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Counseling Appointment

Posted on Fri May 8th, 2020 @ 8:28am by Lieutenant Commander Turak & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Counseling Office
Timeline: Current Time
673 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

As he walked into the office, he felt a little uneasiness about being there, after all, he had recently gone through the traumatic experience of losing his wife of only one year. He entered the office and saw Lieutenant Kelea-Salik and said, "Lieutenant Commander Turak reporting for mandatory yearly counseling."

“Nice to meet you Commander, please feel free to take a seat and make yourself comfortable.” Alicia smiled warmly. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

As Turak made his way to a very comfortable looking leather chair, he replied, "I'll take a black coffee, thank you."

Alicia nodded. “One black coffee coming right up.” She returned not long after with his coffee, placing it on the coffee table she took a seat on the sofa. “How are you doing Commander?” She looked at Turak’s file on her PADD. “I see that you recently suffered the traumatic loss of your wife, my condolences.”

In a uneasy voice, Turak responded, "Thank you...….it has been tough for me. We had known each other since we were kids and were very much so in love. I guess you can say," Turak said as he was trying to hold back his human-like emotion, "I have been working longer hours to keep myself busy and my mind off of it." He paused ~Damn emotion~ "It happened so suddenly, she was hit by a transport on the streets of San Francisco and was killed instantly. I was told by one of her friends that she was in such a hurry to get to one of her final exams at the Academy that she wasn't looking where she was going...…" Turak became silent, in wait for whatever question came next...….

Alicia nodded. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Grief is a completely natural response, I can feel that you’re holding your emotions back. I know it’s difficult but allow yourself to grieve, bottling it up will in the long run cause you more pain.”

Turak thought a moment and then said, "understood doctor, however, I have talked at great length with people I trust about this and will continue to do so for a long time yet. It's not that I want to bottle it up, it's more that I am trying not to allow it to affect my professional life. I know my wife wouldn't want me to be a constant blubbering mess, she would want to me to move on.....and to do that, I need to try and dedicate time to my duties here aboard the Elysium."

Alicia nodded. “That’s fair enough, as long as you’re talking to someone about this and you have people to support you.” She smiled.

"I do, and it makes it a lot easier at times," Turak said. "What's next," he asked?

“Well psyche evaluations are just a chance for you to talk to me about anything you may or may not need help with, that I can organise for you. It’s also a chance for me to make sure you’re ready for duty and so far I’m happy that you’re coping well enough after your loss. I think I’d be remiss in my duties as Chief Counsellor to deny you your duties. Before I clear you is there anything else you’d like to talk about?”

With a smile, Turak responded, "No, nothing that I can think of...."

“Alright” Alicia nodded. “Well as long as you feel you’re able to do your duties I see no reason for me to deny you them. If you need any help, or someone to talk to please don’t hesitate to come and see either myself or any of the Counselling team.”

"Thank you, Lieutenant, it is much appreciated," Turak said as he was getting up to leave. "and thank you for the session." Turak smiled and took his leave.

“Thank you for coming Commander.” Alicia smiled warmly.

Assistant Chief of Security

Lt Alicia Kelea-Salik
Chief Counsellor


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