A Spray of Hope
Posted on Sat Feb 1st, 2025 @ 4:54am by Captain Kett V'Laass & Lieutenant Anna Esquivias
Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Crew Quarters
Timeline: Current
565 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure
Ket had few hobbies, but like most Vulcans those hobbies he had he was thorough and dedicated to. Including
horticulture; ornamental, small-scale/non-industrial cultivation of plants. It had a certain science to it. Horticulture phasis on scientific methods, plant breeding, and technical cultivation practices, while gardening, even at a professional level, tends to focus more on the aesthetic care and maintenance of plants. Though Ket did get find the aesthetics of his plants pleasing. However none of this mattered as Ket stood soaked through and standing in a puddle of water, having tried to install his own internal sprinkler system for his plants off the rooms H2o valve and failing miserably. Their was a chime at the door and he said "come" knowing that it was probably an officer from operations here to reprimand him and fix his mistake.
Anna came in, scowling rather severely. "What exactly happened here?" She looked at Ket, looked at the water, and then looked at his attempt at an internal sprinkler system. She walked over and detached it before quickly closing the valve. Then she turned back to Ket. "Please don't tamper with the systems in your quarters," she said, more gently this time. "You could use the hydroponics bay if you don't want to water them personally."
"My apologies Lieutenant" responded the Vulcan without emotion, but with water dripping off his beard and his unfirm soaked through. Ket gestured to his small collection of plants on the table "they don't thrive well amongst other plants Ma'am"
"Just Anna is fine," she said. She sighed. "You can replicate a watering can. It's more personal anyway."
"Unfortunately my work schedule prevents me from watering them as much as needed. Indeed they need a fine ongoing mist to support their growth. As you have remarked the hydroponics bay would probably be more suitable for this however I find when i talk to my plants they prefer it in a more secluded environment"
"They prefer it?" Anna asked skeptically.
Ket nodded gently and politely "Yes Ma'am. I find that talking to my plants in a secluded environment such as my quarters aids in their growth and development. Do you have plants of your own Lieutenant?"
"I don't," Anna admitted. She frowned. "The regulation answer would be to shut all this down." But she sounded hesitant. "You know...we can do a mister, but don't hook it into the main plumbing. You could just refill a little tank once a day. No potential complications."
Kett raised one eyebrow on his usual emotionless Vulcan features "Yes.." said Ket thoughtfully. "That is most logical......I should of thought something like that myself. A Mister would be most satisfactory."
"Glad we could come to an understanding," Anna smiled.
Kett nodded his thanks respectfully. "Can you suggest a module that might be suitable to this domicile ma'am?"
"The replicator will be able to take your specifications into account," Anna said. "And just Anna is fine."
"Thank you Ann. Your assistance has been most clarifying" Kett approached the replicator and typed away at the small LCARS touchscreen display. Soon the replicator was humming away and a small ball of blue energy began to swirl in the middle of the replicator pad. It coalesced together then materialized into a small object. "Fascinating" said the Vulcan as he activated the cube and various nozzles appeared spraying mist . "Excellent"