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Special Visitor

Posted on Sun May 24th, 2020 @ 3:39am by Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Lieutenant Commander S'hib

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
5480 words - 11 OF Standard Post Measure

Olivia was preparing to pay a visit to S’hib in his quarters to check up on him after being released from Sickbay to his quarters for a bit more recovery time after the ordeal he went through planet side. She had a couple bundle set of carrots, several apples, and some Carmel sauce to go with the already pre-sliced apples. Olivia has one stop to make on the way to S’hib’s quarters and that was to stop by Lt Commander Gallic Norris’ quarters to see if by chance Tay would be able to go along on this visit in hopes of cheering up S’hib. Grabbing the goodies that she had for S’hib, Olivia also grabbed a batch of fresh made chocolate chip cookies to take with her as she made the stop at Lt Commander Norris’ quarters along the way to S’hib’s quarters.

Olivia boarded the turbo lift with all of her goodies and headed towards her first destination. After a short ride, Olivia stepped off the turbo lift, walked down the corridor towards Lt Commander Norris’ quarters. Upon finding the right one, Olivia stopped and pressed the chime to announce her presence.

Gallia had just gotten Tayalas out of the tub when she heard the chime ring, yelling back "Jus' a second, please." While she put her child in clean clothes and brushed her hair, "Come in!"

Olivia entered the quarters for Lt Commander Norris when the door opened up for her. She looked around the common room waiting patiently. “I’m sorry for stopping by unannounced Commander,” Olivia called out. “It is Lt Olivia Voight, the new Assistant Chief Medical Officer. Thought I would stop in for a moment before going to see Lt S’hib.”

"Oh, aye, I know of ye!" Gallia smiled as she walked into the living area with Tayalas in her arms, "Ye work with Dr. Bossk.. Sthilg. Sorry, he remin's me a me uncle Bossk, he was a Gorn as well, me dad's best friend an' me godfather an' protector. Anyway, whet can we do for ye, Doctor Voight?"

Olivia smiled as Gallia came into the room with Tayalas in her arms. “Well I’m on my way to Lt S’hib’s quarters to check up on him,” Olivia replied. “I go by to check up on him to make sure he is doing alright since he and a few others came back on board after a certain incident on the planet. Lt S’hib has not been his normal self the lately and I was hopping that a certain young friend might help me put a smile on his face. I have my own special treats for S’hib with me.” Olivia held up a small basket with the carrots, apples, and Carmel sauce for some of the apples. “I was thinking little Tayalas might like to share some chocolate chip cookies with S’hib to see if they would cheer him up some.” Olivia then held up a container with the cookies in them.

"Mommyyy, I see Sib?" Tayalas looked up at her mother, her big eyes begging permission to see her friend, not to mention get at those choccy chippy cookies.

"Alright, darlin'." Gallia smiled, kissing her daughter's head, "Ye got te be good for Dr. Voight though or she may no invite ye again."

"I will, mommyyy." Tayalas replied with a toothy grin.

"An' when ye get back it's straight in there te brush ye teeth and inte bed wit ye." Gallia reminded her, "Ye've got school tomorrow because Mrs. Blankenship has a doctor's visit."

"Okay, mommyyy." Tayalas replied, she never fought her mommy about bed time, sleepy sleep was important.

"Well, go change outta ye pajamas and inte one of ye pretty dresses yer Auntie Stelle bought ye then." Gallia instructed, letting the little munchkin scurry off to choose her outfit, "She likes te dress herself."

Olivia smiled as she watched Tayalas go off into the other room to change her outfit for the special visit with S’hib. “Your welcome to come along as well Commander if you’d like,” Olivia said. “I know S’hib has a special fondness of Tayalas after seeing them together back during the Christmas party.”

"An' Tayalas for him." Gallia smiled, "Aye, I think I'll accomp-knee ye. Gimme a second, my clothes are wet, Tayalas considers the tub another place te play."

