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Sharing the News

Posted on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 7:21am by Ambassador Natsuko Akayama [ADMIN NPC] & Kyle Cragen [Reece]

Mission: Back Home
Location: Galaxy Station
Timeline: (After "Unlikely Allies")
1301 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

After he spoke with Quinn, Cragen used the computer terminal in his cabin to verify what the Q had told him. While he was fully aware that it all could be a game to the Continuum, he still wasn't going to risk it.

After a few hours of searching, he had found evidence that the threat was real. There had been reports of attacks by an alien race that matched what Quinn had told him. He compiled everything he had discovered onto a separate PADD, then shut down his terminal. He sat there for a few moments, collecting his thoughts. Finally, he stood up, collected both PADDs and left his cabin. His destination, Natsuko's cabin.

When he reached the ambassador's cabin, his escort rang the door chime.

Natsuko opened the door, she was dressed in a dark red kimono. "Yes?" She asked him curious as to why he had come to her cabin.

Bowing respectfully to her, Cragen spoke. "I apologize for interrupting your evening, Natsuko. May I come inside? There is something I need to discuss with you."

She frowned but nodded and waved him in. "Come in."

"Thank you," he said as he stepped inside. He moved off to the side, as he had not been invited to sit. "Natsuko, I have just learned some extremely troubling news. He then went in and told her everything that Quinn had told him. As he did so, he handed her the first PADD, "This is what she gave me." He then handed over the other PADD. "And this contains the information I discovered on my own that corroborates it."

Natsuko sank to the Tatami mat that travelled with her and stared at the PADD. "This is not good." She whispered as she stared at the information. "A-are you sure we can trust this Q?"

Cragen knelt down on the floor in front of her and sighed. "Normally, I wouldn't trust a Q as far as I throw a white dwarf star. However...there is something different about this one. She was the one who aided me in my release from prison, she has shown me things about my daughter, Liberty. Also, she seems to have...almost a fondness...for Commodore Lalor-Richardson and her crew. Besides," he sighed again. "Even if the threat isn't as dangerous now, as she claimed...I'm sure it will become so, if nothing is done."

Natsuko looked at his face. "Okay. I will reach out to the admiralty. And I will request a starship for us to use to check this out."

"Thank you," he dipped his head respectfully. He then reached out and gently took her hands into his. "While the safety of my family is important to me....I'd be lying if, over these months together, your safety hasn't also become important to me. And not because you are my parole sponsor. I hope you can believe me."

She raised her dark eyes to his. "I believe you. I do not think a starfleet vessel would be appropriate. I will get us something from Intelligence."

Cragen was silent for a few beats, then replied. "Speaking of Intelligence...I may remember something that, if still in existence, that could help us, should the threat be real."

"Go on." She encouraged him softly. She had not pulled her hands free either from his.

He shook his head. "I can't say right now. Even now, with my disgrace, I still keep my word to Starfleet. I will need access to do a search of assets. Then, I will know if what I seek is still in existence." He gave her a sad look. "Please forgive me for not telling you more. I must ask you to trust me."

"Is it going to backlash on me?" She asked curiously.

Cragen thought about it for a moment. "I don't think so, however, if I feel it's getting too much, then I will stop my search. The last thing I want to do, is jeopardize your reputation in any way. You are too important to me." He realized, too late, that he had been more open with his feelings than he had before.

She missed it, focusing on the rest. "How long do you need? I will need to start my own investigations.."

Thinking about it, Cragen finally replied, "Well, if I am able to get clear access, and my old passwords still hour, maybe two."

"You can use my terminal if you wish." Natsuko said. "I need to get changed."

"Thank you," Cragen dipped his head respectfully. He then stood and offered his hands to Natsuko, if she desired, to help her stand.

She smiled and let him help her up. "Good Luck" she said softly.

An hour later, Cragen knocked on Natsuko's bedroom door.

Natsuko opened the door. Gone was her normal kimono's and long skirts. Instead she stood there in full Ambassadorial Uniform. "Do you have it?" she asked.

He nodded, handing over a PADD containing what he had found. "Are you familiar with the Doomsday Machine that the 1701 Enterprise and the Constellation encountered?"

Natsuko nodded. "Yes," She replied simply. "An interesting event, one I am glad I avoided."

"Yes, well," he replied as he explained. "I did not avoid it. At least, not the after effects of the encounter. After the Machine was neutralized, Starfleet Intelligence, whom I was serving with at the time, took possession of the entire machine. We spent months pouring over it, trying to learn it's secrets. It's actually one of the main reasons that we were able to construct Spacedock One. However, that's not important now. What is important, is the weapon we managed to create from the systems we took apart and reverse-engineer."

"And you are suggesting we use this weapon against this race?" Naksuko asked.

Cragen shook his head. "Not the full-sized one. However, there was one, paired down device made. It was built into a retrofitted, Foley Class Dreadnought. The through-deck shuttleback was gutted, and the weapon was put in its place. While not strong enough to destroy whole planets, it could have enough power to wipe out a fleet of starship. Of course, the amount of power needed for the weapon, would neutralize the Goley itself. So it would be a one shot only weapon. However, if the shot is the right one, it could be all we need to defeat this new foe before they get too strong?"

Natsuko nodded. "Good, we may need it. I have got to take this information to the higher ups but as soon as I have I will be requisitioning a ship to do the scouting"

Cragen nodded in agreement. "What should I do while you are gone?" He didn't want to presume that she would want him to accompany her to speak to the higher ups in question.

"Oh you are coming with me. I have a ship arriving shortly to take us back to Earth." She said. She waved a hand to the door and an ensign came in to begin gathering her belongings. "Go pack"

Cragen dipped his head respectfully towards Natsuko. He then turned and left her cabin, his security escort falling in stepped with him as he went directly to his own cabin and packed what few personal possessions he has brought with him. When his two bags were packed, he carried them back to Natsuko's cabin. She was just exiting as he reached her. "I'm all set."

Natsuko nodded and led the way to the transporter room. Once they were ready she gave the order and they were beamed to the ship that was to transport them to Earth.

===Author Note===
Below is the link to the blueprints page of the Foley Class Dreadnought.


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