Being Tourists
Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 4:12pm by Teevs Dosivi & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Captain Addison 'Rico' Leyton
Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Wandering Child
Timeline: MD2, after 'Pairing Up'
1239 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure
Once Teevs and Addison were finished eating, they made their way to the Church. Once aboard, Teevs couldn't help but be impressed by the engineering that had gone into building such a station. If the station wasn't massive enough on the outside, the inside made it look that much more extravagant. "If I had known that the Church would be..." he breathed, doing a little spin as he continued to take in his surroundings. "... as impressive as it is in person, I might have visited sooner."
Addison marveled at the architecture. She hadn't seen or heard about anything like this in the Alpha or Beta Quadrants. The ceiling reach high above with various banners and religious displays adorning the bulkheads. Definitely a stark contrast to the spartan design of Starfleet. "Impressive is an understatement," she breathed. "0k, so where to first?" she asked, looking around for a map or guide. The last thing she wanted was to get lost on the station.
It took a couple of seconds for Teevs to understand her question, as he was so entranced by the architecture around them. "Where to first is a good question..." he responded distractedly. Looking around, he spotted an A'janie nearby. "Maybe they have a handheld map for visitors." Not seeing anything else around him to indicate any other source of information, the Lonian approached the A'janie.
"Captain!" A voice from nearby called. A male figure jogged over that at least one of the two would have recognized as one of the marines, stopping by Addison. "You look a mix of overwhelmed and lost, ma'am. Anything I can help with?" The short mop of brown hair matched the rather youthful appearance of the newer recruit, and the rank on his collar confirmed that it was Ehnyb Odee, the Lance Corporal that had joined right before the ship jumped to this galaxy. He was full of energy and somehow always optimistic, as he was now.
"Well, we're just looking for a good spot to start exploring. Got any recommendations?" Addison asked with a slight grin.
Odee gave a smile in return. "I've been around the station and am still finding new things to explore. They've got a pretty neat chapel that's a common starting place."
"Alright, sounds a good of a start as any," Addison stayed with a shrug. "Thanks, Lance Corporal.". She looked at Teevs. "Wanna go and check it out?"
By then, Teevs had returned from talking to the A'janie, seeing a new face with them. He came back as they were talking about a chapel, so at least the question had context. "Sounds great," he said with a smile. "I also got some directions from the A'janie, too."
Looking to the new company, Odee's eyes widened slightly in recognition before sticking out his hand. "Oh, you're the one we picked up a few months ago. Teevs, right? Lance Corporal Odee."
It was strange being a celebrity on the Elysium, or at least a well-known person. There were many encounters where Teevs was disadvantaged by the crew talking to him like they knew him, and he didn't even know their names. At least this Human introduced himself. "That's right. Pleased to meet you," he replied, accepting the handshake. He then gestured for Odee to lead the way.
"What did you learn from the A'janie you were speaking with?" Addison asked Teevs as the three of them moved though the crowd
"Luckily, a map," Teevs answered with a smile. In his hand was a small handheld device that showed their location, and he tilted it so they could inspect it if they chose. "The chapel is a common destination, but there's also a library. Apparently you can select your destination on this and it will show you where to go."
"Nice!" she replied as she looked at the map. "I needed something like this the first time I set foot on the Elysium," she joked. She saw they were nearing the chapel. The architecture was breathtaking with high vaulted ceilings, candles, plenty of pews and seats in white and gold trim. A gold runner ran down the aisle. "Ok, this beats any chapel I've been in, even the one I got married in," Addison commented. 'That's a mistake I hope I never make again,' she added as an afterthought.
They weren't the only ones in the chapel; aside from A'janie who were participating in their religious practices, various beings from other ships were there as well, either sitting in pews lost in thought or admiring the place like the three from the Elysium. Teevs did a slow spin to take in the chapel, admiring its beauty. "And I thought the Royal Courtyard in Pomei was impressive," he said quietly. Comprehending what his companion said, Teevs looked to her. "You have a family?" he asked curiously.
"Just my father, mother, two brothers and sister," she replied. "Was married once. It didn't work out to put it nicely," she said as she turned her attention from their surroundings to Teevs.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Teevs side-stepped when some people were passing by, three Kelarans and two Phideans. The former were characterized by a lack of mouth, instead having what resembled gills on their orange necks that subtly flared to indicate breathing. The latter, on the other hand, were more humanoid with small grey horns coming out of their forehead, adorned in robe-like attire not unlike that of the A'janie, but they didn't look happy to be in the chapel. Teevs eyed them for a few extra seconds, guessing that they tried and failed to impose their beliefs on the Wandering Child, and only relaxed when he saw them leave instead of throwing a fit. "Huh... I never thought I'd see the day that a Phidean would stand down," he said quietly, leaning in slightly to Rico. He pointed them out before they exited the chapel. "They are known to impose their beliefs on others."
"Don't be sorry. His loss," she forced a grin before watching the indicated aliens walk away "That's a bit aggressive," she commented. "Maybe they stood down because of being in a religious location?"
"Their persistence is admirable." Said an old A'janie as he wandered over towards the newcomers, overhearing their brief exchange as he did.
"It's their fifth visit this month." He said with a somewhat smug smile, as though already mentally preparing for the sixth.
"Why are they so persistent?" Addison asked as she watched them disappear into the sea of people on the station.
"Only their fifth?" Teevs asked, surprised. Remembering that Rico was the only one in present company who didn't know of this species, he then explained. "That was a Phidean. They believe that they will gain favor with their deities if they impose their way of life and beliefs onto others. This drives them to travel and pressure other societies, their efforts often being seen as coercive." He then chuckled, "it's no wonder why they have many conflicts with other species."
"Remind me to steer clear of them," she commented the corner of her mouth turning upwards in a slight grin. "Shall we take a look at some of the shops," she suggested.
Matching the smile, Teevs nodded. Turning to the elder A'janie, he asked if he would recommend some other places to visit. While they had a map, hearing it from the locals offered an unmatched experience.