“Alright, I will wait for both of you right here. I think all little ones Tayalas age think that about the tub at some point,” Olivia replied. “Seeing little Tayalas will do S’hib a lot of good I think. It will remind him that there is still a lot of good around to look after.”

"I hope so." Gallia replied from her bedroom, where her wet uniform was being replaced by a pair of black jeans and a Scotland football t-shirt, "I dinnae what I'd do for her if something happened te him. I wouldnae want te even think on it."

Tayalas came back into the living room a minute later, now in a pink dress with a duck on the chest and carrying a pair of matching pink tennis shoes, holding them up to the new woman, Mommy called her Docher Voight, "You hep, peeasse?"

“I would be happy to help you,” Olivia said as she set the goodies aside and sat down on the floor to help Tayalas with her shoes. “You look very pretty in your dress, Tayalas. I have a feeling S’hib will smile when he see’s you in this dress.” Olivia crossed her legs and opened up her arms for Tayalas to come join her. “Let’s get those pretty pink shoes on your feet little one.”

"Tank oo." She replied, sticking her feet out for the nice lady to help her with her shoes, they had been a gift from Mommy's brother, Uncle Sharles and his wife, Auntie Vanilla.

Olivia helped Tayalas with her shoes. She placed each shoe onto Tayalas little feet when she held out each foot for her. She then made sure to tie the shoe laces to make sure they were tied good but not to tight to hurt. “How’s that Tayalas?,” Olivia asked. “I didn’t tie them to tight for you did I?”

"All good." Tay replied with a smile, "Tank oo." She then spread her arms wide, offering Docher Voight huggies, she deserved it for her help.

"You're very welcome," Olivia replied in return as she opened her arms once more. "I'm glad I was able to help."

Tayalas got to her feet and managed to walk over into Docher Voight's hug, smiling broadly, she loved huggies.

"Aww, isnae that cute." Gallia remarked as she walked into the room, "I guess I shoulda warnt ye, hugs are basically mandatarry round here, Doc."

"Mommyyy!" Tayalas squealed, always happy to see her.

"Tha's right, darlin', i's ye mommy." Gallia replied happily, so glad that Tay had finally mastered the word.

"Hugs are a good thing," Olivia replied. "I'm sure that S'hib will love getting some hugs from Tayalas when we get to his quarters and surprise him with all the goodies we have for him."

"Well, I certainly hope so." Gallia snickered, knowing her daughter would run to grab him as fast as her little feet would carry her, "Because that l'il blueberry's gonna be rushin' straight te him for jus that purpose."

"Mommyyy, we go Sib now, peeassse!" Tayalas plead, they were wasting time, time she could be spending with Sib.

"Hold on, Tay, le's see if our guest is ready." Gallia calmed her, "Doctor, we good te go?"

Olivia smiled as she unfolded her legs and stood up. She then picked up the goodies she had brought with her for their visit to see S'hib. "I'm ready to go and I see a certain little one can't wait to see her special friend." Olivia walked towards the door with Gallia and Tayalas.

"Right then." Gallia smiled, taking Tayalas' hand and walking towards the door alongside her and Dr. Voight, "Glad she likes ye, Doc."

“I’m glad she likes me to,” Olivia replied. She walked along the corridor with Gallia and Tayalas towards the turbo lift that would take them to the level where S’hib’s quarters. Upon entering the turbo lift, Olivia gave the deck level and it didn’t take long and they exited the turbo lift. After passing a few quarters Olivia stopped at the door that was for S’hib.

Olivia knelt down to Tayalas’ level to speak to her for a moment. “Now S’hib doesn’t know yet that you are with me for this visit,” Olivia said. “You little lady are my bonus surprise for him. He only knows that I planned on stopping by at some point to see how he is doing.”

"Okay, whet I do?" She asked, knowing there were always things you had to do to surprise someone.

Olivia smiled as she thought for a moment. “Let me go in ahead of you a couple steps,” Olivia said. “Then when you hear me say that I have a special surprise then you can come running in to surprise S’hib along with going over to him to give him hugs.”

