and focused on them, followed by several long tentacles.

Neri muttered a curse. "I am not one for calamari." She said as she kept them a safe distance.

N'vok looked at the sensor readings. "Interesting. That is one of the larger creatures we have so far encountered in the ecosystem." He looked to the Andorian, "Can we circle around the sea creature? I would like to ensure we have a full and complete scan."

Nicholas looked at N'Vok and Gerard and said, "While this isn't microbiology, it's definitely biological and could help link some stuff to what you're studying."

Gérard nodded as he started to take scans. "As this is the largest lifeform we have yet seen, I'd go so far as to say that this is the apex predator for the region." He looked at the readings he was getting. "And as far as microbiology goes, I am detecting nearly ten different species, either on, or swimming around the creature." He looked at the group, and offered, "As we all discovered the creature together, how about we name it, the Hunley Squid?"

Leilani smiled she was completely in awe at the size of the creature compared to what they’d already found. “I’ll go with the consensus.”

"How about the Kraken from ancient Earth mythos? Definitely would fit a creature this size," Nicholas offered up, smiling and looking down at the console that Gerard was using to scan the creature, looking at the sheer dimensions of the creature.

'Names can wait," said N'vok. "Focus on the task at hand. We need to learn as much as we can about this creature and its habitat while we have the opportunity."

Leilani looked around the others. “I urge caution, this creature will most likely defend its territory if it considers us a threat.”

"Well, that's something that I'd like to figure out because I know that certain species will ignore you until you become a threat while other species will immediately attack to assert their dominance over you," Nicholas offered up, thinking about several species that weren't water dwelling species, but offered up some insight into how this species might react.

"It has not attacked yet, so let us not provoke it," said N'vok. "I would not wish to be responsible for harming such an interesting creature."

Neri kept the distance and made sure she did a full loop around it. "Its massive thats for sure" she said with a smile.

Gérard spoke up. "According to my scans, that creature is nearly 35 meters in length and approximately weighs around 60 tons! That's larger than the Earth's blue whale, which was the largest creature on record there!"

Nicholas piped up and asked, "Does it share any characteristics with the whale from Earth or any other underwater creatures from Earth or elsewhere?"

Gérard looked over at Nicholas, a slightly confused look on his face. "You can't see it? It has one huge eye and several tentacles out behind it." He paused briefly, waiting for a reply. Getting none, he finally said it. "It's got the physical characteristics of a giant squid!"

"I mean, I can see that part! But, I just wanted to verify what I was actually seeing," Nicholas replied with a small chuckle. As he looked over the squid like creature once more, he looked over Gerard and N'Vok before saying, "Plus, various species might classify species in different ways or have different ways of scientific inquiry."

"I'll do another swing around" Neri said. "BUT I am not getting close enough to get grabbed."

"That would be my preference as well," said N'vok. "Did anyone think to bring a tracer tag?"

"Is that what this thing might be?" Nicholas asked, pulling a few tracer tags out of his bag, offering one up to N'Vok and the cadets.

"I will calibrate the transporter to tag the creature, it will be good to know where such a large and interesting creature goes and is," said N'vok.

"It's a shame we can't remain on this planet longer," Gérard stated. "Beyond the rest and recuperation for all of the crew, there is so much we could discover here. Once we leave, more than likely, no one from our galaxy will ever see any of this again. Certainly not in our lifetimes."

"Such is our lot, there is never enough time to learn everything we wish," said N'vok. "But everything we learn is another piece in understanding the universe."

"Plus, who says that we don't come back sometime? Maybe to help study the species on the planets like this one?" Nicholas offered up, hoping to be able to come back sometime when the timing was a bit better.

"As long as the trip back isnt like the trip here, I am fine with it." the Andorian in the pilots seat commented.

"What you didn't like the rollercoaster?" Triston asked her with a smirk.

"You are going the right way Kid"

"Awww don't be like that Neri"

Nere smiled and shook her head. "I have had a chance to map the trench behind that... octopus... more lifeform signs down there."120yuh465y672

"Do we have a probe we could drop down the trench? I would rather not risk provoking our new friend out there," said N'vok.

Gérard nodded. "I do, Sir." He stood up and started aft. "I'll load it into the launcher." He stepped into the aft section of the shuttle. Moments later, he returned to his seat. "Probe loaded and ready to launch."

"We are in prime position for its launch so launch it." Neri called back.

"Then please do so," said N'vok. He looked to the cadets, "Make sure you are recording the datafeed as it comes in, things can happen to probes and we do not want to lose the information."

The probe was launched and Neri kept an eye on their systems. "It should boadcast back to the ship as well."

"I've got the database set up for the cadets. All they have to do is to set up the parameters up and what information that they want saved where, Lieutenant," Nicholas said, offering up the information to the various cadets to do with as they needed.

Gérard was busy at his station, looking over the flood of information that the probe was sending back. He set up several separate folders, to send different sections of the raw data to. There was enough here to keep him busy with analysis for weeks, if not months. "Fascinating" he said softly, mostly to himself as he was thinking out loud.

Triston was also engrossed. "People back home would love to see this information," he commented as he worked.

"And so they shall in the fullness of time," said N'vok.

After several more hours and hundreds of samples, Neri piloted the shuttle out of the ocean and back to the Elysium. The science team would have hours of things to look at and the data would keep them busy for months.



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