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Medical Visit

Posted on Thu May 14th, 2020 @ 9:25am by Lieutenant Commander Turak & Commander Sthilg

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Medical Bay on USS Elysium
Timeline: Current Time
Tags: Lieutenant Commander Sthilg
516 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

As he walked into the medical bay, Turak saw how clean and shiny that it was, it also smelled of disinfectant - not an unpleasant smell. After all, Turak thought, cleanliness is next to godliness. As he entered, he saw Lieutenant Commander Sthilg and said, "Lieutenant Commander Turak, reporting for implant and physical as required."

The gorn offered a smile and lead the way toward one of the bio beds. " Pleassse sssit down and roll up your sssleve. We'll get the implant done firssst."

"You're the boss," Turak responded as he took his seat on the bio bed. "Are you sure this is completely necessary? I'm not sure how crazy I am about having a piece of technology embedded into my body."

" It isss. I can remove it afterward if you don't want it in permanently." The gorn said as he picked up the implantation gun. " This may hurt for a few ssseconedsss. " he said calmly as he placed the implanter on the Vulcans arm.

"Ouch!" Turak said as the implant made its way into his arm. "Yeah, at some point in the future I would love to have it out of me... What's next doc?"

" Lay down on one of the bio beds and we'll get you ssseen to. Any medical incidents sssince your last ssscan that aren't on file?" the doctor asked.

As he laid down on the closest bio bed, he answered the question, "Actually, no medical incidents of any kind. I've been trying to eat sensibly and go to the gym a lot lately - it's become routine for me."

" Have to asssk. Thisss ssshoudn't take long." The gorn said as the machine got under way.

"I understand, Doc," Turak said as he waited for the results of the bio bed scan.

The gorn nodded his head as the data began to come through. " Nervousss about the upcoming missssssion?" he asked the assistant security chief.

"I suppose that I would be lying if I said 'No,'" Turak responded. "I always seem to be a tad on the nervous side before a mission begins. I usually get over it as soon as it starts. I think it is that way because I usually don't have time during a mission to remember that I was nervous in the first place."

" I know that feeling. Caring for the medical needsss of the ssship is alwaysss a worry. Do we have another sssparesss and are the medical replicatorsss woking." The gorn replied

Seeing that his scans on the bio bed were completing as they spoke, Turak asked, "well, am I healthy, doc?"

" Very. I sssee no need to not declare you fir for duty." zThe gorn replied as he saved the scan and began making a copy for Turak.

As he got up from the bed, Turak asked, “Is there anything else you need doc?”

"Nope, you're free to go. I'll ssssssee you around." He said shutting down the scanner.

"Thanks again," Turak said as he left med bay and returned to his duties.

Assistant Chief of Security

Chief Medical Officer


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