"Okay." Tayalas smiled, "You in first, I come in, give Sib huggy hugs."

“That’s right,” Olivia replied with a smile. “You are his special surprise visitor today.” Olivia stood back up and pressed the chime next to S’hibs Door to let him know she was there.

Tayalas, for her part, went and stood behind her mommy and Docher Voight, she might have been little but she knew what surprises were.

The chime roused S'hib from his meditation, his ears flicking towards the door with a brief moment of panic fluttering over his heart. "Just a minute!" S'hib called out, uncurling his crossed legs as he moved off his bed, making sure he had something around his waist before heading for the door.

"Ok, you can come in." He said softly, trying not to appear as nervous as felt.

Olivia walked into S'hib's quarters when the door opened for her. "I brought you a few goodies to enjoy, big guy," Olivia softly said. "I also have a special surprise for you this visit."

"A surprise?" he asked curiously, his ears flicking slightly to the sound of a quiet giggle out in the corridor.

She heard that! Someone had said the magic word! Bolting out from behind Mommy, Tayalas rushed as fast as her little legs would go, squealing, "SIB!!!" And grabbing the horsey man by his legs into a tight little hug.

The little blue blur definitely took S'hib by surprise, containing his momentary flutter of panic as he realised whom it was attacking his leg with love. "Ohh come on, give me a proper hug." He snorted, leaning down toward Tay with outstretched arms.

Olivia softly laughed as she watched Tayalas make a bee line stright for S'hib and hug his legs.

Tay immediately placed herself in Sib's arms and waited for him to give her uppies, she'd never get there on her own. Like almost everyone else she knew, Sib was biggy tall, while she remained tiny small.

"Well, ye know, she gets te where she can get." Gallia laughed, though she was happy her little girl was starting to grow.

Olivia smiled as she watched Tayalas and S'hib. "She will continue to grow as time goes along, just like the rest of us did," Olivia said.

"Oi! Dinnae rush it, Doc." Gallia warned playfully, "I wanna enjoy my baby as a baby jus as long as I can dae it."

"Oh you will get to enjoy all sorts of things with that little one," Olivia replied as she laughed a little. "I'm sure she will have all sorts of adventures with you around."

"No if I have a choice in it she willnae." Gallia laughed, "I'm tryin' so hard te keep them adventures not so adventurous if I can. No wanting te see her get hurt or noothing."

Olivia laughed a little more. "Some things are just out of our control at times," Olivia softly said. "Though you do have S'hib here to help look after Tayalas to make sure nothing happens to her."

"Oh, aye, those two jus' instantly bonded." Gallia laughed as she recalled the first meeting, "He took her on a ride an' she's been in love e're since."

"On my homeworld, children are everyone's responsibility..." S'hib replied softly as he picked Tay up, cupping an arm underneath her rear and resting his chin gently on her head. "So, hooves or not I'd look after her like she was my own."

Olivia smiled as she looked up at S'hib. "See, big guy, I told you that you've been doing a good job in helping look after her," Olivia replied. "I also have a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the two of you to share as well, big guy."

"Well between myself and Naxea I think this little one has more protection than the Captain..." He snorted happily, twitching his upper lip over Tays brilliantly white hair. "Just, don't tell her I said that..."

“I’m not about to spill the beans to the Captain,” Olivia replied.

"See-a." Tayalas said, repeating the name Sib had just mentioned, "Lub See-a."

"You love her as well?" S'hib neighed happily. "Have you told her how much you love her?" He questioned softly, his eyes watching her antennas for subtle movements. "Or do you let your hugs do all the talking for you."

“I have a feeling a certain little lady likes to let her hugs do the talking with certain individuals,” Olivia said.

"Aye, quite the l'il cuddle bunny, this one." Gallia said lovingly, she looked forward to every hug the blueberry would give her, "She's jus' the most lovin' and kind child."

Olivia smiled as she stepped over to where S’hib was standing with Tayalas in his arms. “Alright big guy,” Olivia said. “Have a seat here at your table with Tayalas. That way it will be easier for both of you to enjoy the freshly made chocolate chip cookies together.”

