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That festive feeling

Posted on Mon Dec 30th, 2019 @ 7:19am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: 2396 - A Christmas Time
Location: Alicia's Quarters
Timeline: After the Christmas party
980 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Alicia grinned as she walked along the corridor with Savar. "That was the most fun I've had in a long time!! I'm glad I had the chance to enjoy the party with you Savar."

"I enjoyed it as well Alicia and it was all due to being in your company." Savar answered

"How could I not go with you? You're handsome, charming and it's my pleasure to be in your company." She smiled warmly. As they reached her quarters she motioned Savar inside. "Would you join me? I'd very much like your company."

"You are most kind as well as gracious Alicia. I find you most engaging and personable. You are also quite attractive. It would be my pleasure to join you. You do not have an early appointment do you?"

"No, I purposely arranged everyone's rota's so that none of us do. I'm not a slavedriver and it is Christmas after all." She smiled warmly.

"A Human holiday." Savar replied. "Still your decision was most correct and I am sure appreciated."

Alicia nodded, as they walked into her quarters she turned to Savar. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"I will take a fruit juice please." He replied following Alicia into her quarters.

"A fruit juice it is" She nodded and smiled. Walking over to the replicator she ordered them both a fruit juice before returning with the two glasses. "Your fruit juice, please sit."

He looked around before deciding to sit on the couch. "Thank you." He replied taking the fruit juice.

"So do Vulcans celebrate anything like Christmas? I know very little about Vulcan customs given that I'm a Counsellor. Probably due to the fact that not many Vulcans usually bother with Counselling!" She grinned. "Being your mate I should know more about your people."

"We have holidays Alicia, not in the same tradition as the Human Christmas but holidays nonetheless." Savar replied. "You are correct in your statement most Vulcans tend to science, engineering or security."

"So tell me, how do I go about becoming your mate in the eyes of the Vulcan people?" She looked at Savar curiously.

"Normally Vulcan marriages are arranged at birth Alicia however due to the fact that I am considered an outcast by my people that is not so in my case. I still will enter Pon'Farr but I am free to choose my own wife or as you stated mate."

"Sorry, that did sound impersonal didn't it?" She sighed. "Betazoids have a similar tradition of arranged marriage, but I'm lucky enough to have parents who didn't arrange a marriage for me. At least not that I'm aware of!"

You are indeed fortunate Alicia. To have one's marriage and future set out and decided is most... restrictive." He replied.

"I know." She nodded. "That's why I would never try to restrict you in anything you want to do. No matter what I'll always be beside you, even if it means giving up my career to do so."

Savar shook his head, "No Alicia. We are equals. Neither of us is subservient to the other. Your career is important to you just as mine is. If we reach the place such a decision must be considered we will discuss it then."

"Agreed" Alicia smiled and nodded. "Am I...getting carried away here? I never expected this to happen, I was expecting to find love difficult to deal with after losing Kal but this has just...come out of the blue!" She grinned.

Savar didn't say it but he briefly wondered if Alicia was as the humans said on the rebound and he was the lucky or unlucky recipient.

Alicia couldn't help but pick up on his thought through their connection. "Don't you dare think that!" Alicia looked at Savar in horror. "I am not on the rebound! If I thought that I wouldn't have let myself be with you."

Savar looked at her , he felt terribly bad over thinking what he had and Alicia picking up his thoughts. Time to make amends. "Alicia, I am truly sorry. It was an ill conceived thought. Please forgive and overlook it as I know you can not forget it."

"It's okay Savar" Alicia offered a smile. "I understand why you thought it. Please forgive me for over reacting."

There is nothing to forgive on your part Alicia. I was wrong for a momentary doubt of your feelings and affections. Again, I apologize to you for any hurt I may have caused. I am truly sorry."

"Apology accepted" Alicia smiled warmly. "Would you like to stay with me tonight? I'd be lonely without you even though you are always with me, in my mind."

"I would indeed like to Alicia, if you are certain it is what you want." Savar answered. He did not want to upset Alicia again.

"This seems like a strange thing to say to a Vulcan but, stop worrying about upsetting me." She smiled as she took his hand. "You do not upset me Savar, quite the opposite."

"Most kind Alicia." Savar replied simply.

"I want to learn all there is to learn about you, and I want you to learn everything about me." She smiled warmly.

"A most excellent point of view Alicia. By learning all we can of the other we grow closer and our bond becomes even stronger." Savar replied. Inwardly he was proud that Alicia was so willing to learn and accepting of him.

"A bond I need to learn as much about as possible." Alicia smiled warmly.

"As we spend more time together Alicia, you will learn more of our bond." Savar answered.

"Good" Alicia nodded. "I'm looking forward to learning all there is to know."

"And so you shall Alicia." Savar promised.

"In the meantime..." Alicia smiled as she gently lead Savar towards her bedroom. "I want to enjoy every moment with you."



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