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Help Me!

Posted on Tue Feb 4th, 2020 @ 12:44pm by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris

Mission: Casperia Prime - A lesson in relaxation
Location: Deep Space 9
Timeline: during the rescue mission
765 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Richard Norris and Melissa were enjoying another day on Deep Space Nine, he'd begun a new treatment, it was showing some results actually, so they'd extended their stay a little bit. They'd gotten up early and had a nice breakfast at a Bajoran cafe on the promenade, Richard's winnings were more than enough to cover basically anything they wanted, and were now walking around the promenade near the docking ring, watching ships coming in, "Be bloody glad when the Elysium is one of them..."

"She'll be here soon enough." Melissa sighed, that man didn't own an ounce of patience.

He'd watched from a distance, that dimwitted Orion frozen in place until the time was right, ~That one looks the perfect fool to be my hero.~ He smirked, looking at the older man beside the short haired woman, staring out into the stars. A snap of the fingers and he became she, a pretty, distraught woman with curly mid-length hair and blue eyes, the perfect bait for a bit of revenge. Taking a few steps forward of the Orion, he snapped him free, running towards the man screaming, "Help me! Please someone help me!"

"What in the hell?" Richard said, spinning to see a pretty young woman, thirty at most, in torn clothes running towards him, a large, belligerent Orion dead on her heels. Running as fast as he can, he eclipses the young woman, "Get behind me, lass!"

The Orion didn't even bother to consider the man or his situation, pulling his weapon on the old man, "Get out of the way or die, old man!"

"Now, son, le's think thish ovah." Richard began, seeing that Melissa had the young woman hidden behind her in the reflection in the window in front of him, "I don't want to hurt ye..."

"That's my property!" The Orion snarled,brandishing his pistol, "Now move it, old man!"

"I didnae wan' it te come te this, son." Richard sighed, then slammed his fist into the Orion's head, knocking him to the floor, the phaser clattering across the floor, Richard dove on it quickly, turning the weapon towards his antagonist, "Now that we've got that settled, can we let this end with ye going back to yer ship and the girl comin' with us?"

"Richard, be careful, he's got another gun." Melissa informed, though she was wrong, he actually had three other guns, and something else she saw first, company, "And there's his friends..."

"What's going on here?" The tall dark haired Orion bellowed, he was apparently the leader.

"He's trying to steal the bitch." The first answered, pushing himself off of the deck.

"That's a very expensive item, old man." The leader shook his head, "That one's easily worth a thousand bars."

"Then you're out a thousand bars it seems, becaushe the girl's no going back with ye." Richard smiled, "An' ye should just move along."

"Move along." The Orion leader laughed as the others drew their weapons.

"Yes, ye should." Richard, unfazed by all the weapons pointed at him, responded, "While ye still can."

Without another word, the Orions started to fire, Richard snapping off two fast shots and killing both the first Orion and the other who had stood silent before the leader got a shot off on him, it was headed straight into his chest on maximum setting.

Then the world stopped...

The hostage rose from Melissa's terrified arms and walked to her hero, 'She' now knew his name as Richard, "Wow, maximum power, he'll be vaporized... That simply won't do." With a snap of 'her' fingers the disruptor blast reversed it's course, ending up striking the person who had first fired it, erasing him from existence as 'she' returned to her previous position, cowering in this other woman's arms...

[Fifteen Minutes Later]

Security had finally arrived and they were questioning Richard, who had them eating out of the palm of his hand, as Melissa wrapped her jacket around the younger woman's nearly naked body and handed her a drink, "Okay, honey, you're safe now." She pledged earnestly, "Who were those guys? Actually, let's start with who are you?"

"I'm..." 'She' sniffed, then paused for a drink, "my name is Lt. Catlin Taylor, I'm... I was a doctor at Starfleet medical, epidemiology department. My husband is Cdr. Gary Taylor, he's XO of the USS Elysium."

"The Elysium, you say?" Melissa smiled, "You're in luck, sweetheart. Hey, Richard, you better come hear this."

~Yes, Richard, come hear this...." 'Catlin' thought, hiding a smirk behind her coffee cup, he did indeed need to come hear this.


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Comments (1)

By Captain Gary Taylor on Tue Feb 4th, 2020 @ 11:03pm

An excellent post! Well written and crafted. One that throws a major wrinkle into the life of Gary Taylor. One can not wait to see what these two
gifted writers have in store next.

Commander Gary Taylor