"Livia makey maked cookies, Sib." Tayalas explained in her own adorable way, "We has cookies now?"

"Are you kidding me?" S'hib snorted excitedly for Tay, "Of course we're having those cookies." He said trotting over the short distance to his smallish table, sitting down with Tay in his lap.

"I has cookies with Sib, they has choccy chips..." Tayalas sang, her excited anticipation obvious in her little voice, "Livia made choccy chip cookies for me an' Sib."

Olivia softly laughed as she watched Tay having fun with S'hib and telling him about the cookies. She took the lid off the container of cookies and sat the container close to S'hib and Tayalas so that they could each take a cookie and enjoy them together. "Would either of you like some milk to go with your cookie?," Olivia asked.

"I get!" Tayalas offered, sliding down off of Sib's lap and walking to the food computer, "Cah-pooter, choccy milk!" She requested, as she'd seen her mommies and Mrs. Blankyship
do so many times before.

"Greetings, Tayalas." The computer replied, it recognized her speech patterns, and quickly made the requested beverage, which she took in both of her little hands and walked back towards Sib, asking, "Sib want choccy milk too?"

"I think I'll have some ordinary milk Tay, I'll get sick if I have too much chocolate." S'hib replied, watching in amusement and mild panic at the small child carrying chocolate milk around his ornate rugs.

Gallia saw S'hib's eyes and registered his near panic, and no doubt she knew why, "Tay, darlin', why don't ye let mommy hold onto yer milk while ye get some for Sib?"

"Okay, mommyy." Tayalas smiled, walking slowly to her mother and handing her the glass, "I be right back." She waddled back to the replicator as fast as her tiny little feet could move her and smiled, "Cah-pooter, milky milk for Sib."

The computer created the requested beverage quickly, Tay walking it to her friend as quickly as she felt she could, "For oo, Sib."

S'hib mouthed a word of thanks to Gallia before Tay came up to him. "Thank you Tay." S'hib smiled, taking the glass gently from her with one hand while offering a cookie with the other.

"Tank oo, Sib." Tayalas grinned, taking the offered cookie and taking a bite, her eyes and facial expression showing how much she was enjoying it, "Livia makey make good cookies."

"I think next time Olivia makes cookies, you should help her." He smiled before taking a small nibble of a cookie, unaware of what chaos he had just wrought upon Olivia and Gallia.

"Livia we makes cookies?" Tayalas asked, she would love to help Livia, she just loved to be included.

Olivia knelt down to Tayalas’ level to talk to her. “Next batch of cookies I make, I would love to have you as my special helper,” Olivia replied. “We could do peanut butter cookies as well as the chocolate chip cookies that you like so much little lady.”

Tayalas raised one little white eyebrow curiously, Peanut butter cookies? She wondered, peanut butter was for sammies, with jelly, but she would try anything, "Okay, Livia." She said with a million watt smile, leaning forward to kiss Livia on her forehead, "I help oo make peanut butty cookies."

Olivia smiled back. “We will have fun making cookies,” Olivia said. “Once we make the cookies, we can make special delivery of some of the cookies with those you would like to share them with provided your mommy approves and get to have some herself.”

"Mommy, we can give cookies, peeasse?" Tayalas asked, she was so well mannered for a child her age, "Livia says we give oo some too. You like peanut butty cookies?"

"Aye, darlin', I love peanut butter cookies, me mum used te make 'em for me." Gallia answered, "An' that's a right sweet idea there, darlin', ye an' Livia can make a lot of people's days better."

"Your mommy and I will find a day that works so that I can have you be my special helper when it comes to making the cookies," Olivia said.

"Yay!" Tayalas squealed happily, she already decided she really liked Livia and wanted to do stuff with her, even if it was only making cookies, "You like swimmy swim, Livia?"

Olivia smiled at seeing Tayalas happy about being able to help make the next batch of cookies. "Yes, I like to swim," Olivia replied. "Have you started swimming lessions?"

"Uh huh, uh huh." Tayalas nodded excitedly, "Sana teached me how. I good at it. We swimmy swim togeffer, Livia?"

"I would like that, for it has been awhile since I've got to go swimming," Olivia replied. "Whenever you get to have your next lesson maybe I can come as well."

"I asks Sana, tell him I wan Livia come swimmy swim wif us." Tayalas beamed, just certain that Sana would be thrilled to have Livia along.

"It'd make me feel safer knowin' there was a doctor right there." Gallia said welcomingly, "No tha' I'm scared anythin's gonna happen to me girl, but still, wouldnae hurt. Plus I think Tay just wants ye round."

"I would be honored to join in on the swimming," Olivia said. "Plus, having an extra person around might come in handy for the swimming lessions."

"And a certain little blue person jus' loves company." Gallia laughed warmly, that was one of the truest statements she'd ever spoken, "Well, the company of certain people, of which you've just been admitted to the selected number."

"I'm honored to be included in the select few that a certain little lady likes to be around," Olivia replied. "Alright little lady, don't forget to drink your milk. Got to keep you strong for your swimming lessons."

"Okay, Livia." Tayalas smiled, turning to find her choccy milk and not quite sure where she left it, turning her head one way and her antennae the other, trying to cover as much ground at once as she could.

"Right here, love." Gallia said, solving the case of the missing choccy, as she handed Tayalas her drink, "Mommy kep' it safe for ye."

"Tank oo, mommyy." Tayalas cooed, then took a drink, her face almost instantly locking into a grin when that first sip of choccy hit her soul, "Tha's good."

"That's a good girl," Olivia said. "You might want to check up on S'hib there to make sure he is drinking his milk."

"Sib, you milk good?" Tayalas asked, she felt bad for Sib, who had to worry about getting sick from the choccy, that couldn't be fun for him, "We eat cookies."

Caught mid sip S'hib struggled to swallow fast enough. "Mm," He mumbled slightly, wiping his wet upper lip before setting his glass down. "I best eat some before you eat them all eh?" He smirked.

"I no eat all." Tayalas replied with a laugh, "No wanna get chunky an' bob like apple."

"Oh, I see... you're trying to fatten me up." He snorted, moving his hands to tickle her sides.

Olivia softly laughed as she knelt down to Tayalas' level. "You wouldn't get chunky with all the swimming lessons you going to get getting little lady," Olivia said.

"We explained chunky te her the other night before her first lesson." Gallia laughed, "I didnae know right how to explain it, but Cdr. Taylor jumped right in an helped me out, explained if she stayed slim she could swim like a fish, but if she got chunky she'd jus' bob in the water like an apple." Gallia, afraid she'd said something inadvertently horrible, quickly explained, "I wasnae fat shamin' my baby, ye understand, jus' concerned aboot keepin' 'er healthy was all."

"I don't think you have to explain yourself Gallia, you have Tay's best interests at heart." S'hib smiled softly, turning his head back to Tay. "Just remember little apple seed... even sticks float." He snorted softly, petting the hair between her antennas.

"Plus, you've been making sure that this little lady has been getting good meals each day," Olivia said. "So having a little extra treat like this every so often doesn't hurt as long as it still within moderation. Don't want anyone getting sick or a stomach ache."

"Mommyy take good care of Yalas." The baby reassured her, "Good mommyy. I stay helfy for Mommyy."

"Yes, your mommy has been taking good care of you," Olivia replied. "Plus, you have your buddy S'hib here also to help look after you."

"I thought she was looking after me?" S'hib smiled, hiding his face behind a cookie he was gently nibbling on.

Olivia softly laughed. "I think you both have fun looking after each other," Olivia replied.

"They do at that." Gallia concurred, happy to see her baby girl able to lift S'hib's spirits, though she hadn't gotten to see Naxea yet, "An' ye oughta see Ms. Macho Marine goin' all gaga over me baby."

"I'm sure to see that at some point," Olivia replied. "Alight little lady, you better get a few more hugs in with S'hib. We need to get you back to your quarters soon so that you can get you ready for sleep. Don't want to get into trouble with keeping you up way too long past your bedtime. Plus, tomorrow you can work on your list of who you would like to deliver cookies to when we get to make them."

"Okay, Livia." Tayalas smiled, waddling over to Sib and reaching her little arms up to him, if he wanted huggies she was going to need uppies, she was still tiny smol, "We give cookies to See-a an' Enn-a an' Mrs. Blankyship, an' my mommyy, an' Sana."

"Aight, up you come." S'hib neighed happily as he lifted Tay onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. "You be good for your mother ok?"

"Always good fow my mommyy." Tayalas pledged, hugging Sib again, "I go home, brushy brush, sleepy sleep, school tomowwow."

"She's never a bit o fuss about bed time." Gallia said proudly, she had one of the best behaved children she'd ever seen.

"Yalas sleep in big bed wif mommyy tonight?" The little blueberry asked, she definitely loved having all her plush friends on her bed with her, but being there with mommy and hearing her thumpy thumps made everything better for her, so peaceful.

"I think we might can 'range that." Gallia said with a wink, sheepishly admitting, "It's helped me sleep a bit since this whole void business started."

Olivia smiled a bit as she watched the interaction between Gallia and Tayalas. "At least you have figured out a way to help without resorting to the use of other things such as medications," Olivia said.

"Just need a blueberry infusion is all." Gallia smiled, nothing made her feel safer than the presence of her fiance and her baby, especially all at once, "An' I willnae be gettin' on nay meds, cannae be messed up if ma l'il one needs me."

"I'd say that a certain little lady was just what was needed for a certain big guy as well," Olivia replied. "She is the perfect one to help in lifting his spirits and sharing chocolate chip cookies with at the same time."

"I dinnae think this one's gonna be an engineer." Gallia shook her head and smiled, "She's got counselor written all over 'er."

"Whas'at?" Tayalas asked, she wasn't sure what a counselor was, but if it was written all over her she needed to know how it got there, too.

"Tha's what Maddy does here, Tay." Gallia replied, "She helps people when they have... inside boo boos, the way Tallia does with their outside boo boos. Helps them no be sad nay more. I's a very good thing."

"I lub Maddy." Tayalas grinned, the redhead with the crazy curls certainly had become a good friend to her, "She keep safe when bad guys camed on our home."

"Tha she did." Gallia smiled, "An' I dinnae think I could ever express ma gratitude far it."

Simply listening to everyone as they spoke was oddly nice, there voicing filling his small quarters with ease as Tay sat on his lap. But even so, certain words or topics triggered flashes of memories... or where they dreams? he could not say for certain, he had been dreaming often since his imprisonment, blending his waking reality with his subconscious.

"How about I walk back with you, give Tay a ride on my shoulders again." He said softly, forcing a smile to be on his face as he ignored the shapes and figures in the darkened corners of his room.

"What dae ye say ta that, Tay?" Gallia asked, "Ye wanna spend some more time with Sib? Let 'im take ye for another ride?"

"I take Sib ride? Yay!!!" Tayalas said excitedly, "I show Sib picher of fammy."

"Oh, aye, the one ye drew." Gallia remembered, "He'll love that far certain, darlin'. Okay, guess we're goin' back with an extra."

"Plus after school tomorrow," Olivia said, "I'm sure you could do up a real nice picture of S'hib and you together. Maybe where he is giving one of his famous rides on his shoulders."

"I draw Sib!" Tayalas said gleefully, "I gibs him the picher."

"I bet he would love that," Olivia said. "I also bet that he will display it in a very special place so that everytime he looks at it he thinks of you."

"That will nice." Tayalas smiled, she was going to draw Livia, too, so Livia could think of her.

Olivia smiled as she stood up from where she had been kneeling on the floor. "Alright, big guy," Olivia said. "Time to give this little lady her ride back to her quarters. It time for her to get ready for bed and get some sleep. Don't want to keep her up too late past her bed time."

"Wight! Sib, we go now? I go sleepy sleep." Tayalas asked, she was starting to get tired.

"Gonna make me tired with all this talk of sleeping." S'hib sighed happily as he scooped the young Andorian up and placed her on his shoulders. "Let's go before I fall asleep." He yawned while standing, making sure to keep his knees bent and his back arched so as to not hit Tay into plants all along the ceiling.

Olivia watched as S'hib carefully stand and position himself so that Tayalas wouldn't end up in his hanging plants. They all then headed out of S'hib's quarters to make their way back to Tayalas' and the Commander's quarters so that they could get some much needed sleep was well.

Tayalas wrapped her tiny little blue arms around Sib's neck and laid her head against his shoulder, she was truly struggling to stay awake at this point, but she knew Sib wouldn't let her fall and get hurt, so she wasn't worried.

Olivia noticed that Tayalas was getting sleepy on the trip back to her quarters. After a short trip on the turbolift and a short walk down the corridor they arrived at Gallia and Tayalas' quarters. "Alright little one," Olivia softly said, "make sure you brush your teeth and change into your pajama's before climbing into your mommy's big bed for sleep."

"Okay, Livia, brushy brush, sleepy sleep." Tayalas said through the falling haze.

S'hib turned his back towards Gallia, knowing full well the little blue girl on his back was far past walking at this point. "I think she might need some assistance." He smiled.

"An' I'm happy te help her." Gallia replied with a warm smile, she would never pass up one of the moments when Tay needed her mommy, knowing soon they would be gone forever to the inevitability of maturation.

"Let me know what day works for you Commander on the cookie baking lesson for Tayalas and I will arrange to have everything ready," Olivia said. "While you are getting this little one ready for bed, I will make sure this big guy makes it back to his quarters so that he can get some sleep as well."

"Aye, that sounds a plan." Gallia smiled, happy to see S'hib had people looking out for his well being the way she did for Tayalas.

Olivia reached up to get Talayas who was sleepy up on S'hib's shoulders and carefully handed her over to her mother. "Hopefully you two will get a good night sleep Commander," Olivia said. "Now lets get you back to your quarters big guy, so that you can get a good night sleep as well."

"Yes mother," S'hib said sarcastically, grinning as he turned towards Gallia. "Sleep well, Commander." he nodded before moving to leave.

"Ye two are right cute." Gallia laughed, "Good night, thanks for the cookies and company."

"Night night, Sib, night night, Livia." Tayalas, now obviously exhausted, waved to her friends, "Mommyy, we go brushy brush now?"

"Aye, darlin', le's go brushy brush and then sleepy sleep." Gallia smiled, walking her daughter to their bathroom, "But maybe between a story."

"Yay!" Tayalas exclaimed, just slightly above a whipser, "Lub stowy time."

Olivia smiled as she watched Gallia and Tayalas enter their quarters. "Time to get you back to your quarters now big guy," Olivia said. "I don't want you falling asleep and getting hurt before you make it back to your quarters."

"You should know, I can sleep while standing..." S'hib said, his voice trailing off as he slowly tapped off down the hallway.

"Maybe so, but I want to make sure you get some decent sleep, big guy," Olivia replied as they continued to make their way back towards S'hib's quarters. "Got to make sure you stay healthy so that you can continue having a bit of fun with Tayalas when your not working all the time."

"I'm fine... you're worrying too much." S'hib said, waving a hand dismissively.

"I'm allowed to worry, big guy," Olivia replied with a little laugh. "Besides if I didn't then there are some that would start to worry about me if I didn't." Olivia continued to walk with S'hib and made sure that he made it to his quarters without any problems. Once they made it to S'hib's quarters after a little longer, Olivia looked up at S'hib and smiled. "Alright big guy, you get in there and get a good night sleep. I will check up on you again soon." Olivia headed back to her quarters once she S'hib had entered his quarters.


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